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Feature overview: shapeless 1.2.4
All the examples below assume you have previously imported shapeless._
A new encoding of polymorphic function values which optionally supports type specific cases, and which is interoperable with Scala's ordinary monomorphic function values.
// choose is a function from Sets to Options with no type specific cases
object choose extends (Set ~> Option) {
def apply[T](s : Set[T]) = s.headOption
// choose is convertible to an ordinary monomorphic function value
val lo = List(Set(1, 3, 5), Set(2, 4, 6)) map choose
lo == List(Option(1), Option(2))
// size is a function from values of arbitrary type to a 'size' which is
// defined via type specific cases
object size extends Poly1 {
implicit def default[T] = at[T](t => 1)
implicit def caseInt = at[Int](x => 1)
implicit def caseString = at[String](_.length)
implicit def caseList[T] = at[List[T]](_.length)
implicit def caseOption[T](implicit st : Pullback1[T, Int]) =
at[Option[T]](t => 1+(t map size).getOrElse(0))
implicit def caseTuple[T, U]
(implicit st : Pullback1[T, Int], su : Pullback1[U, Int]) =
at[(T, U)](t => size(t._1)+size(t._2))
size(23) == 1
size("foo") == 3
size((23, "foo")) == 4
An implementation of Scrap your Boilerplate with Class which provides generic map and fold operations over arbitrarily nested data structures,
val nested = List(Option(List(Option(List(Option(23))))))
val succ = everywhere(inc)(nested)
succ == List(Option(List(Option(List(Option(24))))))
A Typeable
type class which provides a type safe cast operation.
val a : Any = List(Vector("foo", "bar", "baz"), Vector("wibble"))
val lvs : Option[List[Vector[String]]] = a.cast[List[Vector[String]]]
lvs.isDefined == true
val lvi : Option[List[Vector[Int]]] = a.cast[List[Vector[Int]]]
lvi.isEmpty == true
The mother of all Scala HList
's, which amongst other things,
- is covariant.
trait Fruit
case class Apple() extends Fruit
case class Pear() extends Fruit
type FFFF = Fruit :: Fruit :: Fruit :: Fruit :: HNil
type APAP = Apple :: Pear :: Apple :: Pear :: HNil
val a : Apple = Apple()
val p : Pear = Pear()
val apap : APAP = a :: p :: a :: p :: HNil
val ffff : FFFF = apap // APAP <: FFFF
- has a map operation, applying a polymorphic function value (possibly
with type specific cases) across its elements. This means that it
subsumes both typical
's and alsoKList
's (HList
's whose elements share a common outer type constructor).
type SISS = Set[Int] :: Set[String] :: HNil
type OIOS = Option[Int] :: Option[String] :: HNil
val sets : SISS = Set(1) :: Set("foo") :: HNil
val opts : OIOS = sets map choose
opts == Option(1) :: Option("foo") :: HNil
- has a set of fully polymorphic fold operations which take a polymorphic
binary function value. The fold is sensitive to the static types of all of
the elements of the
// Polymorphic binary function value with type-specific cases:
// (c : Char, s : String) => s.indexOf(c)
// (i : Int, b : Boolean) => if ((i >= 0) == b) "pass" else "fail")
object combine extends Poly2 {
implicit def caseCharString = at[Char, String]((c, s) => s.indexOf(c))
implicit def caseIntBoolean =
at[Int, Boolean]((i, b) => if ((i >= 0) == b) "pass" else "fail")
val l1 = "foo" :: true :: HNil
val f1 = l1.foldLeft('o')(combine)
f1 == "pass"
- has a zipper for traversal and persistent update.
import Zipper._
val l = 1 :: "foo" :: 3.0 :: HNil
val l2 = l.toZipper.right.put("wibble", 45).reify
l2 == 1 :: ("wibble", 45) :: 3.0 :: HNil
val l3 = l.toZipper.right.delete.reify
l3 == 1 :: 3.0 :: HNil
val l4 = l.toZipper.last.left.insert("bar").reify
l4 == 1 :: "foo" :: "bar" :: 3.0 :: HNil
- has a
operation which converts it to anHList
of elements of the least upper bound of the original types.
