Please read through the following resources before you begin working on any contributions to this code base.
MAITE uses poetry for packaging and dependency management. Follow the installation instructions to install poetry. This ensures all developer's local installs are backed by the consistent set of dependency versions listed in the poetry.lock
Install MAITE along with all development dependencies; checkout the repo, navigate to its top level and run
poetry sync --all-extras
This [poetry] command ensures that any local changes that you make to the project's source code will be reflected in your install (similar to pip install -e
) and that you will use a the same set of dependency versions as all other developers.
If you wish to install all dependencies and not remove any existing non-conflicting dependencies that are already installed you can instead use poetry install ...
instead of poetry sync ...
Going forward in this document, any console commands run as a developer (e.g. pytest
, tox
, black
, etc.) are assumed to be run within the poetry-managed environment.
To ensure this, individual commands can be prefixed with poetry run ...
or the environment can be first activated in bash/Zsh/Csh via eval $(poetry env activate)
. See this section in the poetry docs for more information on activating the poetry-managed environment.
Note: if you're using poetry properly poetry should not be installed alongside maite
or its dependencies.
We provide contributors with pre-commit hooks, which will apply auto-formatters and linters to your code before your commit takes effect. You must install these in order to contribute to the repo.
The pre-commit library should already be installed in your poetry-managed development environment.
To configure it, you need to run two commands in that environment.
Then, in the top-level of the maite
repo, run:
pre-commit install
pre-commit run
Great! You can read more about pre-commit hooks in general here:
Our pre-commit hooks run the following auto-formatters on all commits:
It also runs flake8 to enforce PEP8 standards.
The most basic use case of pytest
is trivial: it will look for files with the word "test" in their name, and will look for functions that also have "test" in their name, and it will simply run those functions.
Navigate to the top-level of maite
and run:
pytest tests/
If you want to quickly run through the test suite, just to verify that it runs without error, you can run:
tox -e py
Additional Resources to Learn About Our Approach to Automated Testing, see:
A more thorough discussion of the following items can be found in module 5 of Python Like You Mean It.
Our code should adhere to the PEP 8 Style Guide. A general, brief overview of this style guide can be found here. This is a link to the formal PEP8 specification.
# Example of PEP-8 enforcement
# Adheres to PEP8:
x = {1: "a", 2: "b", 3: "c"}
# Violates PEP8 (excess whitespace):
x = {1 : "a", 2 : "b", 3 : "c"}
The basic naming conventions for Python are quite simple. They are:
- Class names:
- Constants:
- Literally everything else:
For example:
class ClassName:
def function_name():
variable_name = [1, 2, 3]
Note that Python package and module names should also follow snake_case
| src/
| my_project/
| package_name/
| tests/
It is recommended that large-scale projects and projects that make heavy use of custom classes consider incorporating function and variable annotations with type-hints. These greatly augment an IDE's ability to enrich your development environment with typing information. This serves to highlight bugs and inconsistencies as you are writing your code, rather than at runtime.
# Example of type hinting
def count_vowels(x: str, include_y: bool = False) -> int:
"""Returns the number of vowels contained in `in_string`"""
vowels = set("aeiouAEIOU")
if include_y:
return sum(1 for char in x if char in vowels)
See the Examples section of MAITE's docs for a deep dive into this.
Documentation strings should adhere to the NumPy Documentation Style. Beyond the occasional trivial, self-evident function, every function should have a doc-string. This includes functions that are strictly internal to the codebase.
# Example of of a numpy-style docstring
def compute_student_stats(grade_book, stat_function, student_list=None):
"""Computes custom statistics over students' grades.
Applies ``stat_func`` over a list of each student's grades,
and accumulates name-stat tuple pairs in a list.
grade_book : dict[str, list[float]]
The dictionary (name -> grades) of all of the students'
stat_function: Callable[[Iterable[float]], Any]
The function used to compute statistics over each student's
student_list : list[str] | None
A list of names of the students for whom statistics will be
computed. By default, statistics will be computed for all
students in the grade book.
list[tuple[str, Any]]
The name-stats tuple pair for each specified student.
>>> from statistics import mean
>>> grade_book = dict(Bruce=[90., 82., 92.], Courtney=[100., 85., 78.])
>>> compute_student_stats(grade_book, stat_function=mean)
[('Bruce', 88.0), ('Courtney', 87.66666666666667)]
Strive to leverage data structures with explicitly-named fields that describe your data. For example, if you are working with geographic coordinates in degrees-minutes-seconds, one might be tempted to store these coordinates in a plain tuple:
# bad: using a tuple to store a degrees-minutes-seconds coordinate
>>> coord = (80, 42, 30) # coordinate in DMS
The shortcoming of this is that the meaning of these fields are not self-evident. This data requires an additional source of documentation for context or, worse, relies implicitly on a developer's recollection.
One can instead define a named-tuple that explicitly represents the data being handled.
