I am a Full Stack Developer with a huge love for Alpine.js, Vue.js, React.js, Laravel, Headless Tech, Everything API, RDBMS, WordPress, TailwindCSS and System Architecture. Currently, I'm open to work and employment opportunities.
I am the co-founder of HappyAddons, one of the most popular and adored Elementor Addons Libraries. I Actively code on WordPress themes and plugins, Laravel, Shell Scripts, and APIs (in-house, end user products, and consumers) every day.
I love to read books and listen to music.
- 🎆 I was the lead organizer of WordCamp Dhaka 2019. I have arranged and took sessions in numbers of local WordPress, PHP and JavaScript meetups, seminars and conferences.
- 🔭 I’m currently creating two courses on Alpine.js and WordPress security, and Eazy Plugin Manager for helping WordPress administrators to manage plugins with so many cool features like never before.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning many things, I believe that everyday is a learning opportunity.
- 👯 I’m currently open for work and employment opportunities (remote and relocation)
- 💬 Ask me about Vue.js, React.js, Alpine.js, PHP, WordPress, Laravel and API development.
- 📫 I am just one mail away - [hasin at hasinhayder dot com]
- 😄 Pronouns: He, Fat & Happy 😄
- 🥳 Fun fact: I love to cook, I love to sing, I love to travel on my motorcycle.
- 📖 My books - I have written four books, "Object Oriented Programming with PHP", "WordPress Complete", "Facebook App Development" and "Smarty"
- 🔧 Tools - VSCode, Insomnia, Beekeper Studio, Markdown Editors, Spotify, Local by Flywheel, Docker and the Mighty Terminal with Oh MyZSH and PowerLevel 10K on Mac and Linux (Zorin OS).
- 📩 I run a weekly newsletter service for the developers, Developers Treasure Chest where you will find a curated list of awesome resources.
- 👥 I actively manage a few popular Facebok groups - WordPressians, Talk.js, phpXperts, Laravel Bangladesh, ReactJS, Bangladesh, Apple Product Users in Bangladesh and Envato Bangladesh