This project was generated using:
$ rails new rails_server
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rails s
Add these dependencies to your Gemfile.
group :development, :test do
gem 'teaspoon-jasmine'
teaspoon provides a basic rails generator for completing project setup
$ bundle install
$ rails generate teaspoon:install
Javascript coverage is off by default, because it requires istanbul to be installed. If you've installed the package, let's turn coverage on. What we need is currently commented out, let's uncomment and modify a bit.
# spec/teaspoon_env.rb
config.use_coverage = 'default' # run coverage on the default suite
config.coverage do |coverage|
coverage.reports = ["text-summary", "html"]
coverage.output_path = "coverage"
$ bundle exec rake teaspoon
Starting the Teaspoon server...
Teaspoon running default suite at
Finished in 0.00100 seconds
0 examples, 0 failures
=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements : 60.61% ( 20/33 )
Branches : 50% ( 2/4 )
Functions : 20% ( 2/10 )
Lines : 60.61% ( 20/33 )
$ bundle exec rails s