From ff6fa23d45c4c9c57640f5565e350cfee59d3660 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Michele Nuzzi Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:16:45 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/8] add plu-ts --- plu-ts/.gitignore | 20 + plu-ts/babel.config.cjs | 3 + plu-ts/jest.config.cjs | 206 + plu-ts/out/lp-minting-policy.bin | Bin 0 -> 485 bytes plu-ts/out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin | Bin 0 -> 617 bytes plu-ts/out/nft-minting-policy.bin | Bin 0 -> 540 bytes plu-ts/out/pool-validator.bin | Bin 0 -> 3222 bytes plu-ts/package-lock.json | 7904 +++++++++++++++++ plu-ts/package.json | 52 + plu-ts/src/index.ts | 19 + plu-ts/src/validators/lp_minting_policy.ts | 33 + plu-ts/src/validators/nft_marketplace.ts | 54 + plu-ts/src/validators/nft_minting_policy.ts | 34 + plu-ts/src/validators/pool_validator.ts | 180 + plu-ts/src/validators/utils/policyValueOf.ts | 29 + plu-ts/src/validators/utils/positiveOrZero.ts | 6 + plu-ts/tsconfig.json | 84 + 17 files changed, 8624 insertions(+) create mode 100644 plu-ts/.gitignore create mode 100644 plu-ts/babel.config.cjs create mode 100644 plu-ts/jest.config.cjs create mode 100644 plu-ts/out/lp-minting-policy.bin create mode 100644 plu-ts/out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin create mode 100644 plu-ts/out/nft-minting-policy.bin create mode 100644 plu-ts/out/pool-validator.bin create mode 100644 plu-ts/package-lock.json create mode 100644 plu-ts/package.json create mode 100644 plu-ts/src/index.ts create mode 100644 plu-ts/src/validators/lp_minting_policy.ts create mode 100644 plu-ts/src/validators/nft_marketplace.ts create mode 100644 plu-ts/src/validators/nft_minting_policy.ts create mode 100644 plu-ts/src/validators/pool_validator.ts create mode 100644 plu-ts/src/validators/utils/policyValueOf.ts create mode 100644 plu-ts/src/validators/utils/positiveOrZero.ts create mode 100644 plu-ts/tsconfig.json diff --git a/plu-ts/.gitignore b/plu-ts/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4879013 --- /dev/null +++ b/plu-ts/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# dependecies can be retreived via ```npm install``` as long ```package.json``` is present +node_modules/ +# can be retreived by running tests +coverage/ + +.vscode* + +.npmrc* + +# npm pack +*.tgz + +# output of build +dist + +*.cpupfile +*.heapprofile + +# anything that has .env +*.env* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plu-ts/babel.config.cjs b/plu-ts/babel.config.cjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be08896 --- /dev/null +++ b/plu-ts/babel.config.cjs @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +module.exports = { + presets: ["@babel/preset-typescript",['@babel/preset-env', {targets: {node: 'current'}}]], +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plu-ts/jest.config.cjs b/plu-ts/jest.config.cjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9652ff9 --- /dev/null +++ b/plu-ts/jest.config.cjs @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +/* + * For a detailed explanation regarding each configuration property, visit: + * + */ + +module.exports = { + // All imported modules in your tests should be mocked automatically + // automock: false, + + // Stop running tests after `n` failures + // bail: 0, + + // The directory where Jest should store its cached dependency information + // cacheDirectory: "/tmp/jest_rs", + + // Automatically clear mock calls, instances and results before every test + clearMocks: true, + + // Indicates whether the coverage information should be collected while executing the test + // collectCoverage: false, + + // An array of glob patterns indicating a set of files for which coverage information should be collected + // collectCoverageFrom: undefined, + + // The directory where Jest should output its coverage files + // coverageDirectory: undefined, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings used to skip coverage collection + // coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [ + // "/node_modules/" + // ], + + // Indicates which provider should be used to instrument code for coverage + // coverageProvider: "babel", + + // A list of reporter names that Jest uses when writing coverage reports + // coverageReporters: [ + // "json", + // "text", + // "lcov", + // "clover" + // ], + + // An object that configures minimum threshold enforcement for coverage results + // coverageThreshold: undefined, + + // A path to a custom dependency extractor + // dependencyExtractor: undefined, + + // Make calling deprecated APIs throw helpful error messages + // errorOnDeprecated: false, + + // Force coverage collection from ignored files using an array of glob patterns + // forceCoverageMatch: [], + + // A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once before all test suites + // globalSetup: undefined, + + // A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once after all test suites + // globalTeardown: undefined, + + // A set of global variables that need to be available in all test environments + // globals: {}, + + // The maximum amount of workers used to run your tests. Can be specified as % or a number. E.g. maxWorkers: 10% will use 10% of your CPU amount + 1 as the maximum worker number. maxWorkers: 2 will use a maximum of 2 workers. + maxWorkers: "80%", + + // An array of directory names to be searched recursively up from the requiring module's location + moduleDirectories: [ + "node_modules" + ], + + // An array of file extensions your modules use + // moduleFileExtensions: [ + // "js", + // "jsx", + // "ts", + // "tsx", + // "json", + // "node" + // ], + + // A map from regular expressions to module names or to arrays of module names that allow to stub out resources with a single module + // moduleNameMapper: { + // "@emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-asmjs": "/node_modules/@emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-asmjs/cardano_serialization_lib.js" + // }, + + // modulePaths: [ + // "/node_modules/@emurgo", + // "/src/" + // ], + + // An array of regexp pattern strings, matched against all module paths before considered 'visible' to the module loader + // modulePathIgnorePatterns: [], + + // Activates notifications for test results + // notify: false, + + // An enum that specifies notification mode. Requires { notify: true } + // notifyMode: "failure-change", + + // A preset that is used as a base for Jest's configuration + // preset: undefined, + + // Run tests from one or more projects + // projects: undefined, + + // Use this configuration option to add custom reporters to Jest + // reporters: undefined, + + // Automatically reset mock state before every test + // resetMocks: false, + + // Reset the module registry before running each individual test + // resetModules: false, + + // A path to a custom resolver + // resolver: undefined, + + // Automatically restore mock state and implementation before every test + // restoreMocks: false, + + // The root directory that Jest should scan for tests and modules within + // rootDir: undefined, + + // A list of paths to directories that Jest should use to search for files in + // roots: [ + // "" + // ], + + // Allows you to use a custom runner instead of Jest's default test runner + // runner: "jest-runner", + + // The paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment before each test + // setupFiles: [], + + // A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing framework before each test + // setupFilesAfterEnv: [], + + // The number of seconds after which a test is considered as slow and reported as such in the results. + // slowTestThreshold: 5, + + // A list of paths to snapshot serializer modules Jest should use for snapshot testing + // snapshotSerializers: [], + + // The test environment that will be used for testing + testEnvironment: "jsdom", + + // Options that will be passed to the testEnvironment + // testEnvironmentOptions: {}, + + // Adds a location field to test results + // testLocationInResults: false, + + // The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files + // testMatch: [ + // "**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)", + // "**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[tj]s?