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Aurumaker72 edited this page Dec 10, 2024 · 18 revisions


Open the solution with your IDE of choice and build the solution.

Recommended IDEs are:

Additional context - Rider

It's recommended to disable "Use external console" (Run > Modify Run Configuration...), as it breaks spdlog's text coloring and reduces both startup and runtime performance.

Commit Style

Commits should, if possible, be reduced to individual work units and not contain multiple unrelated changes, barring situations where, for example, API changes require updating callsites.

The commits should be formatted as follows:

[Module]/[Kind]: [Description]

Module describes the module affected by the commit, usually by filename (e.g.: EncodingManager.cpp)

Kind loosely specifies the groups affected by the change. Can be:

  • Dev (internal change with little to no effect on users)
  • Fix (a bugfix)
  • Feature (a new feature or noteworthy change in functionality of an existing feature).

Example commits:

AVIEncoder/Fix: Fix encoder crashing on frame 32

ConfigDialog/Feature: Add reset settings button

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