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214 lines (207 loc) · 130 KB

SceanrioDB signal list version 3.0

Name Group Subgroup Subsubgroup Attribute Signal Class Description Data Type Unit Minimal Accuracy Frequency Comment
posX Polyline, Trajectory - - - Measured X coordinate in polyline double (Relativ to Lat/Long reference point) m 0,2 m 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
posY Polyline, Trajectory - - - Measured Y coordinate in polyline double (Relativ to Lat/Long reference point) m 0,2 m 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
posZ Polyline, Trajectory - - - Measured Z coordinate in polyline (elevation) double (Relativ to Lat/Long reference point) m 0,2 m 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
heading Trajectory - - - Measured Heading angle of object double deg 0,035 rad (2°) 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
pitch Trajectory - - - Measured Pitch angle of object double deg 0,035 rad (2°) 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
roll Trajectory - - - Measured Roll angle of object double deg 0,035 rad (2°) 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
headingDer Trajectory - - - Measured Heading rate double deg/s 0,035 rad/s 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
pitchDer Trajectory - - - Measured Pitch rate double deg/s 0,035 rad/s 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
rollDer Trajectory - - - Measured Roll rate double deg/s 0,035 rad/s 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
velLongitudinal Trajectory - - - Measured Velocity in longitudinal direction (vehicle coordinate system) double m/s 0,1 m/s 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
velLateral Trajectory - - - Measured Velocity in lateral direction (vehicle coordinate system) double m/s 0,1 m/s 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
velZ Trajectory - - - Measured _Velocity in z-direction (vehicle coordinate system) double m/s 0,1 m/s 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
accLongitudinal Trajectory - - - Measured Acceleration in longitudinal direction (vehicle coordinate system) double m/s^2 0,1 m/s^2 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
accLateral Trajectory - - - Measured Acceleration in lateral direction (vehicle coordinate system) double m/s^2 0,1 m/s^2 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
accZ Trajectory - - - Measured Acceleration in z-direction (vehicle coordinate system) double m/s^2 0,1 m/s^2 _25 Hz / 10Hzv  -
Name Group Subgroup Subsubgroup Attribute Signal Class Description Data Type Unit Minimal Accuracy Frequency Comment
timestamps - - - no Measured Timestamp vector for the complete file. Every value that is time dependent in the following follows this one timestamp vector dobule (vector) s - 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
Name Group Subgroup Subsubgroup Attribute Signal Class Description Data Type Unit Minimal Accuracy Frequency Comment
formatVersion - - - yes Determined Version number of file format used when generating the file string - - - Version x.y
refPointLong - - - yes Determined Absolute reference point longitudinal coordinate double °E - -  -
refPointLat - - - yes Determined Absolute reference point latitudinal coordinate double °N - -  -
recorderNumber - - - yes Determined UUID identifing the partner, that created the file/recording. Together with recorder number unique filename to connect ground truth recordings with the corresponding sensor under test recordings string - - - Same name can be found in perception input format.
recordingNumber - - - yes Determined Identifier of recording. Together with recorder number unique filename to connect ground truth recordings with the corresponding sensor under test recordings string - - - Same name can be found in perception input format.
converterVersion - - yes Determined Can be filled with version of tool to merge road data, dynamic objects and weather data string - - - -
referenceModality - - - yes Determined Include information on the method used to gather the reference data int - - - Lookup table will be provided
customInformation - - - yes Determined Include custom information that you want to be contained in the file but does not fit in any other signal string - - - -
naturalBehavior - - - yes Determined Flag to save if the measurement is part of a planned snippet scenario or naturalistic driving data bool - - - Needed in order to determine if driving was naturalistic
naturalExposure - - - yes Determined Flag to save wether this recording reflects true exposure. Set to false if data has been preprocessed to find "interesting" scenario of some form bool - - - Needed in order to calculate true exposure of scenarios
daytime - - - yes Measured Exact date and time at beginning of recording string - - - Timestamps are only seconds, therefore date and time at beginning needed. Rest can be calculated by summation. String format: yymmddhhmmss
Name Group Subgroup Subsubgroup Attribute Signal Class Description Data Type Unit Minimal Accuracy Frequency Comment
Road ID road - - - Determined Unique ID of road int - - -  Depicted for demonstration purposes. Not explicitly contained in file. Known through postion in file.