(x)" + // ], + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all test paths, matched tests are skipped + // testPathIgnorePatterns: [ + // "/node_modules/" + // ], + + // The regexp pattern or array of patterns that Jest uses to detect test files + // testRegex: [], + + // This option allows the use of a custom results processor + // testResultsProcessor: undefined, + + // This option allows use of a custom test runner + // testRunner: "jest-circus/runner", + + // This option sets the URL for the jsdom environment. It is reflected in properties such as location.href + // testURL: "http://localhost", + + // Setting this value to "fake" allows the use of fake timers for functions such as "setTimeout" + // timers: "real", + + // A map from regular expressions to paths to transformers + // transform: undefined, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all source file paths, matched files will skip transformation + // transformIgnorePatterns: [ + // "/node_modules/", + // "\\.pnp\\.[^\\/]+$" + // ], + "transformIgnorePatterns": [ + // noble is es2020 + "/node_modules/(?!@noble/ed25519)" + ] + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all modules before the module loader will automatically return a mock for them + // unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined, + + // Indicates whether each individual test should be reported during the run + // verbose: undefined, + + // An array of regexp patterns that are matched against all source file paths before re-running tests in watch mode + // watchPathIgnorePatterns: [], + + // Whether to use watchman for file crawling + // watchman: true, + }; + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plu-ts/out/lp-minting-policy.bin b/plu-ts/out/lp-minting-policy.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1606f3baa1847b891c44f2ce4746359dc60c00fb GIT binary patch literal 485 zcmZXQze^lJ6vw|ayRNfxF{`I=i_P8bDF#xEcY=+@BIhB=6y}VCgcJ)o4$=gUAjED2 zg}tyL5iM4&1hMc$gfziwz{X-o2qB#TLyACB<{!wM8k@YwE8Y*@`+OfENFn0n%Jwl< zLlZTGH0mQ>ubd_qx3TQ|{+%ru;K^j8II45SFr) z2LWXx(F7h8Gu%`$%#M$A%Dk65S8f(=;2GX!$^o|ubLfs)ne*k7A2_CXP~pzMqP{F% zP_(9=M8!+=v0vR+bgx($>jtBAjlm)4e;DrKr@d;m+GyT4BFP+zXf0Im1w)dB-b157 z_2g}@XSl*|nKoG^YlcUlj+L9i@i6}wpFh0BG2#8lE`|M%sz+;!A3NIt0`r!GpY7P_ IeolA)0@de?6951J literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/plu-ts/out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin b/plu-ts/out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ae3a190ce6a20785e7968e2aafee658058d6ba7 GIT binary patch literal 617 zcmY*XJ7^R^0DUt%+3a1exXT@~Ne)>zCZMKRvqfSzhGPk`!Vx2;h%(}_Whw(|HG+gS zY#;%Ji8e9Fkp#h3qs0&;oU($ApTdBZqLyN3;T)2}Hw-f{!<+XRLZA?*o!1FGtM*__ zmOBP-1Z@dhFu^byVd;lt19 zNtES6-X4%=pZ!|gM;lQ@+GOAG={n6id6wpSE=@am=Wd+$aE4boG8;_KBPM1kfjhY_ z6O@p0C(U#X88pji49PI_JN>!xVZgPO?fy65kTu0BYX*uA$YT$m29=Xv!iK7ZN8@>T28Es5$#7z_psmGJsDh;m#i3omLaHfoGUN6%s!({Dej zf=gsUt~x_c3_I;ka&6*@p-&h;lZm% zbkyY0(fptZS*ff`MNn)`%!wje!tH8AZ2a=cjIO*#!DX(cELq&8fgSXqKMeYOe>@!b zFND}2I2~db??_NW6`TYX$}}`yxCOtq(TG~-5>dz0J Re7isYef;@mKrqO+$X|k%uu=d3 literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/plu-ts/out/nft-minting-policy.bin b/plu-ts/out/nft-minting-policy.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9993d8dc90cda9c623ac243667dfac18756bc62a GIT binary patch literal 540 zcmX|8&ubG=5dP-vOWCZeq$Y<%MAk%?O^L8HLavLfOD%gygCLY1-XSb_3H2a&d_~kP zEZ9JijRAjv6g1+&qo)Ngt0Z8R-dYe373$G{z!wE)n8PsN%zX0=5mJP4uIy6;ORGF> zNhi-g3)UBBgegqe0rpNLXI23Yc?NpR%k4%RU+axVyMDRtous^{Jn^QH+_TzJw(Qne0Q2%h2*`h@#D^hFkt^mm@I`!lIaKgX+ai;!(qxs zvN?X#Sr_MU8;gID6+{E)=#IQcwOXw?lB4nV3Sfrt%aZ4U!G#N( zeP=?)ybnPHsYCE^BSgs5Rjq_(2QVhjSK>I%r%wbEYzIDmC`lL4L`hn& zM{-LVo^BaSk>byGG+i@Bsb0k^V*i0%>Ah##<}q1JRAHaU^KX9MND?yDJMv7QQ(Brl QyXC)ou(4l-JZ;^iKl1IGn*aa+ literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/plu-ts/out/pool-validator.bin b/plu-ts/out/pool-validator.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36c96beace3f67b13dede311abdff58e09d536c4 GIT binary patch literal 3222 zcmbVPQA`}y6}@lfu{*P@VV1>o)&@MVbYm#0#;lcXTvr)8+cAp9EwSCkjoj!Z*^ca= z705=aqkg=_ltMIa*@jlLrm9eFAvXD7GV*{m|#BQl&m(w zNx^F~|Gy6#wCTjQ9}j(h(s6tkJO)Dd@hp8Q*I6hoRO4VsWZd_ZpKH+l^{jp*JF>pv zBn(NQD`&zk7`?8RxLqyL*5)2Yd5VAT2Lxi;W z?x+nJFoVa8+R+T|$*(!e;EZ3T-lvdn%HOtp#UVhgl|BP-2FwXj!3M0t&%lg&0*u=m zev=O#B|AP*J5-`}ki9#}0fX8P{ifx6s;H7wO6^oTcE1P7Y&T-VeWk_siEQFNqcSiz8Wv>TU;a4{n_F54U2-ia)$G^RHd9q zrG8y;yIi;e0=zkIOEzXuxOS~Fmf|r((qjF^_9}qYY|xb{NExEXo?6 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writeFile("./out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin", compile( nftMarketplaceValidator ) ), + writeFile("./out/pool-validator.bin", compile( poolValidator ) ), + ]) +}() \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plu-ts/src/validators/lp_minting_policy.ts b/plu-ts/src/validators/lp_minting_policy.