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Workshop: Fraud Detection with Open Data Hub

A Microsoft workshop from the SQL Server team, in partnership with Red Hat

06 Credit Card Fraud Detection

In this workshop, you'll learn how to deploy Open Data Hub in your OpenShift environment, and use some of the tools it provides to implement a Fraud Detection use case scenario, based on the model you trained in the other parts of this workshop series.

This demo will implement the following scenario:

  • Credit card transactions simulations are stored in a Ceph object storage (S3-Compatible).
  • Simulated transactions are sent by a Kafka producer to a Kafka instance.
  • A Camel Router, using the model previously trained, classifies the transaction (standard or fraudulent) and forwards it to the KIE Server.
  • Fraudulent transactions are checked again using a prediction service.
  • Fraudulent transactions are sent back to Kafka, and a customer notification service is simulated to take action.
  • All this workflow is fully instumented with Prometheus, and Grafana dashboards display transaction flows, classifications, model performance,...

This worshop will guide you through the implementation of all this elements!

6.1 OpenShift and CCFD project

Activity: Create a project

Warning 1: As we will deploy operators in the environment, you must be cluster-admin, or have sufficient rights in OpenShift to do this.

Warning 2: All the commands and configuration files used in the workshop are using this project name: ccfd. If you use another one, please amend the commands and files as necessary.

First, create a project for this demo. We will use ccfd (Credit Card Fraud Detection).

You can create it through the OpenShift Console (the UI), or with this command using the oc client:

oc new-project ccfd

6.2 Open Data Hub

Activity: deploy the operator

Using the OpenShift Console UI, the Open Data Hub (ODH) operator can be deployed through OperatorHub.

If you prefer to use the CLI, you can use the file from the deploy folder at the root of the repository:

oc apply -f deploy/odh/operator.yaml

After a few seconds, you can check the operator installation with:

oc get crd

which should return:

NAME                             CREATED AT   xxxxxxxxxxxx

Activity: deploy Open Data Hub

Now that the operator is running, we can deploy our instance of ODH in our ccfd project. This deployment will include:

  • Kafka
  • Seldon
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana

Warning: the Open Data Hub (ODH) operator can deploy the Strimzi operator that will handle the deployment of the Kafka cluster. However, if Strimzi or AMQ Streams are already present on your cluster, deploying it again may create issues. Therefore, 2 different versions of the ODH deployment are provided, with or without the Strimzi operator deployment. Choose according to your configuration.

If you don’t already have the Strimzi operator or AMQ Streams

oc apply -n ccfd -f deploy/odh/odh-with-strimzi.yaml

If you don’t need to deploy the Strimzi operator (you already have it or AMQ Streams)

oc apply -n ccfd -f deploy/odh/odh-no-strimzi.yaml

ODH deployment is ready when you have this in the Installed Operators panel:

Operators and you have those pods running (ids will of course be different):

> oc get pods -n ccfd

NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
grafana-deployment-9f8c5df68-gdbpf                 1/1     Running   0          46m
grafana-operator-7755cb4b8-b7mlf                   1/1     Running   0          46m
odh-message-bus-entity-operator-84f96c5784-kqrn5   3/3     Running   0          45m
odh-message-bus-kafka-0                            2/2     Running   0          46m
odh-message-bus-kafka-1                            2/2     Running   0          46m
odh-message-bus-kafka-2                            2/2     Running   0          46m
odh-message-bus-zookeeper-0                        1/1     Running   0          46m
odh-message-bus-zookeeper-1                        1/1     Running   0          46m
odh-message-bus-zookeeper-2                        1/1     Running   0          46m
prometheus-operator-7b88c94585-d8hjn               1/1     Running   0          42m
prometheus-prometheus-0                            3/3     Running   1          41m
seldon-controller-manager-7ff8d49d55-tj2gj         1/1     Running   0          42m

6.2 Rook Ceph

Rook-Ceph is the solution that will provide Object Storage to store some data used in the workshop. These steps will deploy Rook-Ceph at version v1.5.10

Activity: deploy the operator

Create namespace, CRDs, Accounts and Security items:

oc apply -f

Deploy the operator:

oc apply -f

The next command to create the rook-ceph cluster itself is valid only for OpenShift deployment in AWS.

Deploy the rook-ceph cluster on AWS (including RHPDS or OpenTLC environments):

oc apply -f

Tip: if you are not running on AWS, you must adapt this file to your configuration before applying it.