converterVersion road - - yes Determined Version number of converter used to convert the map data string - - - Version x.y. Short documentation on converter also needs to be provided
location road/{id} - - yes Determined Determine location of road: Urban, nonurban, highway. int - - - Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
numLanes road/{id} - - yes Measured /Enriched Absolute number of lanes on particular road int - - -  -
border road/{id} - - - - Description of the borders of the lanes of one road Object type with subgroups - - -  -
lane road/{id} - - - - Description of lanes belonging to road Object type with subgroups - - -  -
sign road/{id} - - - - Description of signs belonging to road Object type with subgroups - - -  -
lateralMarking road/{id} - - - - Description of Markings going accross the street Object type with subgroups - - -  -
roadObject road/{id} - - - - Description of other road objects Object type with subgroups - - -  -
structuralObject road/{id} - - - - Description of structural objects Object type with subgroups - - -  -
border ID road - - - Determined Unique ID of border int - - -  -
polyline road/{id} border/{id} - no Measured/Enriched Polyline describing the border of the lane (just physical description of lane course) double (Vector for posX, posY and posZ) - - -  -
Lane ID road lane - - Determined Unique ID of lane int - - -  -
type road/{id} lane/{id} - yes Measured /Enriched e.g. driving, sidewalk, bike lane, bus and bike, bus etc. int - - - Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
subtype road/{id} lane/{id} - yes Measured /Enriched Is this lane part of a bridge or a tunnel int - - - Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
class road/{id} lane/{id} - yes Determined Is this lane part of an intersection or roundabout etc. int - - - Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
predecessor road/{id} lane/{id} - no Measured /Enriched All lane ids of the predecessors that are connected to this current lane List of id tuples - - -  -
successor road/{id} lane/{id} - no Measured /Enriched All lane ids of the successors that are connected to this current lane List of id tuples - - -  -
borderRight road/{id} lane/{id} - no Measured /Enriched Polyline describing the right border of the lane Tuple of ids - - -  -
invertedRight road/{id} lane/{id} - yes Measured /Enriched Is border described in driving direction (=false) or does it need to be inverted (=true) bool - - -  -
borderLeft road/{id} lane/{id} - no Measured /Enriched Polyline describing the left border of the lane Tuple of ids - - -  -
invertedLeft road/{id} lane/{id} - yes Measured /Enriched Is border described in driving direction (=false) or does it need to be inverted (=true) bool - - -  -
layerFlag road/{id} lane/{id} - yes  -  - int  - -  -  -
boundary road/{id} lane/{id} - - - Boundaries of lane Object type with subgroups - - - needs to be defined on the left and the right, multiple possible
flatMarking road/{id} lane/{id} - - - All markings within one lane that are not already boundaries Object type with subgroups - - - e.g. turn arrows etc.
