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Handling Events

submarine-launched edited this page Jul 19, 2020 · 24 revisions

An embedded component will emit events after a command invoked on it has been executed and the operation has completed. These commands could be sent programmatically through the SDK or from the user directly interacting with the report.

For example, a user can manually change pages by using the built-in page navigation and clicking on the buttons, or you can programmatically change the page by sending the correct postMessage. In both cases a pageChanged event will occur. The events are simulated and emitted from the containing DOM element so you can use the framework of your choice to bind to these.

Full list of events and their response values

All Embeds

	This is the structure of the error object:

        interface IError {
           message: string; // A general message that describes the operation that failed (example: "Could not set page")
           detailedMessage?: string; // Detailed message that describes the error
           errorCode?: string;  //  Short message that describes the error
           level?: TraceType; // The level of the error (example: 'Fatal')
           technicalDetails?: ITechnicalDetails;

        interface ITechnicalDetails {
           requestId?: string; // Id for debugging - should be provided when reporting a bug
        Note, that only "message" property is required, other properties may be undefined.


	Called when a report is fully rendered. For example, if all visuals are rendered on loading report or after user interaction.

	newPage: Page

	report: Report
	page: Page
	visual: IVisual
	filters: IFilter[]
	dataPoints: (Array of data points)
		each point has:
		1) **identity** array
		2) **values** array

       Raised when end user clicks on extension command.
       [Menu Commands Extension](

       Raised when a user clicks on a Report button
         id: string
         title?: string
         type?: string (type of button)
         bookmark?: string

       Raised when a visual is rendered
         name: string


       Raised when end user clicks a tile. tileClicked event is not raised for pinned live pages.
       Event properties are:
           tileId: id of clicked tile.
           reportEmbedUrl: Embed Url of the original report the tile created from (if any)
           pageName: name of the page the tile created from (if any)
           navigationUrl: Url which will be opened in if user clicks a tile.


You must wait for the report to be fully loaded before you can send commands to it. This is very similar to waiting for the DOM to be ready before attempting to take action on the elements. In order to do this you must listen for the loaded event and then issue new commands:

report.on('loaded', function(event)
		this.reportPages = pages;