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GCP SecretManager

Andreas Auernhammer edited this page Oct 27, 2020 · 17 revisions

This guide shows how to setup a KES server that uses GCP SecretManager as a persistent key store.

  1. GCP SecretManager
  2. KES Server setup
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│ KES Client ├───────────╫──┤ KES Server ├──────────┤ GCP SecretManager │  ║
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GCP SecretManager

The GCP SecretsManager is basically a key-value store for secrets - like passwords, access tokens and cryptographic keys.

  1. As initial step, login in to your GCP console and create a new project or select an existing project. Then enable the SecretManager service if it isn't enabled for your project, already.
  2. Once done, switch over to GCP IAM for service accounts and create a new service account for KES. This service account will be used by KES to authenticate to GCP and access the SecretManager. When creating the service account you can assign one or multiple roles to it. If you just want to get started quickly you can assign the Secret Manager Admin role. However, we recommend that you create a new role for KES with the minimal permissions required:
  3. When you have created a new service account with sufficient permissions you can create a key for the service account via Actions - Create Key. Please use the JSON key format. GCP let's you download a JSON file with the following structure:
      "type":           "service_account",
      "project_id":     "<your-project-id>",
      "private_key_id": "<your-private-key-id>",
      "private_key":    "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n ... -----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
      "client_email":   "<your-service-account>@<your-project-id>",
      "client_id":      "<your-client-id>"
    The content of this credentials file will be used to configure KES such that KES can authenticate to GCP and access the SecretManager.

KES Server setup

First, we need to generate a TLS private key and certificate for our KES server. A KES server can only be run with TLS - since secure-by-default. Here we use self-signed certificates for simplicity. For a production setup we highly recommend to use a certificate signed by CA (e.g. your internal CA or a public CA like Let's Encrypt)

  1. First, create the TLS private key:

    openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 | openssl ec -out server.key
  2. Then, create the corresponding TLS X.509 certificate:

    openssl req -new -x509 -days 30 -key server.key -out server.cert \
      -subj "/C=/ST=/L=/O=/CN=localhost" -addext "subjectAltName = IP:"

    You can ignore output messages like: req: No value provided for Subject Attribute C, skipped. OpenSSL just tells you that you haven't specified a country, state, a.s.o for the certificate subject. Since we generate a self-signed certificate we don't have to worry about this.

  3. Then, create private key and certificate for your application:

    kes tool identity new --key=app.key --cert=app.cert app

    You can compute the app identity via:

    kes tool identity of app.cert
  4. Now, we have defined all entities in our demo setup. Let's wire everything together by creating the config file server-config.yml:

    root:    disabled  # We disable the root identity since we don't need it in this guide 
      key : server.key
      cert: server.cert
        - /v1/key/create/my-app*
        - /v1/key/generate/my-app*
        - /v1/key/decrypt/my-app*
        - ${APP_IDENTITY}
          project_id: "<your-project-id>"                  # Use your GCP project ID
            client_email: "<your-client-email>"            # Use the client email from your GCP credentials file
            client_id: "<your-client-id>"                  # Use the client ID from your GCP credentials file
            private_key_id: "<your-private-key-id"         # Use the private key ID from your GCP credentials file
            private_key: "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- ..." # Use the private key from your GCP credentials file
  5. Finally we can start a KES server in a new window/tab:

    export APP_IDENTITY=$(kes tool identity of app.cert)
    kes server --config=server-config.yml --auth=off

    --auth=off is required since our root.cert and app.cert certificates are self-signed

  6. In the previous window/tab we now can connect to the server by:

    export KES_CLIENT_CERT=app.cert
    export KES_CLIENT_KEY=app.key
    kes key create -k my-app-key

    -k is required because we use self-signed certificates

    Now, if you go to the GCP SecretManager you should see a secret key named my-app-key.

  7. Finally, we can derive and decrypt data keys from the previously created my-app-key:

    kes key derive -k my-app-key
      plaintext : ...
      ciphertext: ...
    kes key decrypt -k my-app-key <base64-ciphertext>
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