Mimus is a bird genus in the family Mimidae. It contains the typical mockingbirds.
Mimus is a Swift mocking library, aiming to reduce boilerplate code required for building mocks in Swift. It's been battle tested at AirHelp and Toptal where it's being used extensively across test suites.
- Pure Swift
- Protocol-oriented implementation
- Integrated with XCTest
- Support for verification of basic types and collections (including optionals)
- Support for writing custom matchers
- Detailed failure reporting
- Unit-tested
A Mimus mock can be created by declaring a class that conforms to your custom protocol and Mimus Mock
class FakeAuthenticationManager: AuthenticationManager, Mock {
var storage = Mimus.Storage()
func beginAuthentication(with email: String, password: String) {
recordCall(withIdentifier: "BeginAuthentication", arguments: [email, password])
Afterwards you can verify whether specific call was received:
let fakeLoginAuthenticationManager = FakeAuthenticationManager()
fakeLoginAuthenticationManager.verifyCall(withIdentifier: "BeginAuthentication",
arguments: [mEqual("Fixture Email"), mEqual("Fixture Password")])
You can find more on the basic usage here.
For detailed usage refer to documentation folder.
Mimus is available through Swift Package Manager.
dependencies: [
url: "https://github.com/mimus-swift/Mimus.git",
from: "1.1.4"
To add a package dependency to your Xcode project, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter its repository URL.
You can also navigate to your target’s General pane, and in the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section, click the + button. In the “Choose frameworks and libraries to add” dialog, select Add Other, and choose Add Package Dependency.
You can also use Carthage for installing Mimus. Simply add it to your Cartfile:
github "mimus-swift/Mimus"
and then link it with your test target.
Mimus is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile against your test target:
pod "Mimus"
Note that starting with 2.1.0 Mimus will not be distributed via Cocoapods - we're moving to Swift Package Manager and we recommend everyone to do the same. You can still use Cocoapods with latest versions by pinning to a specific tag.
Mimus is an AirHelp open source project, designed and implemented by
- Pawel Dudek, @eldudi, pawel@dudek.mobi
- Pawel Kozielecki, @pawelkozielecki, pawel.kozielecki@airhelp.com
Logo Design by Arkadiusz Lipiarz @arek_lipiarz, arkadiusz.lipiarz@airhelp.com
Mimus is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.