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misode edited this page May 16, 2018 · 19 revisions

This page contains a list of all active modules in Skymode4.

Module name Small description Author(s)
Barrels Compost items to get dirt, make lava from cobblestone, boil water, heat up ores and cast alloys Misode
Better Armor Stands This module lets you control the size of stands and show their arms Sparks
Cobblestone Generator This simple machine automatically produces a piece of cobblestone every 5 seconds Misode
Crusher Cobblestone to gravel, gravel to sand and get loot Misode
Ender Hoppers Create special hoppers that teleport nearby items to them Elemend
Fans Simple block to push mobs away Misode
Farming Station Automatically farm crops Misode
Filter Only lets though items of the same type as the first slot Wilux
Graves Spawns a grave with your items in it when you die Misode
Heart Canisters Pricey canisters that increase your health when carried Sparks and SpiderRobotMan
Sweathearts Transfer your health to another player using flowers The8BitMonkey
Solar Panel Free energy from the sun Misode
Trapped Signs Craft trapped signs which, when right-clicked, give off a redstone signal Fyid
Tool Forge Craft custom tools and add modifiers Misode
Twerking Bonemeals saplings when you sneak near them Misode
Vertical Rails Use ladders as vertical minecart tracks Sparks and Siberian Hat
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