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51731c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/plu-ts/src/validators/lp_minting_policy.ts @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +import { passert, PCurrencySymbol, perror, pfn, plet, pmakeUnit, pmatch, PScriptContext, PUnit, punsafeConvertType, PValue, TermFn, unit } from "@harmoniclabs/plu-ts"; +import { policyValueOf } from "./utils/policyValueOf"; + + +export const lpMintingPolicy: TermFn<[ typeof PCurrencySymbol, typeof PScriptContext ], PUnit> = pfn([ + PCurrencySymbol.type, + PScriptContext.type +], unit) +(( poolNftSym, { tx, purpose } ) => + pmatch( purpose ) + .onMinting(({ currencySym: ownHash }) => passert.$( + plet( + policyValueOf.$( poolNftSym ) + ).in( amountOfPolicy => +{ fst: currencySym, snd: assets }) => + currencySym.eq( ownHash ) + .and( + assets.every(({ fst: lpName }) => + tx.inputs.some(({ resolved: input }) => + amountOfPolicy + .$( lpName ) + .$( + // skip lovelaces + punsafeConvertType( input.value.tail, PValue.type ) + ).eq( 1 ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + )) + ._(_ => perror( unit )) +) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plu-ts/src/validators/nft_marketplace.ts b/plu-ts/src/validators/nft_marketplace.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5f7d8d --- /dev/null +++ b/plu-ts/src/validators/nft_marketplace.ts @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +import { bool, data, int, PAddress, passert, peqData, perror, pfn, plet, pmatch, PPubKeyHash, PScriptContext, pstruct, PUnit, PValue, TermFn, unit } from "@harmoniclabs/plu-ts"; + +const NftMarketplaceDatum = pstruct({ + NftMarketplaceDatum: { + price: PValue.type, + seller: PAddress.type, + cancel_key: PPubKeyHash.type + } +}); + +const Rdmr = pstruct({ + Buy: {}, + Cancel: {} +}); + +export const nftMarketplaceValidator: TermFn<[ typeof PScriptContext ], PUnit> = pfn([ PScriptContext.type ], unit) +(({ tx, redeemer, purpose }) => passert.$( + pmatch( purpose ) + .onSpending(({ utxoRef: spendingRef, datum: maybeDatum }) => { + const datum = plet( + NftMarketplaceDatum.type ) + ); + + // inlined (used once) + const ownIn = ( + plet( + tx.inputs.find(({ utxoRef }) => utxoRef.eq( spendingRef )) + ).unwrap + ); + + return pmatch( Rdmr.type ) ) + .onBuy(() => + tx.outputs.some(out => + peqData + // inline or fail + .$( out.datum.raw.fields.head ) + .$( data ) ) + .strictAnd( + out.address.eq( datum.seller ) + ) + .strictAnd( + // check prices using builtin comparison + peqData + .$( out.raw.fields.tail.head ) + .$( datum.raw.fields.head ) + ) + ) + ) + .onCancel(() => + tx.signatories.some( datum.cancel_key.peq ) + ) + }) + ._(_ => perror( bool )) as any +)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plu-ts/src/validators/nft_minting_policy.ts b/plu-ts/src/validators/nft_minting_policy.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1ddccb --- /dev/null +++ b/plu-ts/src/validators/nft_minting_policy.ts @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +import { TermFn, PScriptContext, PUnit, pfn, unit, passert, pmatch, PTxOutRef, bool, perror, pisEmpty, plet, pshowInt } from "@harmoniclabs/plu-ts"; + +export const nftMintingPolicyValidator: TermFn<[ + typeof PScriptContext +], PUnit> = pfn([ PScriptContext.type ], unit) +(({ tx, redeemer, purpose }) => passert.$( + plet( + PTxOutRef.type ) + ).in( mustSpendRef => + pmatch( purpose ) + .onMinting(({ currencySym: ownHash }) => +{ fst: currencySym, snd: assets }) => + currencySym.eq( ownHash ) + .and( + pisEmpty.$( assets.tail ) + .strictAnd( + plet( assets.head ).in(({ fst: nftName, snd: qty }) => + qty.eq( 1 ) + .strictAnd( + nftName.eq( pshowInt.$( mustSpendRef.index ) ) ) + ) + .strictAnd( + tx.inputs.some(({ utxoRef }) => + utxoRef.eq( mustSpendRef ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ._(_ => perror( bool )) + ) +)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plu-ts/src/validators/pool_validator.ts b/plu-ts/src/validators/pool_validator.