surface road/{id} lane/{id} - - - Surface of the lane Object type with subgroups - - -  -
Boundary ID road lane/{id} boundary - Determined Unique ID of praticular boundary element int - - -  -
type road/{id} lane/{id} boundary yes Measured /Enriched Type of boundary element, e.g. solid line, dashed line, guard rail, curb etc. int - - - Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
subtype road/{id} lane/{id} boundary yes Measured /Enriched subtype dependent on actual type int - - - E.g. thick/thin marking etc. Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
right road/{id} lane/{id} boundary yes Measured /Enriched Indicator if boundary is at the left or right border polyline (if false than left) bool - - -  -
polyIndexStart road/{id} lane/{id} boundary yes Measured /Enriched Point in polyline of lane border at which this boundary begins (if not valid for whole lane) int - - - Only index at which boundary starts. Length of boundary is given by amount of offset points
polyIndexEnd road/{id} lane/{id} boundary yes Measured /Enriched Point in polyline of lane border at which this boundary begins (if not valid for whole lane) int - - - Only index at which boundary starts. Length of boundary is given by amount of offset points
height road/{id} lane/{id} boundary yes Measured /Enriched Optional. Height of boudnary double - - - Can be used for guard rails, other seperators, curbs etc. if desired. If not used standard values are assumed. Do not use for markings
color road/{id} lane/{id} boundary yes Measured /Enriched Color of the boundary int - - - most relevant for markings, Lookup table and guidelines provided
overrides road/{id} lane/{id} boundary no Determined Relevant if an existing object in the DGT is modified (Layer 3 Information). ID of original object that has been modified can be provided here id tuple - - - Allows to use same type definitions for layer 1,2 and 3. Modifications on existing objects can be made visible. Objects are crossreferenced
overriddenBy road/{id} lane/{id} boundary no Determined Relevant if an existing object in the DGT is modified (Layer 3 information). ID of the modified object can be provided here id tuple - - - Allows to use same type definitions for layer 1,2 and 3. Modifications on existing objects can be made visible. Objects are crossreferenced
condition road/{id} lane/{id} boundary yes Measured /Enriched Conditon of boundary (especially relevant for lane markings) int - - - Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
layerFlag road/{id} lane/{id} boundary yes Determined Note down if information is temporary int - - -  -
Flat Marking ID road lane flatMarking - Determined Unique ID of marking within lane int - - -  -
type road/{id} lane/{id} flatMarking yes Measured /Enriched Type of marking, e.g turn arrow, bike sign etc. string - - - within this particular lane, Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
value road/{id} lane/{id} flatMarking yes Measured /Enriched Value of marking if needed additonally because not specified by type int - - -  -
polyline road/{id} lane/{id} flatMarking no Measured /Enriched Point describing the center of the position of this marking. Or two points describing center line of marking double (One or two polyline points posX, posY, posZ) - 0,2 m - Only one point necessary as flat markings are mostly signs painted on road, arrows etc. If desired two points can be provided as centerline in order to save size of marking. Fields for posX, posY and posZ
color road/{id} lane/{id} flatMarking yes Measured /Enriched Color of the marking int - - - Lookup table and guidelines provided
condition road/{id} lane/{id} flatMarking yes Measured /Enriched Condition of marking int - - - Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
overrides road/{id} lane/{id} flatMarking no Determined Relevant if an existing object in the DGT is modified (Layer 3 Information). ID of original object that has been modified can be provided here id tuple - - - Allows to use same type definitions for layer 1,2 and 3. Modifications on existing objects can be made visible. Objects are crossreferenced
overriddenBy road/{id} lane/{id} flatMarking no Determined Relevant if an existing object in the DGT is modified (Layer 3 information). ID of the modified object can be provided here id tuple - - - Allows to use same type definitions for layer 1,2 and 3. Modifications on existing objects can be made visible. Objects are crossreferenced
layerFlag road/{id} lane/{id} flatMarking yes Determined Note down if information is temporary int - - -  -
material road/{id} lane/{id} surface yes Measured /Enriched Material the surface of the road int - - - Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
color road/{id} lane/{id} surface yes Measured /Enriched Color of the road surface int - - - e.g. marking of red bike lanes. Lookup table and guidelines provided
condition road/{id} lane/{id} surface yes Measured /Enriched Condition of the surface (e.g. when containing gaps or bitumen) int - - - Lookup tableprovided. All entries need to be uniform. Pot holes and bitumen etc. can also be described individually as road objects if desired to describe them in greater detail
overrides road/{id} lane/{id} surface no Determined Relevant if an existing object in the DGT is modified (Layer 3 Information). ID of original object that has been modified can be provided here id tuple - - - Allows to use same type definitions for layer 1,2 and 3. Modifications on existing objects can be made visible. Objects are crossreferenced
overriddenBy road/{id} lane/{id} surface no Determined Relevant if an existing object in the DGT is modified (Layer 3 information). ID of the modified object can be provided here id tuple - - - Allows to use same type definitions for layer 1,2 and 3. Modifications on existing objects can be made visible. Objects are crossreferenced
layerFlag road/{id} lane/{id} surface yes Determined Note down if information is temporary int - - -  -
Sign ID road sign  - - Determined Unique ID of traffic sign int - - -  -
type road/{id} sign/{id}  - yes Measured /Enriched Type of traffic sign (this includes traffic lights). Set to string as it uses the offical names of the BAST catalog. string - - - e.g. and traffic lights, Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
value road/{id} sign/{id}  - yes Measured /Enriched Particular value on traffic sign (see also comment) int - - - unnecessary for all traffic signs already in the catalogue above, except for those with specific values such as x m etc.
