- the leniency and flexibility of digital information is at the same time a threat to its longevity
- "bit rot"; is 'emulation' the solution? Example: docker-containers (+ how they are different from virtual machines).
- digital black hole (Vincent Cerf)
- for an idea of the scope of the challenges we are facing, check the Museum of Obsolete Media and discussions about digital obsolescence -apparently, what has been a feature of the digital revolution has also turned out to be a bug...
- on the researcher-level: how to guarantee the readability of publications in the future, including in the very long run? Will complex mark-up (html, xml) still be comprehensible, if not to machines, then to the human eye?
- the traditional workhorse for writing and editing: Latex
- the many flavours of Tex: Tex, LaTeX, pdfTex, XeLatex (XeTex)), LuaTex, ConText.
- you will love the Bates' Latex Manual.
- the pros and cons of LaTex: a (tentative) comparison with markdown
- less is more: Markdown; textile, BBcode
- markdown editors: Dillinger, StackEdit, Corilla
- a versatile, extensible and personalizable tool: Obsidian
- Sublime Text
- hybrid editors: Leanpub, Caret (text editor based on Sublime Text), GitHub
- Graphitedocs, an editor on blockchain technology
- document converter: pandoc
- GitBook
- about file formats, technology, and legal arrangements
- digital preservation coalition handbook
- Library of Congress recommended format specifications
- tjowens. 2017. "Full Draft of Theory & Craft of Digital Preservation." June 30. http://www.trevorowens.org/2017/06/full-draft-of-theory-craft-of-digital-preservation/ (a preprint is available here).
- about online, offline and 'near-line': WORM (Write Once, Read Many)-technology and the future of preservation
- what is an 'exit-strategy' for digital archives?
- markdown and digital preservation, including for documenting your own research
- professional digital preservation services: arkivum and tind.io
- digital preservation and 'site reliability engineering' (SRE)
- Beyer, Betsy, Chris Jones, Jennifer Petoff, and Niall Richard Murphy, eds. 2016. Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems. 1 edition. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media.
- should researchers care?
- how you can help:
- the wayback machine extension
- the WebRecorder, a project by Rhizome
- Bountouri, Lina. 2017. Archives in the Digital Age: Standards, Policies and Tools. 1 edition. Waltham, MA: Chandos Publishing.
- Corrado, Edward M., and Heather Lea Moulaison. 2014. Digital Preservation for Libraries, Archives, and Museums. Rowman & Littlefield.
- Giaretta, David. 2014. Advanced Digital Preservation. 2011 edition. Berlin: Springer.
- Peleg, Dan. 2013. Mastering Sublime Text. Packt Publishing.