# good: Using a namedtuple to store a degrees-minutes-seconds coordinate
# with explicit attribute names
>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> DMS = namedtuple('DMS', ['degrees', 'minutes', 'seconds'])
>>> coord = DMS(degrees=80, minutes=42, seconds=30)
>>> coord.degrees # fetch a field by name
>>> coord[0] # fetch a field by index
Named tuples can even store docstrings to provide the user with additional information:
# setting a docstring on a named-tuple
>>> DMS.__doc__ = """
Stores a number in degrees/minutes/seconds.
degrees : int
minutes : int ∈ [0, 60]
seconds : int ∈ [0, 60]
If you are using Python 3.7 or later, you can also use the new dataclass to a similar effect.
For users performing larger-scale numerical experiments, numpy-arrays fall victim to the same ambiguity as tuples. The pandas
and xarray
libraries should be used to store tabular and higher-dimensional arrays of data with explicitly-named fields and metadata.
# bad: Using comments to describe heterogeneous data
>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = np.array([[.25, .01], # row: time-of-day; col: sensor
... [1.58, .82],
... [1.01, .91]])
# good: Using an xarray to explicitly name dimensions and label coordinates
# for a heterogeneous array of data
>>> dims = ["data_collect", "sensor_type"]
>>> coords = {"data_collect": ["Morning", "Noon", "Night"],
... "sensor_type": ["EO", "IR"]}
>>> xr.DataArray(data, dims=dims, coords=coords)
<xarray.DataArray (data_collect: 3, sensor_type: 2)>
array([[0.25, 0.01],
[1.58, 0.82],
[1.01, 0.91]])
* data_collect (data_collect) <U7 'Morning' 'Noon' 'Night'
* sensor_type (sensor_type) <U2 'EO' 'IR'
Using explicit data structures when processing data is critical to ensuring that an algorithm can have a long shelf-life and will be useful to people other than the algorithm's author(s).
Our CI runs the pyright
type-checker in basic mode against maite's entire code base and against specific test files; this ensures that our type-annotations are complete and accurate.
If you use VSCode with Pylance, then make sure that Type Checking Mode
is set to basic
for your maite workspace. Your IDE will then mark any problematic code.Other IDEs can leverage the pyright language server to a similar effect.
While this is helpful for getting immediate feedback about your code, it is no substitute for running pyright
from the commandline. To do so, run the following tox job:
poetry run tox -e pyright
The following lays out the essentials for maintaining the MAITE library. It is recommended that you read the previous "Contributor Basics" before proceeding.
The project's build tooling (e.g. that we use poetry to build the installable artifacts), metadata (e.g. author list), and dependencies are all specified in the pyproject.toml file.
The project > dependencies
section is where the project's minimum dependencies are specified.
In the case that a new dependency is added, poetry add should be used with a minimum version must be specified. poetry add
provides several options for adding the dev dependencies, extras dependencies or group dependencies. The pyproject.toml project.optional-dependencies
lists the MAITE dependency groups.
The project's version (e.g. v0.3.0
) is managed by poetry-dynamic-versioning, meaning that the maite.__version__
attribute is not set manually, rather it is derived from the project's latest git-commit tag of the form vX.Y.Z
. See Creating a new release and publishing to PyPI for more details.
We use the github-flow branching model. This means that all changes are made on a branch that is branched off of the main
branch. When working on a feature or bug fix, developers should create an issue in the project's issue tracker and reference it in the commit message or pull request. This helps to ensure that all work is tracked and that team members can easily see what issues have been worked on and what still needs to be done. Once the changes are ready to be merged, a pull request is opened against the main
branch. The pull request must be approved by at least one other developer before it can be merged. Every pull request will trigger a CI run that will run the test suite, check the codebase for formatting errors, and check the docs for spelling errors. If any of these checks fail, the pull request cannot be merged. Lastly, a merge must be a fast-forward merge, meaning that the main
branch must be up-to-date with the main
branch of the upstream repo.
The repo's pyproject.toml file is responsible for storing the configurations for the project's tools (e.g. isort, pyright, codespell, tox) whenever possible. Some tools, such as flake8 and pre-commit, do not support this file format and have separate config files.
We use tox
to normalize the Python environment creation and command-running process for our CI/CD tasks. This enables us to run these locally as
well as on a platform like GitHub Actions. Some tasks that tox runs are:
- Running our test suite against multiple platforms, Python versions, and dependency matrices
- Scanning the project for consistent and up-to-date headers
- Running a spell checker on our docs and code base
- Running the pyright type checker on our code base, tests, and docs
- Publishing new build artifacts to PyPI
- Building and publishing our docs
tox is used to run various automation tasks. These can include running a test suite, checking a repo's formatting, building docs, etc. For each one of these tasks, tox will:
- Create an isolated python environment.
- Install the dependencies needed to perform the task.
- Run commandline commands within said environment.
- Save specified artifacts.
The tox
package is already installed in the poetry-managed development environment, however if you use conda
to manage Python environments already, you can have tox
use conda
as its environment manager by installing tox-conda
$ pip install tox-conda
The library's tox config is located under the [tool.tox]
entry in the pyproject.toml file. Navigate to the top-level maite
directory and run tox -a -v
to list all of the environments and their descriptions.
As an example, to run the test suite in Python 3.10 environment, run:
tox -e py310
by default, we have configured this to run the test suite in a parallelized fashion according to the number of available CPUs. To run the tests in serial, instead run:
tox -e py310 -- -n 0
Consult the descriptions section of each environment to understand what they do.