sizeClass road/{id} sign/{id}  - yes Measured /Enriched Size class of sign (1,2,3) dependent on velocity on road int - - -  -
history road/{id} sign/{id}  - yes Measured /Enriched Symbols of signs have changed over the years in their design. If necessary note down old number of sign here string - - - an overview of all signs valid during the different years can be found here:
timedependent road/{id} sign/{id}  - yes Measured /Enriched Does this sign, i.e. its indication, change somehow over time bool - - -  -
weatherdependent road/{id} sign/{id}  - yes Measured /Enriched Does this sign, i.e. its indication, change somehow with the weather bool - - -  -
applicableLanes road/{id} sign/{id}  - no Measured /Enriched Which lanes on the road does the sign apply to List of id tuples - - -  -
connectedTo road/{id} sign/{id}  - no Measured /Enriched To which other traffic sign is this sign connected List of id tuples - - - most relevant for traffic lights or additional signs such as steep curve in combination with speed limit signs
fallback road/{id} sign/{id}  - yes Measured /Enriched Flag if this sign is only a fallback, e.g., for yield signs at traffic lights if traffic light is broken bool - - -  -
polyline road/{id} sign/{id}  - no Measured /Enriched Position of the traffic # x,y,z double (One polyline point posX, posY, posZ) - 0,2 m - fields for posX, posY and posZ
heading road/{id} sign/{id}  - yes Measured /Enriched Rotation of traffic sign around its height axis double deg  -  -  -
overrides road/{id} sign /{id}  - no Determined Relevant if an existing object in the DGT is modified (Layer 3 Information). ID of original object that has been modified can be provided here id tuple - - - Allows to use same type definitions for layer 1,2 and 3. Modifications on existing objects can be made visible. Objects are crossreferenced
overriddenBy road/{id} sign/{id}  - no Determined Relevant if an existing object in the DGT is modified (Layer 3 information). ID of the modified object can be provided here id tuple - - - Allows to use same type definitions for layer 1,2 and 3. Modifications on existing objects can be made visible. Objects are crossreferenced
layerFlag road/{id} sign/{id}  - yes Determined Note down if information is temporary int - - -  -
Lateral Marking ID road lateralMarking  - - Determined Unique ID of marking going accross multiple lines (e.g. pedestrian crossings or stop lines) int - - -  -
type road/{id} lateralMarking/{id}  - yes Measured /Enriched Type of Lateral Marking int - - - Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
polyline road/{id} lateralMarking/{id}  - no Measured /Enriched Course and position of marking. Centerline double (Vector for posX, posY and posZ) - 0,2 m - Multiple points possible to describe course of marking. Points should form centerline (lateral direction) of marking. Fields for posX, posY and posZ
longSize road/{id} lateralMarking/{id}  - yes Measured /Enriched Size of marking in longitudinal direction. double - - - e.g., for size of cross walk in longitudinal direction. For most lines irrelevant because of standard values
color road /{id} lateralMarking/{id}  - yes Measured /Enriched Color of marking int - - - Lookup table and guidelinesprovided
applicableLanes road/{id} lateralMarking/{id}  - no Measured /Enriched On which lanes is this marking located on list of ids - - -  -
condition road/{id} lateralMarking/{id}  - yes Measured /Enriched Condition of marking int - - - Lookup table will be provided. All entries need to be uniform
overrides road/{id} lateralMarking/{id}  - no Determined Relevant if an existing object in the DGT is modified (Layer 3 Information). ID of original object that has been modified can be provided here id tuple - - - Allows to use same type definitions for layer 1,2 and 3. Modifications on existing objects can be made visible. Objects are crossreferenced