val ffff = apap.unify // type inferred as FFFF
- supports conversion to an ordinary Scala
of elements of the least upper bound of the original types.
val lf = apap.toList // type inferred as List[Fruit]
lf == List(a, p, a, p)
- has a
type class instance, allowing, eg. vanillaList[Any]
's orHList
's with elements of typeAny
to be safely cast to precisely typedHList
val ffff : FFFF = apap.unify // discard precise typing
val apap2 : Option[APAP] = ffff.cast[APAP] // reestablish precise typing
apap2.get == apap
These last three bullets make this HList
dramatically more practically
useful than HList
's are typically thought to be: normally the full
type information required to work with them is too fragile to cross subtyping
or I/O boundaries. This implementation supports the discarding of precise
information where necessary (eg. to serialize a precisely typed record after
construction), and its later reconstruction (eg. a weakly typed deserialized
record with a known schema can have it's precise typing reestabilished).
Conversions between tuples and HList
's, and between ordinary Scala
functions of arbitrary arity and functions which take a single
corresponding HList
// Round trip from tuple to HList and back
val t1 = (23, "foo", 2.0, true)
val l1 = t1.hlisted
h1 == 23 :: "foo" :: 2.0 :: true :: HNil
val t2 = l1.tupled
t1 == t2
One application of these is the liftO
function which lifts an ordinary
function of arbitrary arity into Option
// Lift these ordinary Scala function values into Option
val sum : (Int, Int) => Int = _ + _
val prd : (Int, Int, Int) => Int = _ * _ * _
// Nb. liftO abstracts over the arity of its function arguments
val sumO = liftO(sum) // (Option[Int], Option[Int]) => Option[Int]
val prdO = liftO(prd) // (Option[Int], Option[Int], Option[Int]) => Option[Int]
val s1 = sumO(Some(1), Some(2))
s1 == Option(3)
val s2 = sumO(Some(1), None)
s2 == None
val p1 = prdO(Some(2), Some(3), Some(4))
p1 == Option(24)
val p2 = prdO(Some(2), None, Some(4))
p2 == None
A heterogenous map which supports an arbitrary relation between key type and corresponding value type,
// Key/value relation to be enforced: Strings map to Ints and vice versa
class BiMapIS[K, V]
implicit val intToString = new BiMapIS[Int, String]
implicit val stringToInt = new BiMapIS[String, Int]
val hm = HMap[BiMapIS](23 -> "foo", "bar" -> 13)
val hm2 = HMap[BiMapIS](23 -> "foo", 23 -> 13) // Does not compile
val s1 = hm.get(23) // Inferred type is Option[String]
s1 == Some("foo")
val i1 = hm.get("bar") // Inferred type is Option[Int]
i1 == Some(13)
An implementation of extensible records modelled as HLists
associations. Keys are encoded using singleton types and fully determine
the types of their corresponding values,
import Record._
object author extends Field[String]
object title extends Field[String]
object price extends Field[Double]
object inPrint extends Field[Boolean]
val book =
(author -> "Benjamin Pierce") ::
(title -> "Types and Programming Languages") ::
(price -> 44.11) ::
// Read price field
val currentPrice = book.get(price) // Inferred type is Double
currentPrice == 44.11
// Update price field, relying on static type of currentPrice
val updated = book + (price -> (currentPrice+2.0))
// Add a new field
val extended = updated + (inPrint -> true)
extended ==
(author -> "Benjamin Pierce") ::
(title -> "Types and Programming Languages") ::
(price -> 46.11) ::
(inPrint -> true) ::
A type representing an isomorphism between an arbitrary case class an
composed of the case classes components. This has many
applications including,
- almost automatic derivation of type class instances for case classes given the instances for their components,
// Given an isomorphism between `C` and an `HList` `L`, construct a
// monoid instance for `C` given the monoid instance for `L`, which is
// in turn derived from the monoid instances for its/`C`'s element types.
