Vue function that tracks when mouse leaves page boundaries.
function useMouseLeavePage(
runOnMount?: boolean
): {
hasLeftPage: Ref<boolean>
isTracking: Ref<boolean>
start: () => void
stop: () => void
runOnMount: boolean
whether to check mouse leaves page boundaries tracking on mount,true
by default
hasLeftPage: Ref<boolean>
whether the mouse has left the page or notisTracking: Ref<boolean>
whether this function events are running or notstart: Function
the function used to start tracking when the mouse leaves the page boundariesstop: Function
the function used to stop tracking when the mouse leaves the page boundaries
<pre>{{ hasLeftPage }}</pre>
<button @click="start" v-if="!isTracking">
Start tracking mouse leave event
<button @click="stop" v-else>Stop tracking mouse leave event</button>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue'
import { useMouseLeavePage } from 'vue-use-kit'
export default Vue.extend({
name: 'UseMouseLeavePageDemo',
setup() {
const { hasLeftPage, isTracking, start, stop } = useMouseLeavePage()
return { hasLeftPage, isTracking, start, stop }