overriddenBy road/{id} lateralMarking /{id}  - no Determined Relevant if an existing object in the DGT is modified (Layer 3 information). ID of the modified object can be provided here id tuple - - - Allows to use same type definitions for layer 1,2 and 3. Modifications on existing objects can be made visible. Objects are crossreferenced
layerFlag road/{id} lateralMarking/{id}  - yes Determined Note down if information is temporary int - - -  -
Road Object ID road roadObject  - - Determined Unique ID of any road object that is not already covered int - - -  -
type road/{id} roadObject/{id}  - yes Meaured /Enriched Type of road object (e.g. roundabout center, traffic island) int - - - Lookup tableprovided. All entries need to be uniform
polyline road /{id} roadObject/{id}  - no Meaured /Enriched Course and position of road object double (Vector for posX, posY and posZ)  - 0,2 m - Multiple points possible to describe area of object. Fields for posX, posY and posZ
drivable road/{id} roadObject/{id}  - yes Meaured /Enriched Is it possible to drive on this object if necessary bool - - -  -
walkable road/{id} roadObject/{id}  - yes Meaured /Enriched Is it possible to walk on this object bool - - -  -
height road/{id} roadObject/{id}  - yes Meaured /Enriched Optional. Height of road object if needed. double - - -  -
overrides road/{id} roadObject/{id}  - no Determined Relevant if an existing object in the DGT is modified (Layer 3 Information). ID of original object that has been modified can be provided here id tuple - - - Allows to use same type definitions for layer 1,2 and 3. Modifications on existing objects can be made visible. Objects are crossreferenced
overriddenBy road /{id} roadObject/{id}  - no Determined Relevant if an existing object in the DGT is modified (Layer 3 information). ID of the modified object can be provided here id tuple - - - Allows to use same type definitions for layer 1,2 and 3. Modifications on existing objects can be made visible. Objects are crossreferenced
layerFlag road/{id} roadObject/{id}  - yes Determined Note down if information is temporary int - - -  -
Structural Object ID road structuralObject  - - Determined Unique ID of structural object int - - -  -
type road/{id} structuralObject/{id}  - yes Meaured /Enriched Type of structural object (e.g. building, bench etc.) int - - - Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
polyline road/{id} structuralObject/{id}  - no Meaured /Enriched Course and position of structural object (base area) double (Vector for posX, posY and posZ) - 0,2 m - Multiple points possible to describe area of object. Fields for posX, posY and posZ
height road/{id} structuralObject /{id}  - yes Meaured /Enriched Height of structural object double m - -  -
overrides road/{id} structuralObject/{id}  - no Determined Relevant if an existing object in the DGT is modified (Layer 3 Information). ID of original object that has been modified can be provided here id tuple - - - Allows to use same type definitions for layer 1,2 and 3. Modifications on existing objects can be made visible. Objects are crossreferenced
overriddenBy road/{id} structuralObject/{id}  - no Determined Relevant if an existing object in the DGT is modified (Layer 3 information). ID of the modified object can be provided here id tuple - - - Allows to use same type definitions for layer 1,2 and 3. Modifications on existing objects can be made visible. Objects are crossreferenced
layerFlag road/{id} structuralObject/{id}  - yes Determined Note down if information is temporary int - - -  -
Name Group Subgroup Subsubgroup Attribute Signal Class Description Data Type Unit Minimal Accuracy Frequency Comment
road user ID roadUser  -  - - Determined Unique ID of Traffic Participant int - - -  -
converterVersion roadUser - - yes Determined Version number of converter used to convert the dynamic data string - - - Veryion x.y. Short documentation on converter also needs to be provided
type dynamicObjects/RU{id}  -  - yes Measured / Determined Traffic Participant type (e.g. vehicle, truck, bicycle etc.) int - - - Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