The rook-ceph cluster will take a few minutes to deploy. You can monitor the deployment in the rook-ceph namespace and wait to have 3 pods named rook-ceph-osd-xxxxx running:

> oc get pods -n rook-ceph | grep rook-ceph-osd-[0-9.]
rook-ceph-osd-0-5b8587c958-tq7fn                            1/1     Running     0          72s
rook-ceph-osd-1-6fd6676658-vvb92                            1/1     Running     0          70s
rook-ceph-osd-2-7bcd559d79-v8csc                            1/1     Running     0          69s

Once the Ceph cluster is ready, you can create the Object Store.

Activity: deploy the ObjectStore

You can verify the Object Store and the Rados Gateway pod (the component providing the S3 interface) are Ok with this:

> oc -n rook-ceph get pods | grep rgw
rook-ceph-rgw-my-store-a-6d7df9db-nlbns                     1/1     Running     0          79s

To acces the object store externally, you must create a route to the rook service, rook-ceph-rgw-my-store (in the rook-ceph namespace) to expose the endpoint. This endpoint url will be used to access the S3 interface from the example notebooks.

Create the route:

oc expose -n rook-ceph --name='s3' svc/rook-ceph-rgw-my-store

Your Route will be in the form http://s3-rook-ceph.apps.<Name_of_your_cluster>;. You can get it with this command:

echo http://$(oc get route -n rook-ceph | grep s3 | awk '{print $2}')

Create now the Bucket Storage Class, which will allow easy provisioning of buckets later on.

Create the Storage Class:

oc apply -f

6.3 Fraud Detection Model

In the previosu workshops, we already have trained a fraud detection model. You can now deploy with the Seldon operator (part ODH), using the file deploy/model/modelfull.yaml in this repository.

Activity: Deploy the Fraud Detection model with Seldon

oc apply -n ccfd -f deploy/model/modelfull.yaml

Check and make sure the model is created (this step will take a couple of minutes):

oc -n ccfd get seldondeployments
oc -n ccfd get pods | grep modelfull

You should have a pod named modelfull-modelfull-0-modelfull-xxxxxxxxx with the Running status, and 2/2 pods.

Now create a route to access the model by using the file deploy/model/modelfull-route.yaml in this repo:

oc apply -n ccfd -f deploy/model/modelfull-route.yaml

Your model is now served from an externally accessible endpoint. You can get its address with this command:

echo http://$(oc get route -n ccfd | grep modelfull | awk '{print $2}')

Example result:

You can now test the model with this command. You should get the exact same result:


curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"strData": "0.365194527642578,0.819750231339882,-0.5927999453145171,-0.619484351930421,-2.84752569239798,1.48432160780265,0.499518887687186,72.98"}' http://$(oc get route -n ccfd | grep modelfull | awk '{print $2}')/api/v1.0/predictions



Finally, enable Prometheus metrics scraping by deploying a ServiceMonitor for the Seldon service (general metrics), and a PodMonitor for the custom metrics we are exposing:

oc apply -n ccfd -f deploy/model/modelfull-servicemonitor.yaml
oc apply -n ccfd -f deploy/model/modelfull-custom-metrics-monitor.yaml

6.4 Upload data to Rook-Ceph

Activity: Bucket creation though Object Bucket Claims

We will store our base data in an Object Store bucket. There are many ways to create a bucket, but here is a method using an Object Bucket Claim. With Rook-Ceph that we deployed earlier, you can use this configuration:

Create bucket with Rook-Ceph:

oc apply -n ccfd -f deploy/storage/obc-rook.yaml

You can now retrieve the informations needed to connect to the storage.

You can find this information through the OCP console, in the "Config Maps" and "Secrets" sections for the ccfd (selecting ccdata and clicking on "Reveal values"), or do this through the CLI:

Access Key:

oc get secret/ccdata -o yaml | grep [^:]AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d -

Secret Key:

oc get secret/ccdata -o yaml | grep [^:]AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d -

Bucket name:

oc get cm/ccdata -o yaml | grep [^:]BUCKET_NAME | awk '{print $2}'

Host (Internal access):

oc get cm/ccdata -o yaml | grep [^:]BUCKET_HOST | awk '{print $2}'

Host (External access):

echo http://$(oc get -n rook-ceph route/s3 -o yaml | grep -m 1 '[^\-] host:' | awk '{print $2}')

Create a Secret to store your keys This secret will be used later on by the pods that need access to S3, like the Kafka Producer.

oc create secret generic keysecret -n ccfd --from-literal='accesskey=<Replace with Access Key>' --from-literal='secretkey=<Replace with Secret Key>'

Tip: If you have created your bucket through an Object Bucket Claim you can directly do this in one line:

oc create secret generic keysecret -n ccfd --from-literal="accesskey=$(oc get secret/ccdata -o yaml | grep [^:]AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d -)" --from-literal="secretkey=$(oc get secret/ccdata -o yaml | grep [^:]AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d -)"

Activity: Upload data to your S3 bucket

Now that you have all the necessary information, you can upload data to your newly created bucket. Again, there are many ways to do that, but here is an example using the aws client.

