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bergie edited this page Mar 1, 2011 · 14 revisions

Protocol examples

Protocol basics

  • The ZeroMQ protocol should not assume any shared state between the client and the server
  • Communications between the client and the Midgard Daemon should happen asynchronously
  • Midgard objects are represented using JSON-LD
  • In addition to the regular Midgard payload, I/O calls may include a context object that can associate that call with a midgard_user and possibly a workspace. The user key there basically holds whatever is to be given to the midgard_user class when instantiating
  • Normal I/O (saving objects, making queries) should follow ZeroMQ request/response protocol
  • Signals (notifications about I/O events) should follow ZeroMQ subscribe/publish protocol

Note: this implementation is very similar to how VIE and Midgard Create handle their content. This should make it easy to integrate Midgard daemon services to any rich front-end.

Write request:

update: {
   '#': {
       mgd: '',
       dcterms: ''
   '@': '<urn:uuid:e37f86e23b3911e09325618cb7e066d466d4>',
   a: 'mgd:midgard_article',
   'dcterms:title': 'Foo'
context: {
   user: {
      login: 'admin',
       password: 'password'
   workspace: '/live/drafts'


status: {
   code: -0,
   error: MGD_ERR_OK

(see list of Midgard Error codes)

Query request:

query: {
   '#': {
       mgd: '',
       dcterms: ''
   'a': 'mgd:midgard_article',
   constraints: [
   order: [
           'dcterms:created': 'desc'
context: {
    workspace: '/live'

Note: when making queries, the workspace key in context limits the query to that workspace only. Key workspacetree limits the query to that workspace and its parents.


response: [
       '#': {
           mgd: '',
           dcterms: ''
       '@': '<urn:uuid:e37f86e23b3911e09325618cb7e066d466d4>',
       a: 'mgd:midgard_article',
       'dcterms:title': 'Foo'

Connecting to a signal:

sub: {
   '#': {
       mgd: ''
   a: 'mgd:midgard_article',
   guid: null, // Any article object
   signal: 'action-created'

Mapping Midgard objects to RDF/JSON-LD

  • GUIDs should be used through <urn:uuid:GUID> URIs
  • MidgardCR supports RDF natively and provides the necessary namespace management utilities for JSON-LD to be mapped to Midgard storage seamlessly
  • With Midgard2 we need to handle this in a more manual way. There are two ways to go about this:

RDF mapping without ontology

In case of a regular MgdSchema that doesn't have any ontology mappings, we should use a mgd namespace to map between RDF and the normal Midgard types and properties. This means that:

  • mgd:midgard_person maps to the midgard_person type
  • mgd:firstname maps to the firstname property of the class

RDF mapping with ontology

Midgard Create introduced a simple way to map a MgdSchema type and its properties to a RDF ontology.

<Schema xmlns="">
    <type name="org_midgardproject_news_article" table="org_midgardproject_news_article">
        <property name="title" type="string">
            <description>Title of the article</description>

In this example the org_midgardproject_news_article type would map to the sioc:Post type, and title property would map to dcterms:title.

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