subtype dynamicObjects/RU{id}  -  - yes Measured / Determined sub type for clearer specification if needed int - - - Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
connectedTo dynamicObjects/RU{id}  -  - yes Measured E.g. for trailers or for people walking dogs etc. RU(id) or M(id) - - -  is '*-1' or if not connected to anything
attachedTo dynamicObjects/RU{id}  -  - yes Measured E.g. for car on a tow truck. RU(id) or M(id) - - -  is '*-1' if not connected to anything
isDataRecorder dynamicObjects/RU{id}  -  - yes Measured / Determined Field to note if this traffic participant is ego (recording the DGT data) bool - - -  -
birthStamp dynamicObjects/RU{id}  -  - yes Measured / Determined Index in timevector at birth of traffic participant (when it was first recorded in scenario) int - - -  -
trajectory dynamicObjects/RU{id}  -  - - Measured Trajectory of the object. Position is measured in center of base area Object type with subgroups - see above 25 Hz / 10Hz for description of values see above. All values are vectors provided for each timestamp
boundBox dynamicObjects/RU{id}  -  - - Measured bounding box of object Object type with subgroups  -  -  -  -
length dynamicObjects/RU{id} boundBox  - no Meaured / Determined Length of road user double m 0,2 m -  -
confident dynamicObjects/RU{id} boundBox attribute of dataset length yes Determined Was it possible to measure length exactly to determine center point (1) or is it of low accuracy (0)? bool - - - might be needed for perception analysis if center point provided in trajectory can not be taken as accurate. Attribute of dataset length e.g. located in groups roadUser/0/boundBox
width dynamicObjects/RU{id} boundBox  - no Meaured / Determined Width of road user double m 0,2 m -  -
confident dynamicObjects/RU{id} boundBox attribute of dataset width yes Determined Was it possible to measure width exactly to determine center pint (1) or is it of low accuracy (0)? bool - - - might be needed for perception analysis if center point provided in trajectory can not be taken as accurate. Attribute of dataset width e.g. located in groups roadUser/0/boundBox
height dynamicObjects/RU{id} boundBox  - no Meaured / Determined Optional. Height of road object. Always considered as not exactly accurate, but nice additonal information if available double m 0,2 m - not needed for center point estimation for position, therefore, not as important for evalulation
indicatorRight dynamicObjects/RU{id} vehicleLights  - no Determined Note if right indicator light is switched on (1) or not (0), if unknown -1 vector of ints - - 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
indicatorLeft dynamicObjects/RU{id} vehicleLights  - no Determined Note if left indicator light is switched on (1) or not (0), if unknown -1 vector of ints - - 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
brakeLights dynamicObjects/RU{id} vehicleLights  - no Determined Note if brake lights are turned on (1) or not (0), if unknown -1 vector of ints - - 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
headlights dynamicObjects/RU{id} vehicleLights  - no Determined Note if headlights (front and/or back) are turned (1) on or not (0), if unknown -1 vector of ints - - 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
reversingLights dynamicObjects/RU{id} vehicleLights  - no Determined Note if reversing lights are turned on (1) or not (0), if unknown -1 vector of ints - - 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
blueLight dynamicObjects/RU{id} vehicleLights  - no Determined Note if blue lights (emergency vehicles) are turned on (1) or not (0), if unknown -1 vector of ints - - 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
orangeLight dynamicObjects/RU{id} vehicleLights  - no Determined Note if orange lights (construction vehicles) are turned on (1) or not (0), if unknown -1 vector of ints - - 25 Hz / 10Hz  -
Misc Object ID miscObject  -  - - Determined Unique object id of all objects with trajectory not covered in Traffic Participant int - - - e.g. ball, animal etc.
