This is the source code for the web pages in
The website is generated using Hugo. We use a theme originally based on the Hugo Universal Theme.
To contribute to this repository, you can edit simply using the GitHub integrated editor. You will need to have a GitHub account, and a new pull request with your changes will be created.
If you need to edit multiple files, or if you want to check the resulting pages before posting a pull request, you can download Hugo and use it locally. It is a simple process, and you can check your work before submitting the changes.
Fork this repo first, and when cloning your copy install dependent submodules also (the Theme is in a submodule repo):
$ git clone --recurse-submodules<your github username>/oss2019.git
Don't forget to make it recursive, or you will have errors executing hugo afterwards!
If you forgot, you can still run this command on your local repo:
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Make your changes, commit to your fork of the repository, and create a pull request afterwards. It is very easy to create a PR going to the GitHub Web page of your repo. You will see a "create a pull request" link, so you follow that one and do a pull request against our repository.
After we merge your changes, a webhook will be fired to update your changes, and it take up to 5 minutes to go live.
- # for a GitHub account
- Signin to GitHub
- Generate or locate your SSH Key and add them to your GitHub profile settings: profile > settings > SSH and GPG Keys
From there, you've got all the files ready to go and you can start your hugo server to preview the changes you made. Live reload will update your change in the browser as soon as you hit that save
$ hugo serve -v
The terminal will tell you at which address your hugo server lives, but it usually is at http://localhost:1313
Several editors for better markdown editing
- Sublime has package called MarkdownExtended that improves Markdown + Front Matter syntax highlighting
- Atom has a built in GitHub Markdown syntax highlighting
- Visual Studio
- WebStorm
Git, using command lines can be a little bit confusing at first, those UI clients will help wrap your head around it.