How to deploy Firebase functions ?
1) Add your firebase configurations in environment file under shared library.
2) Run below command to deploy firebase functions
Dev Env : node cli deploy-functions --pv trivia --e staging
Prod Env : node cli deploy-functions --pv trivia --e production
3) Run below command to start scheduler
Dev Env : node cli run-schedular --se dev
Prod Env : node cli run-schedular --se prod
How to deploy Android app on Google play store?
You can publish a NativeScript app in Google Play the same way you would release a purely native Android app.
Assumption : Before creating build , nativescript setup should be done in system for android and ios application environment.
1) Follow below steps to create .keystore file
-> create directory to store .keystore file
-> mkdir -p certificates/android
-> keytool -genkey -v -keystore application_name.keystore -alias application_name-key -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
-> Enter key informations and set password for key & alias
2) Update app name and facebook app id informations of dev & prod environment in xml file under configuration/android directory .
3) Run below command to generate apk file :
Dev Env : node cli release-mobile --pv trivia --pk --plt android --e staging
--keyStorePassword <keyStorePassword> --keyStoreAlias <keyStoreAlias> --keyStoreAliasPassword <keyStoreAliasPassword> --v <versionCode>
--vn <versionName>
Prod Env : node cli release-mobile --pv trivia --pk io.bitwiser.trivia --plt android --e production
--keyStorePassword <keyStorePassword> --keyStoreAlias <keyStoreAlias> --keyStoreAliasPassword <keyStoreAliasPassword> --v <versionCode>
--vn <versionName>
4) Deploy App on Google play store:
Assumption : user already have google play account
1) open link in browser
2) We can deploy application using two methods
-> Create application and deploy new apk file
-> Select existing application and deploy updated apk file
Follow below steps to deploy new application on google play store
Create Application :
-> Click on create application and give the name of application
-> Fill information of store listing tab
-> complete content rating step
-> complete # & distribution step
-> click on App release tab
-> From App release page, scroll down and click on Alpha release
-> Click on Create Release and Upload your apk
-> Fill the information and click on Review button
-> Select Manage Testing accordian and add tester's email under it
-> Click on Release button at bottom of the screen
-> You can find app url for alpha testing after complete release process
Update existing Application version :
-> Select your application from application list
-> Now, Select Release Management Option from sidebar
-> Select App Release option from option
-> Click on Create Release button from page .
-> Upload new apk and fill the information
-> Click on Release button at bottom of the screen
-> You can find app url for alpha testing after complete release process
How to deploy Ios app on App store?
Assumption : Ios app deployment will require MAC system and xcode 10 and app developer account
1) Update CFBundleDisplayName and FacebookAppID, FacebookDisplayName & CFBundleVersion in Info.plist files under configurations/ios directory
2) Run below command to prepare xcode compatible project
Dev Env : node cli release-mobile --pv trivia --pk --plt ios --e dev
Prod Env : node cli release-mobile --pv trivia --pk io.bitwiser.trivia --plt ios --e production
3) Right click on rwatrivia.xcworkspace directory under platforms/ios directory and select reveal in folder
4) Now , Right click on rwatrivia.xcworkspace directory and open it in xcode 10
5) Before creating build, we need to create application account and certificates from app store & developer account
Follow below process to create certificates and application on app store
1) Open url in browser
-> Steps to create App Id
2) select Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles option from sidebar
3) Select App Ids option under Identifiers section from sidebar
4) Click + button and Fill App Name, bundle id and select app services (like APN service).
5) Now, App Id is created for your application.
-> Steps to insert devices .
6) Click on All under Devices option and add uuid of ios devices.
-> Steps to create Push Notification certificate.
7) Select All option from Keys and click + button.
8) Give name to certificate , select APN service and generate certificate.
9) Download the certificate and double click on the file.
Note : create certificates for Dev and production environment.
-> Steps to create App on App store.
10) Open url in browser .
11) Click on + button and Fill the New App Information, select bundle id and submit the form.
- Now, we have certificates and app on app store.
- From Xcode select Automatically manage signing option from General configuration.
- Select Development Provisional certificate from dropdown in Signing(Debug) section.
- Select Distribution Provisional certificate from dropdown in Signing(Release) section.
- Select Capabilities tab from tabs.
- Enable Push Notifications from options.
- Now, Select Generic iOs Device in device selection at topbar
- Select Archive option from Product Menu of xcode.
- Now, Build will be generated.
- Once build will be generated , upload window will be opened.
- Select Distribute App option and complete the steps.
- Once App will be uploaded , close the xcode and other window.
- Open url in browser .
- Select Activity Tab from Tabs.
- App store will display result as Processing.
- Once status will be changed, select Test Flight option.
- Click on uploaded version App .
- Now, Select Add Testers to Build option and give encryption as NO status & submit it.
- Add Store Connect Users and External Testers and invite users.
- Bingo ! your app is uploaded now.