type dynamicObjects/M{id}  -  - yes Measured / Determined Object Type int - - - Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
subtype dynamicObjects/M{id}  -  - yes Measured / Determined Subtype for more detailed specification if needed int - - - Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
birthStamp dynamicObjects/M{id}  -  - yes Measured / Determined Index in timevector at birth of misc object (when it was first recorded in scenario) int - - -  -
trajectory dynamicObjects/M{id}  -  - - Measured Trajectory of misc object Object type with subgroups - see above 25 Hz / 10 Hz for description of values see above
boundBox dynamicObjects/M{id}  -  - - Measured bounding box of object Object type with subgroups  -  -  -  -
width dynamicObjects/M{id} boundBox  - no Measured width of object double m 0,2 m -  -
length dynamicObjects/M{id} boundBox  - no Measured length of object double m 0,2 m -  -
height dynamicObjects/M{id} boundBox  - no Measured height of object double m 0,2 m -  -
connectedTo dynamicObjects/M{id}  -  - yes Measured E.g. for sledge dogs etc. RU(id) or M(id) - - -  is '*-1' if not connected to anything
attachedTo dynamicObjects/M{id}  -  - yes Measured E.g. for an object attached to another object. RU(id) or M(id) - - -  is '*-1' if not connected to anything
Name Group Subgroup Subsubgroup Attribute Signal Class Description Data Type Unit Minimal Accuracy Frequency Comment
referenceId state  -  - no Determined ID of traffic sign (or traffic light) this refers to int - -  - this will actually mainly be for traffic lights
value state/{id}  -  - no Measured Current traffic light or traffic sign state vector of ints - - 25 Hz / 10Hz Lookup Table of possible signals provided. Input needs to be uniform
Name Group Subgroup Subsubgroup Attribute Signal Class Description Data Type Unit Minimal Accuracy Frequency Comment
converterVersion weather - - yes Determined Version number of the converter used to convert the weather data string - - - Veryion x.y. Short documentation on converter also needs to be provided
weatherStationId weather  -  - yes Enriched ID of weather station used to gather the data int - - - In this case accuracy depends on the source. If data of the DWD is used for later enrichment of the data a quality control is given (especially when using older data)
type weather precipitation  - no Enriched /Measured Type of Precipitation (fluid or solid) and classified by amount Vector of ints - - 25 Hz / 10 Hz Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
amountMinute weather precipitation  - no Enriched /Measured Amount of Precipitation per minute vector of double mm - 25 Hz / 10 Hz  -
amountHourly weather precipitation  - no Enriched /Measured Amount of Precipitation per hour vector of double mm - 25 Hz / 10 Hz  -
source weather precipitation  - yes Determined Is this measured or gathered from external source int - - -  -
snowDepth weather precipitation  - no Enriched /Measured Depth of snow (measured in the morning) vector of double cm - 25 Hz/10 Hz  -
newSnowDepth weather precipitation  - no Enriched /Measured Depth of new snow (measured in the morning) vector of double cm - 25 Hz/10 Hz  -
visibility weather visibility  - no Enriched /Measured predominant visibility range vector of double m - 25 Hz/10 Hz  -
source weather visibility  - yes Determined Is this measured or gathered from external source int - - -  -
surfaceCondition weather roadCondition  - no Measured Condition of road surface vector of ints - - 25 Hz / 10 Hz Lookup tabl provided. All entries need to be uniform
maintenanceStatus weather roadCondition  - no Measured Status of winter maintenance (salted, bare etc.) or if dirt etc. is present Vector of ints - - 25 Hz / 10 Hz Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
