- Updated UI Libraries
- Upgraded API Libraries
- Removed unused API dependencies
- Fixed API Locale
- Implemented new API Library for narodmon.ru
- Improved API RawWeatherDataModel (new function
) - Added new API Endpoint:
CLI system/narodmon
- Written documentation (PHPDoc) for the API Classes
- Added new parameters (for NarodMonLibrary) to the .env file
- Updated UI Libraries
- Redesigned footer, added links
- Implemented Not Found Page
- Added Arduino code check
- Fixed Arduino code for testing GYML8511 UV sensor
- README documentation has been improved
- Added Arduino BMP085 and PCF8574 libraries to the repository
- Fixed Jest config
- Fixed types for UI setItem function
- Added some UI Unit tests
- Added descriptions (TSDoc) for UI helpers functions
- Implemented new Meteogram Widget
- Created new Forecast page
- Refactoring WeatherIcon, added getWeatherIconUrl function
- Refactoring WidgetChart and WidgetForecastTable
- Columns for WidgetForecastTable are moved to the component, a set of columns is created
- Created getSampledData UI function
- Updated README, CHANGELOG and fixed styles
- Updated UI libraries
- Updated UI libraries
- Improved CSS themes
- Changed sensors min and max values to last 12 hours
- Optimized UI filterRecentData function
- Updated UI libraries
- Fixed height of base component
- Added memoization data for UI WeatherChart
- Changed UI Tests names
- Added UI function for interpolation charts data (invertData)
- Improved SonarCloud configuration file
- Fixed issues in the UI WidgetSummary and WindDirectionIcon components
- Improved and fixed client config files
- Added UI Unit tests for Footer and WindDirectionIcon components
- Migrate to new version of Next.js (15)
- Updated GitHub CI/CD Actions
- Fixed code-style
- Updated UI libraries
- Updated API dependencies
- Added new API Endpoint: 'GET /current/text'
- Added new API Method: getCurrentTextWeather
- Added animated weather icons
- Created SECURITY.md
- Updated UI libraries
- Removed unused UI Container component
- Removed unused UI Badge Component
- Updated locales
- Improved UI styles and themes
- Improved UI components styles
- Removed UI convertWindDirection function
- Changed main screen image
- Upgrade index page
- Updated UI WeatherIcon, Chart, WidgetSummary and WindDirection
- Updated README.md
- Implemented new API Endpoint - Heatmap
- Connect UI to new API endpoint
- Implemented new UI Widget Heatmap Component
- Added new UI page - Heatmap
- Improved UI locales
- Optimized and improved UI styles
- Improved UI tools and utilities functions
- Improved WidgetChart UI Component
- Optimized UI pages
- Improved README, fixed ESLint config
- Improved Widgets, AppBar and Layouts components
- Removed unused UI components and install Simple React UI Kit library
- Added new UI ComparisonIcon Component
- Added CI/CD release action