All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- An AI agent against which a human can play. Run w/
conda activate od2d_v0.1.0
cd src/orbit_defender2d/king_of_the_hill/examples # need to have this as working directory to work properly
Ability to create asymmetric games. See
Game server that can run a game that two remote users log in to play. Game server can display it's own render of the game
- Ability to create asymmetric games. All game parameters can be asymmetric between players including number of tokens, fuel, ammo, points, win score, etc...
- Randomizer that can be used to generate random Initial game conditions for use with AI training.
- More print function options to display info as game is played
- Logging functions to log game to file
- Added player command line interface against trained AI agent example. This is played on a smaller board (4 rings).
- Updated some required packages in the environment. Added torch to play trained AI agent.
- Changed some default names in seeker displays as HVA and bludger displays as Patrol. Beta changed to Bravo.
- ''
- Some changes to scoring, added fuel points baed on remaining fuel. Goal Sector points remain cumulative.
- Made many actions that are not useful illegal (cannot attack already inactive tokens for example). This helps AI training immensely
- Updated the renderer to have larger, easier to see tokens with numbers. Made rendered window resizable
- User Interface