Node.js examples from Lambert's book ⬆
Directory samples_Lambert\ contains Node.js examples presented in Lambert's book "Node.js - Exploitez la puissance de JavaScript côté serveur" (ENI, 2015).Github repository: |
Command npm.cmd start
executes application app\async-downloads.js
which produces the following output:
> npm start > async-downloads@0.0.1 start N:\samples_Lambert\04-concepts\async-downloads > node app/async-downloads.js Tout s'est bien passé
Command npm.cmd run
displays the available npm
> npm run Scripts available in files via `npm run-script`: dirs node app/directories.js files node app/files.js lint eslint app paths node app/paths.js watch node app/watch.js
Command npm.cmd run dirs
executes application app/directories.js
> npm run dirs > files@0.0.1 dirs N:\samples_Lambert\06-files > node app/directories.js fichiers trouvés : [ 'directories.js', 'files.js', 'paths.js', 'watch.js' ] répertoire créé répertoire supprimé arborescence créée arborescence supprimée
Example ▴
Command npm.cmd run
displays the available npm
> npm run Scripts available in promises via `npm run-script`: creation node src/creation.js dl-two-files node src/dl-two-files.js generator babel src -d app & babel-node app/generator.js
Command npm run
displays the available npm
> npm run Lifecycle scripts included in databases: start node app/mongoose.js test echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1 available via `npm run-script`: clean node ./npm_scripts/clean.js lint eslint app reinstall npm run clean && npm install -audit