spray weather roadCondition  - no Measured Is spray visible yes or no (no quantification) vector of bool - - 25 Hz / 10 Hz Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
degree weather cloudiness  - no Enriched /Measured Degree by how much it is cloudy (usual way is to describe it in 1/8 steps) double (vector of eigths) x/8 - 25 Hz / 10 Hz When using DWD Data this field gives the same information as type. When providing cloudiness in eigths please provide the numerator of the fraction. Field might become useful when using other weather sensors
source weather cloudiness  - yes Determined Is this measured or gathered from external source int - - -  -
solarHours weather solar  - no Enriched /Measured Amount of sunshine measured in 10 minute interval given in hours vector of double h - 25 Hz / 10 Hz DWD Data only available in 10 Minute intervals, however, it can give an impression of possible lighting conditions (together with cloudiness)
diffSolarRadiation weather solar  - no Enriched /Measured Diffuse solar radiation in 10 minute intervall vector of double J/cm^2 - 25 Hz / 10 Hz  -
solarIncomingRadiation weather solar  - no Enriched /Measured Solar incoming radiation in 10 minute intervall vector of double J/cm^2 - 25 Hz / 10 Hz  -
longwaveDownRadiation weather solar  - no Enriched /Measured Longwave downward radiation in 10 minute intervall vector of double J/cm^2 - 25 Hz / 10 Hz  -
source weather solar  - yes Determined Is this measured or gathered from external source int - - -  -
airTemp weather temperature  - no Enriched /Measured Temperature (usually measured in 2m height if gathered from external data) vector of double Celsius - 25 Hz / 10 Hz  -
airTemp5cm weather temperature  - no Enriched /Measured Temperature in 5cm height. Can be gathered from external data vector of double Celsius  - 25 Hz / 10 Hz  -
groundTemp weather temperature  - no Enriched Temperature of soil (usually measured 2cm below ground if gathered from external data) vector of double Celsius - 25 Hz / 10 Hz  -
source weather temperature  - yes Determined Is this measured or gathered from external source int - - -  -
type weather wind  - no Enriched Classification of wind by amount (Beaufort-Skala) Vector of ints - - 25 Hz / 10 Hz Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
windSpeed weather wind  - no Enriched /Measured Average wind speed in time interval vector of double m/s - 25 Hz / 10 Hz  -
windDirection weather wind  - no Enriched /Measured General direction of wind in time interval vector of double degree - 25 Hz / 10 Hz  -
source weather wind  - yes Determined Is this measured or gathered from external source int - - -  -
windSpeed weather gustOfWind  - no Enriched /Measured Maximum wind speed over 10 minutes vector of double m/s - 25 Hz / 10 Hz  -
type weather gustOfWind  - no Enriched Which type of gust of wind was present (classified by severity) vector of ints - - 25 Hz / 10 Hz Lookup table provided. All entries need to be uniform
source weather gustOfWind  - yes Determined Is this measured or gathered from external source int - - -  -
airPressureNN weather airPressure  - no Enriched /Measured air pressure at NN vector of double hPa - 25 Hz / 10 Hz  -
airPressureZero weather airPressure  - no Enriched /Measured Air pressure at elevation of weather station vector of double hPa - 25 Hz / 10 Hz  -
source weather airPressure  - yes Determined Is this measured or gathered from external source int - - 25 Hz / 10 Hz  -
humidity weather humidity  - no Enriched /Measured Humiditiy vector of double % - 25 Hz / 10 Hz Mainly relevant in order to determine if there is any fog
source weather humidity  - yes Determined Is this measured or gathered from external source int - - -  -