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d2e885 --- /dev/null +++ b/plu-ts/src/validators/pool_validator.ts @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +import { PCurrencySymbol, PScriptContext, pstruct, PTokenName, unit, pfn, passert, int, pInt, TermInt, TermBool, bool, perror, pmatch, plet, punsafeConvertType, PMaybe, PTxInInfo, PTxOut, PUnit, TermFn, PValue } from "@harmoniclabs/plu-ts" +import { positiveOrZero } from "./utils/positiveOrZero"; +import { policyValueOf } from "./utils/policyValueOf"; + +const AssetClass = pstruct({ + AssetClass: { + symbol: PCurrencySymbol.type, + tokenName: PTokenName.type + } +}) + +const DexDatum = pstruct({ + DexDatum: { + token_a: AssetClass.type, + token_b: AssetClass.type, + poolNft: AssetClass.type, + lpToken: PCurrencySymbol.type, + mintedLps: int, + swapFee: int + } +}); + +const DexRdmr = pstruct({ + Swap: {}, + Deposit: {}, + Withdraw: {} +}); + +// The uniswap fee is 0.3%; here it is multiplied by 1000, so that the +// on-chain code deals only in integers. +// See: Eq (11) (Page 7.) +const feeDenom = pInt( 1000 ); +// this will be optimized anyway, just save some compilation time +const feeDenomSquared = pInt( 1000 * 1000 ); + +export const poolValidator: TermFn<[typeof PScriptContext], PUnit> = pfn([ PScriptContext.type ], unit) +(({ tx, redeemer, purpose }) => passert.$( + pmatch( purpose ) + .onSpending(({ utxoRef: spendingRef, datum: maybeDatum }) => { + + const inputDatum = plet( + DexDatum.type ) + ); + + const ownIn = plet( + // just helping typescript a little + punsafeConvertType( + tx.inputs.find(({ utxoRef }) => utxoRef.eq( spendingRef ) ), + PMaybe( PTxInInfo.type ).type + ).unwrap.resolved + ); + const ownValue = plet( + punsafeConvertType( ownIn.value.tail, PValue.type ) + ); + + const ownOut = plet( + plet( + policyValueOf.$( inputDatum.poolNft.symbol ).$( inputDatum.poolNft.tokenName ) + ).in( amountOfPoolNft => + punsafeConvertType( + tx.outputs.find( out => amountOfPoolNft.$( out.value.tail ).eq( 1 ) ), + PMaybe( PTxOut.type ).type + ).unwrap + ) + ); + + const newMintedLp = plet( + inputDatum.lpToken, inputDatum.poolNft.tokenName ) + ); + + const getTokenA = plet( + policyValueOf.$( inputDatum.token_a.symbol ).$( inputDatum.token_a.tokenName ) + ); + const getTokenB = plet( + policyValueOf.$( inputDatum.token_b.symbol ).$( inputDatum.token_b.tokenName ) + ); + + const in_a_amt = plet( + getTokenA + .$( ownValue ) + ); + const in_b_amt = plet( + getTokenB + .$( ownValue ) + ); + + const out_a_amt = plet( + getTokenA + .$( ownOut.value.tail ) + ); + const out_b_amt = plet( + getTokenB + .$( ownOut.value.tail ) + ); + + const outDatum = plet( + // fails if not inline + DexDatum.type ) + ); + + // inlined + const inputHasNft = ownValue.amountOf( inputDatum.poolNft.symbol, inputDatum.poolNft.tokenName ).eq( 1 ); + // inlined + const noOutRefScript = ownOut.datum.raw.index.eq( 1 ); // Nothing + // inlined + const sameA = inputDatum.token_a.eq( outDatum.token_a ); + // inlined + const sameB = inputDatum.token_b.eq( outDatum.token_b ); + // inlined + const sameNft = inputDatum.poolNft.eq( outDatum.poolNft ); + // inlined + const sameLp = inputDatum.lpToken.eq( outDatum.lpToken ); + // inlined + const sameFee = inputDatum.swapFee.eq( outDatum.swapFee ); + + return inputHasNft + .strictAnd( noOutRefScript ) + .strictAnd( sameA ) + .strictAnd( sameB ) + .strictAnd( sameNft ) + .strictAnd( sameLp ) + .strictAnd( sameFee ) + .strictAnd( + pmatch( DexRdmr.type ) ) + .onDeposit(() => + inputDatum.mintedLps.add( newMintedLp ).eq( outDatum.mintedLps ) + .strictAnd( 0 ) ) + .strictAnd( + outDatum.mintedLps.mult( outDatum.mintedLps ).ltEq( + out_a_amt.mult( out_b_amt ) + ) + ) + ) + .onWithdraw(() => + inputDatum.mintedLps.add( newMintedLp ).eq( outDatum.mintedLps ) + .strictAnd( 0 ) ) + .strictAnd( + outDatum.mintedLps.mult( outDatum.mintedLps ).ltEq( + out_a_amt.mult( out_b_amt ) + ) + ) + ) + .onSwap(() => + inputDatum.mintedLps.eq( outDatum.mintedLps ) + .strictAnd( newMintedLp.eq( 0 ) ) + .strictAnd( + inline_checkSwap( + inputDatum.swapFee, + in_a_amt, + in_b_amt, + out_a_amt, + out_b_amt + ) + ) + ) + ) + } + ) + ._(_ => perror( bool )) +)) + +function inline_checkSwap( + feeNum: TermInt, + old_a: TermInt, + old_b: TermInt, + new_a: TermInt, + new_b: TermInt +): TermBool +{ + /* + fee_den * fee_den * old_a * old_b <= ( + new_a * fee_den - get_diff(new_a, old_a) * fee_num + ) * ( new_b * fee_den - get_diff(new_b, old_b) * fee_num ) + */ + return feeDenomSquared.mult( old_a ).mult( old_b ).ltEq( + feeDenom.mult( new_a ).sub( positiveOrZero.