- VC dimension
- TP, FP, TN, FN
- precision, recall, accuracy
- AP, mAP
- why threre are so many performance measures, such as AP, mAP, MR etc.
- lr vs svm vs decision tree vs dnn
- assumption
- overfitting vs underfitting
- bias vs variance
- ensemble methods(bagging, boosting and stacking)
- imbalance between classes
- cross validation
- loss
- cross entropy loss and softmax(how to implement)
- cross entropy loss vs mse
- first-order optimization or second-order optimization algorithm
- optimization strategy, sgd, momentum, rmsprop, adam, adamw
- how to choose the data augmentation method
- difference between all kinds of norm(in, ln, bn, gn, bn+gn)
- how to get better results for bn besides using larger batch size
- bn vs se
- alpha in bn, how to prune network using alpha
- bn vs whitening
- eps and momentum in bn
- loss normalization: use batch-wise norm vs sample-wise norm or others
- interpreting confidence scores: process each class separately or not
- the use of activation function
- relu vs sigmoid
- backpropagation
- class imbalance
- vanishing gradient problem
- assumption of convolutional neural network
- why convolutional layer not fc layer
- features fusion methods
- dilated conv vs deconvolution
- receptive field calculation
- why we don't need bias in conv when networks are pluged in bn
- backpropagation of pooling layer and bn
- exponential moving average
- translation invariance and translation equalvariance
- the implementation of dilated conv in tf
- why no bn in fc layer
- resnetv1 -> resnetv2 (preactivation)
- how to improve downsample block of resnet
- how to design an efficient network(perspective of hardware and architecture, head, tail, body, block, downsample module)
- features of efficient network architecture
- classifier to detector
- reorg(space2conv) implemented by conv
- one stage vs two stage
- ssd vs yolo vs retinanet
- roi align vs roi pooling
- anchor matching strategy
- positive, negative, ignore anchor
- objective function
- how to detect small objects
- how to get better detection performance
- how to get faster detection model
- why multi-scale and how
- data augmentation
- train from scratch
- freeze part of layers or not
- the difference between face detection and pedestrain detection
- roi align -> roiconv
- why anchor free
- SNIP, tridentnet
- leetcode
- copy vs deepcopy in python
- *((*float)(&(int a = 2;)))
- 0.35 / 0.05
- command
- tool chain, include, library, environment variable