Ok, so this is nothing mind-blowing. I may spend a lot of time in bash, but very little of that goes into writing scripts. Well, today I was downloading websites using a wget
script I wrote specifically for that purpose, and had to add an if statement to construct some conditional wget
Here's how I thought a bash / shell if statement would work. (I confess, I did have to Google this one, and found a great article with examples.)
if [ $WGET_OPTS -eq 1 ] then
// blabla
This threw an error!
Here is the correct syntax:
if [ $WGET_OPTS -eq 1 ]
// blabla
Today I Learned: If statements in shell scripts require the then
keyword to be on a separate line.
(As a sidenote, this should be considered under the age-old question: "Should curly braces appear on their own line?")