$( new_a.sub( old_a ) ).mult( feeNum ) ).mult( + feeDenom.mult( new_b ).sub( positiveOrZero.$( new_b.sub( old_b ) ).mult( feeNum ) ) + ) + ) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plu-ts/src/validators/utils/policyValueOf.ts b/plu-ts/src/validators/utils/policyValueOf.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f64f4d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/plu-ts/src/validators/utils/policyValueOf.ts @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +import { int, lam, PAssetsEntry, PCurrencySymbol, pdelay, pfn, phoist, pif, pInt, precursiveList, PTokenName, PValue, PValueEntry } from "@harmoniclabs/plu-ts"; + +/** + * exactly like `value.amountOf` + * + * but different order of parameters, to steal a little budget using partial function application + */ +export const policyValueOf = phoist( + pfn([ PCurrencySymbol.type, PTokenName.type ], lam( PValue.type, int )) + (( sym, tokenName ) => + precursiveList( int, PValueEntry.type ) + .$( _self => pdelay( pInt( 0 ) ) ) + .$((self, head, tail) => + pif( int ).$( head.fst.eq( sym ) ) + .then( + precursiveList( int, PAssetsEntry.type ) + .$( _self => pdelay( pInt( 0 ) ) ) + .$((self, head, tail) => + pif( int ).$( head.fst.eq( tokenName ) ) + .then( head.snd ) + .else( self.$( tail ) ) + ) + .$( head.snd ) + ) + .else( self.$( tail ) ) + ) + // .$( value ) + ) +) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plu-ts/src/validators/utils/positiveOrZero.ts b/plu-ts/src/validators/utils/positiveOrZero.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06cc0b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/plu-ts/src/validators/utils/positiveOrZero.ts @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +import { int, pfn, phoist, pstrictIf } from "@harmoniclabs/plu-ts"; + +export const positiveOrZero = phoist( + pfn([ int ], int ) + ( n => pstrictIf( int ).$( 0 ) ).$( 0 ).$( n ) ) +) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plu-ts/tsconfig.json b/plu-ts/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49a12e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/plu-ts/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +{ + "compilerOptions": { + "maxNodeModuleJsDepth": 10000, /* copilot told me to do so, should solve "Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite."*/ + "skipLibCheck": true, + /* Basic Options */ + // "incremental": true, /* Enable incremental compilation */ + "target": "ES5", /* Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018', 'ES2019', 'ES2020', or 'ESNEXT'. */ + "module": "CommonJS", /* Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', 'es2020', or 'ESNext'. */ + // "lib": [], /* Specify library files to be included in the compilation. */ + "allowJs": true, /* Allow javascript files to be compiled. */ + // "checkJs": true, /* Report errors in .js files. */ + // "jsx": "preserve", /* Specify JSX code generation: 'preserve', 'react-native', or 'react'. */ + "declaration": true, /* Generates corresponding '.d.ts' file. */ + "declarationMap": false, /* Generates a sourcemap for each corresponding '.d.ts' file. */ + "sourceMap": true, /* Generates corresponding '.map' file. */ + // "outFile": "./", /* Concatenate and emit output to single file. */ + "outDir": "./dist", /* Redirect output structure to the directory. */ + "rootDir": "./src", /* Specify the root directory of input files. Use to control the output directory structure with --outDir. */ + // "composite": true, /* Enable project compilation */ + // "tsBuildInfoFile": "./", /* Specify file to store incremental compilation information */ + // "removeComments": true, /* Do not emit comments to output. */ + // "noEmit": true, /* Do not emit outputs. */ + // "importHelpers": true, /* Import emit helpers from 'tslib'. */ + "downlevelIteration": true, /* Provide full support for iterables in 