implicit def ccMonoid[C, L <: HList](implicit iso : Iso[C, L], ml : Monoid[L]) =
new Monoid[C] {
def zero = fromHList(ml.zero)
def append(a : C, b : C) = fromHList(toHList(a) |+| toHList(b))
// An ordinary case class
case class Foo(i : Int, s : String, d : Double)
// Publish its `Iso`
implicit def fooIso = Iso.hlist(Foo.apply _, Foo.unapply _)
// And now it's a monoid ...
val f = Foo(13, "foo", 1.0) |+| Foo(23, "bar", 3.0)
f == Foo(36, "foobar", 4.0)
- boilerplate-free lenses for HList and tuple types, and almost boilerplate-free lenses for arbitrary case classes,
// A pair of ordinary case classes ...
case class Address(street : String, city : String, postcode : String)
case class Person(name : String, age : Int, address : Address)
// One line of boilerplate per case class ...
implicit val addressIso = Iso.hlist(Address.apply _, Address.unapply _)
implicit val personIso = Iso.hlist(Person.apply _, Person.unapply _)
// Some lenses over Person/Address ...
val nameLens = Lens[Person] >> _0
val ageLens = Lens[Person] >> _1
val addressLens = Lens[Person] >> _2
val streetLens = Lens[Person] >> _2 >> _0
val cityLens = Lens[Person] >> _2 >> _1
val postcodeLens = Lens[Person] >> _2 >> _2
// Starting value
val person = Person("Joe Grey", 37, Address("Southover Street", "Brighton", "BN2 9UA"))
// Read a field
val age1 = ageLens.get(person) // Type inferred is Int
age1 == 37
// Update a field
val person2 = ageLens.set(person)(38)
person2.age == 38
// Transform a field
val person3 = ageLens.modify(person2)(_ + 1)
person3.age == 39
// Read a nested field
val street = streetLens.get(person3)
street == "Southover Street"
// Update a nested field
val person4 = streetLens.set(person3)("Montpelier Road")
person4.address.street == "Montpelier Road"
// Cumulative result of above updates
person4 == Person("Joe Grey", 39, Address("Montpelier Road", "Brighton", "BN2 9UA"))
Collection types with statically known sizes. These can prevent runtime errors that would result from attempting to take the head of an empty list, and can also verify more complex and useful relationships.
def row(cols : Seq[String]) = cols.mkString("\"", "\", \"", "\"")
def csv[N <: Nat]
(hdrs : Sized[Seq[String], N],
rows : List[Sized[Seq[String], N]]) = row(hdrs) :: rows.map(row(_))
val hdrs = Sized("Title", "Author")
val rows = List(
Sized("Types and Programming Languages", "Benjamin Pierce"),
Sized("The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages", "Simon Peyton-Jones")
// hdrs and rows statically known to have the name number of columns
val formatted = csv(hdrs, rows) // Compiles
// extendedHdrs has the wrong number of columns for rows
val extendedHdrs = Sized("Title", "Author", "ISBN")
val badFormatted = csv(extendedHdrs, rows) // Does not compile
A mostly unboxed approximation to Haskell's newtype,
// MyString is a new type with String as its underlying representation
// and with its operations provided by MyStringOps
type MyString = Newtype[String, MyStringOps]
// MyString constructor
def MyString(s : String) : MyString = newtype(s)
// Expose String#size as MyString#mySize. No other operations of String
// are accessible
case class MyStringOps(s : String) {
def mySize = s.size
implicit val mkOps = MyStringOps
val ms = MyString("foo")
val s : String = ms // Does not compile
val ms2 : MyString = "foo" // Does not compile
//ms.size // Does not compile
ms.mySize == 3 // Compiles.
// Verify that this is an unboxed representation
ms.getClass == classOf[String]