This is a project for automating your KAPE process. The project performs the following steps:
- Continously monitors Azure Blob container for new KAPE .zips landing
- Automatically pulls them down for processing with Log2Timeline/PSort (Auto checks for .zips already processed)
- Log files of each run is outputted to /opt/
- Uploads the .csv super timeline to Blob container
- You can then import this super timeline to Azure Data Explorer and run the provided KQL queries to expedite your forensics triage
I'd like to acknowledge and thank the following for contributing either knowledge or inspiring me to create this:
- @Reconinfosec - - This project is very similar, however, doesn't use the tech I'm used to using! Awesome project that inspired this.
- - Providing advice around packaging up .py scripts for a later version.
- Virtual Machine to run the project (Ubuntu server 20.04) - I've tested this project on 8 vCPUs and 16GB RAM with 4-6 KAPE collections simultaneously, this takes about 2-2.5hrs to run.
- Azure storage account and container
sudo apt-get update
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gift/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install plaso-tools
apt install python3 python3-pip unzip inotify-tools -y
pip install azure-storage-blob
snap install azcli
git clone
chmod 777
- You will need to provide '' script with the following variables: Azure account name, Azure account key, Container name. You can find these by using CTRL + F "HERE" and replacing the placeholders.
- mkdir '/opt/kapetriages/'
- Edit the azdir variable for the install location of azcopy, in the script
To run the project, run these in the following order:
sudo python3
- Ability to work with passworded .zip triages.
- Secure variables rather than storing them in code.
- I'm aiming to make the setup steps more slick, perhaps VM templates for Azure with pre-reqs already installed etc? Open to suggestions on how to better package this up :)
This is a personal project, I recommend you take this project, test it and amend it to suit your requirements. I hold no responsibility for any adverse affects on data or infrastructure as a result of running this project.
Always welcome! I'm on X @mikecybersec