If you don’t have the aws client already you can install it from here.

Method 1: Configure manually the client (Only enter key and secret, leave all other fields as default)

aws configure

Method 2: One line configuration

aws configure set aws_access_key_id $(oc get secret/ccdata -o yaml | grep [^:]AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d -) & aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $(oc get secret/ccdata -o yaml | grep [^:]AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d -)

Check if connection is working using the route (you can use oc get route -n rook-ceph):

aws s3 ls --endpoint-url <S3_ENDPOINT_URL>

or directly:

aws s3 ls --endpoint-url http://$(oc get -n rook-ceph route/s3 -o yaml | grep -m 1 '[^\-] host:' | awk '{print $2}')

It should return something like: 2020-12-16 11:33:56 ccdata-88a98651-6afc-405a-9c28-e49063ad28c5.

Warning: For the previous command and all others using the aws client: if your endpoint is using SSL (starts with https) but your OpenShift installation has not been done with recognized certificates, you must add --no-verify-ssl at the end of all your commands.

Now, copy the credit card transaction creditcard.csv file (available here) and upload it using (replace < > vars):

wget -qO- | aws s3 cp - --endpoint-url <S3_ENDPOINT_URL> s3://<s3_bucket>/OPEN/uploaded/creditcard.csv --acl public-read-write

e.g.: wget -qO- | aws s3 cp - --endpoint-url s3://ccdata-5a225950-c53c-4f10-af42-f49c3c29d03a/OPEN/uploaded/creditcard.csv --acl public-read-write

Tip: you can do this in one (long…​) command by using all the commands we’ve seen previously in substitution mode:

wget -qO- | aws s3 cp - --endpoint-url http://$(oc get -n rook-ceph route/s3 -o yaml | grep -m 1 '[^\-] host:' | awk '{print $2}') s3://$(oc get -n ccfd cm/ccdata -o yaml | grep [^:]BUCKET_NAME | awk '{print $2}')/OPEN/uploaded/creditcard.csv --acl public-read-write

Verify the file is uploaded using:

aws s3 ls s3://<s3_bucket>/OPEN/uploaded/ --endpoint-url <ROOK_CEPH_URL>

Or with one line again:

aws s3 ls s3://$(oc get -n ccfd cm/ccdata -o yaml | grep [^:]BUCKET_NAME | awk '{print $2}')/OPEN/uploaded/ --endpoint-url http://$(oc get -n rook-ceph route/s3 -o yaml | grep -m 1 '[^\-] host:' | awk '{print $2}')

Both commands flavours should return: XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX 150259138 creditcard.csv

6.5 KIE Server

Seldon model for the prediction service

In order to use jBPM’s prediction service from User Tasks, a second Seldon model must be deployed using:

oc new-app

Execution server

To deploy the KIE server you can use the deploy/ccd-service.yaml on this repo and run:

oc apply -f deploy/ccd-service.yaml -n ccfd

The KIE server can be configured by editing the enviroment variables in that file, under the env key. Some configurable values are:

SELDON_URL, location the Seldon server providing fraudulent score prediction

CUSTOMER_NOTIFICATION_TOPIC, Kafka topic for outgoing customer notifications

BROKER_URL, Kafka broker location and port

Execution server optional configuration

If the Seldon server requires an authentication token, this can be passed to the KIE server by adding the following environment variable to deploy/ccd-service.yaml:

  value: <SELDON_TOKEN>

By default, the KIE server will request a prediction to the endpoint <SELDON_URL>/predict. If however, your Seldon deployment uses another prediction endpoint, you can specify it by adding the SELDON_ENDPOINT enviroment variable, for instance:

  value: 'api/v0.1/predictions'

The HTTP connection parameters can also be configured, namely the connection pool size and the connections timeout. The timeout value provided is treated as milliseconds. For instance:

  value: '5000' # five second timeout
  value: '5' # allows for 5 simulataneous HTTP connections

The prediction service’s confidence threshold, above which a prediction automatically assigns an output and closes the user task can be also provided. It is assumed to be a probability value between 0.0 and 1.0. If not provided, the default value is 1.0. To specify it use:

  value: '0.5' # as an example

If you want to interact with the KIE server’s REST interface from outside OpenShift, you can expose its service with

oc expose svc/ccd-service

6.6 Notification Service

The notification service is an event-driven micro-service responsible for relaying notifications to the customer and customer responses.

