Your preprocessing script must do the following:
- Map genes to Ensembl IDs
- Map phenotypes to the 2019 version of HPO
- Output a jsonlines file where each json (i.e., line in the file) contains information for a single patient
Please refer to the create_mygene2_cohort/
for an example preprocessing script.
An example patient from the simulated patients dataset:
"id": 9,
"positive_phenotypes": ["HP:0000221", "HP:0000232", "HP:0001155", "HP:0005692", "HP:0012471", "HP:0100540", "HP:0001999", "HP:0001249", "HP:0010285", "HP:0000924", "HP:0004459"],
"all_candidate_genes": ["ENSG00000196277", "ENSG00000104899", "ENSG00000143156", "ENSG00000088451", "ENSG00000157557", "ENSG00000165125", "ENSG00000157766", "ENSG00000108821", "ENSG00000142655", "ENSG00000184470", "ENSG00000157119", "ENSG00000069431", "ENSG00000131828", "ENSG00000179111", "ENSG00000168646"],
"true_genes": ["ENSG00000069431"],
"true_diseases": ["966"]
The minimal information required for each patient are:
- Patient ID ("id")
- List of phenotypes present in the patient as HPO terms ("positive_phenotypes")
To run causal gene discovery, the json must also include:
- List of all candidate genes as Ensembl IDs ("all_candidate_genes")
To run patients-like-me identification or novel disease characterization, the json does not require any additional information.
- Causal genes ("true_genes"). If available, please provide causal genes as Ensembl IDs.
- Disease names ("true_diseases"). If available, please provide true disease names as MONDO IDs.
- Omim ID
- Orphanet ID
- Orphanet category