If a message is sent to a "customer outgoing" Kafka topic, a notification is sent to the customer asking whether the transaction was legitimate or not. For this demo, the micro-service simulates customer interaction, but different communication methods can be built on top of it (email, SMS, etc).

If the customer replies (in both scenarios: they either made the transaction or not), a message is written to a "customer response" topic. The router (described below) subscribes to messages in this topic, and signals the business process with the customer response. To deploy the notification service, we use the image ccfd-notification-service (available here), by running:

oc apply -f deploy/notification-service.yaml -n ccfd

6.7 Camel Router

The Apache Camel router is responsible consume messages arriving in specific topics, requesting a prediction to the Seldon model, and then triggering different REST endpoints according to that prediction.

The route is selected by executing configurable Drools rules using the model’s prediction as inout. Depending rules outcome a specific business process will be triggered on the KIE server.

To deploy a router with listens to the topic KAFKA_TOPIC from Kafka’s broker BROKER_URL and starts a process instance on the KIE server at KIE_SERVER_URL, we can use the built image ccd-fuse (available here):

oc apply -f deploy/router.yaml -n ccfd

6.6 Kafka Producer

The Kafka Producer needs specific parameters to read from S3 interface and call the model’s REST prediction endpoint.

We will use a template to deploy multiple objects at once. You can either edit the parameters in the deploy/kafka/producer-deployment.yaml in this repository before processing the template, or pass the parameters direcly. The needed parameters are:

NAMESPACE: The OpenShift project in use, normally ccfd

S3ENDPOINT: The address of your S3 storage, you should use the internal cluster address (normally s3.openshift-storage.svc)

S3BUCKET: The name of the bucket created earlier

FILENAME: The location of hte creditcard.csv file in the data store (nornmaly OPEN/uploaded/creditcard.csv)

If you have directly modified the producer-deployment.yaml file:

oc process -f deploy/kafka/producer-deployment.yaml | oc apply -f -

If you are passing the parameters:

oc process -f deploy/kafka/producer-deployment.yaml -p NAMESPACE=<Replace Namespace> -p S3ENDPOINT=<Replace Endpoint> -p S3BUCKET=<Replace Bucket> -p FILENAME=<Replace Filename> | oc apply -f -

e.g.: oc process -f deploy/kafka/producer-deployment.yaml -p NAMESPACE=ccfd -p S3ENDPOINT=http://s3.openshift-storage.svc -p S3BUCKET=ccdata-5a225950-c53c-4f10-af42-f49c3c29d03a -p FILENAME=OPEN/uploaded/creditcard.csv | oc apply -f -

Automated one-line version:

oc process -f deploy/kafka/producer-deployment.yaml -p NAMESPACE=ccfd -p S3ENDPOINT=http://$(oc get -n rook-ceph route/s3 -o yaml | grep -m 1 '[^\-] host:' | awk '{print $2}') -p S3BUCKET=$(oc get -n ccfd cm/ccdata -o yaml | grep [^:]BUCKET_NAME | awk '{print $2}') -p FILENAME=OPEN/uploaded/creditcard.csv | oc apply -f -

6.6 Grafana/Prometheus

Create the Service Monitors needed by Prometheus to scrap metrics from the Kie Server and the Router.

Kie Server Service Monitor:

oc apply -f deploy/servicemonitors/ccdserviceservicemonitor.yaml

Camel Router Service Monitor

oc apply -f deploy/servicemonitors/ccdfuseservicemonitor.yaml

From the Openshift portal, in the Network->Routes section on the left, click on the Prometheus route and explore some of the metrics.

To launch Grafana dashboard click on the Grafana route. You are now able to look at the base dashboards coming with Open Data Hub.

On top of the Kafka monitoring dashboard that comes with Open Data Hub, deploy the following ones to see information on our workflow:

  • Seldon Core:
oc apply -f deploy/grafana/seldon-core-dashboard.yaml
  • Seldon Model Prediction:
oc apply -f deploy/grafana/seldon-model-prediction.yaml
  • Kie Server:
oc apply -f deploy/grafana/kie-dashboard.yaml
  • Camel Router:
oc apply -f deploy/grafana/router-dashboard.yaml

For Further Study

Congratulations! You have completed this workshop. You now have the tools, assets, and processes you need to extrapolate this information into other applications.