'for-of', spread, and destructuring when targeting 'ES5' or 'ES3'. */ + // "isolatedModules": true, /* Transpile each file as a separate module (similar to 'ts.transpileModule'). */ + + /* Strict Type-Checking Options */ + "strict": false, /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */ + "noImplicitAny": true, /* Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */ + "strictNullChecks": true, /* Enable strict null checks. */ + "strictFunctionTypes": false, /* Enable strict checking of function types. */ + "strictBindCallApply": true, /* Enable strict 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods on functions. */ + "strictPropertyInitialization": false, /* Enable strict checking of property initialization in classes. */ + "noImplicitThis": true, /* Raise error on 'this' expressions with an implied 'any' type. */ + "alwaysStrict": false, /* Parse in strict mode and emit "use strict" for each source file. */ + + /* Additional Checks */ + // "noUnusedLocals": true, /* Report errors on unused locals. */ + // "noUnusedParameters": true, /* Report errors on unused parameters. */ + // "noImplicitReturns": true, /* Report error when not all code paths in function return a value. */ + // "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, /* Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement. */ + + /* Module Resolution Options */ + "moduleResolution": "node", /* Specify module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node.js) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre-1.6). */ + // "baseUrl": "./", /* Base directory to resolve non-absolute module names. */ + // "paths": { + // "*": ["src/*"] + // }, /* A series of entries which re-map imports to lookup locations relative to the 'baseUrl'. */ + // "rootDirs": [], /* List of root folders whose combined content represents the structure of the project at runtime. */ + // "typeRoots": [], /* List of folders to include type definitions from. */ + // "types": [], /* Type declaration files to be included in compilation. */ + "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, /* Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking. */ + "esModuleInterop": true, /* Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES Modules via creation of namespace objects for all imports. Implies 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports'. */ + // "preserveSymlinks": true, /* Do not resolve the real path of symlinks. */ + // "allowUmdGlobalAccess": true, /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */ + + /* Source Map Options */ + // "sourceRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations. */ + // "mapRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */ + // "inlineSourceMap": true, /* Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file. */ + // "inlineSources": true, /* Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file; requires '--inlineSourceMap' or '--sourceMap' to be set. */ + + /* Experimental Options */ + // "experimentalDecorators": true, /* Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators. */ + // "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, /* Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators. */ + + /* Advanced Options */ + "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, /* Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file. */ + + }, + "include": ["./src"], + "exclude": [ + "**/__tests__/**/*", + "**/*.test.ts", + "jest_cache", + "tsc-out", + "src/offchain/tx/builder/buildWorker.ts", + "src/onchain/pluts/Script/blueprint" + ], + "tsc-alias": { + "verbose": false, + "resolveFullPaths": true + } +} \ No newline at end of file From e43a10de1a1937f1555684fdd2ed7b53a4cdcdba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Michele Nuzzi Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:22:56 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/8] move plu-ts in impls --- {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/.gitignore | 0 {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/babel.config.cjs | 0 {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/jest.config.cjs | 0 .../plu-ts}/out/lp-minting-policy.bin | Bin .../plu-ts}/out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin | Bin .../plu-ts}/out/nft-minting-policy.bin | Bin .../plu-ts}/out/pool-validator.bin | Bin .../plu-ts}/package-lock.json | 0 {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/package.json | 0 {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/src/index.ts | 0 .../plu-ts}/src/validators/lp_minting_policy.ts | 0 .../plu-ts}/src/validators/nft_marketplace.ts | 0 .../plu-ts}/src/validators/nft_minting_policy.ts | 0 .../plu-ts}/src/validators/pool_validator.ts | 0 .../plu-ts}/src/validators/utils/policyValueOf.ts | 0 .../plu-ts}/src/validators/utils/positiveOrZero.ts | 0 {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/tsconfig.json | 0 17 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/.gitignore (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/babel.config.cjs (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/jest.config.cjs (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/out/lp-minting-policy.bin (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/out/nft-minting-policy.bin (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/out/pool-validator.bin (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/package-lock.json (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/package.json (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/src/index.ts (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/src/validators/lp_minting_policy.ts (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/src/validators/nft_marketplace.ts (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/src/validators/nft_minting_policy.ts (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/src/validators/pool_validator.ts (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/src/validators/utils/policyValueOf.ts (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/src/validators/utils/positiveOrZero.ts (100%) rename {plu-ts => implementations/plu-ts}/tsconfig.json (100%) diff --git a/plu-ts/.gitignore b/implementations/plu-ts/.gitignore similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/.gitignore rename to implementations/plu-ts/.gitignore diff --git a/plu-ts/babel.config.cjs b/implementations/plu-ts/babel.config.cjs similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/babel.config.cjs rename to implementations/plu-ts/babel.config.cjs diff --git a/plu-ts/jest.config.cjs b/implementations/plu-ts/jest.config.cjs similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/jest.config.cjs rename to implementations/plu-ts/jest.config.cjs diff --git a/plu-ts/out/lp-minting-policy.bin b/implementations/plu-ts/out/lp-minting-policy.bin similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/out/lp-minting-policy.bin rename to implementations/plu-ts/out/lp-minting-policy.bin diff --git a/plu-ts/out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin b/implementations/plu-ts/out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin rename to implementations/plu-ts/out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin diff --git a/plu-ts/out/nft-minting-policy.bin b/implementations/plu-ts/out/nft-minting-policy.bin similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/out/nft-minting-policy.bin rename to implementations/plu-ts/out/nft-minting-policy.bin diff --git a/plu-ts/out/pool-validator.bin b/implementations/plu-ts/out/pool-validator.bin similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/out/pool-validator.bin rename to implementations/plu-ts/out/pool-validator.bin diff --git a/plu-ts/package-lock.json b/implementations/plu-ts/package-lock.json similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/package-lock.json rename to implementations/plu-ts/package-lock.json diff --git a/plu-ts/package.json b/implementations/plu-ts/package.json similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/package.json rename to implementations/plu-ts/package.json diff --git a/plu-ts/src/index.ts b/implementations/plu-ts/src/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/src/index.ts rename to implementations/plu-ts/src/index.ts diff --git a/plu-ts/src/validators/lp_minting_policy.ts b/implementations/plu-ts/src/validators/lp_minting_policy.ts similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/src/validators/lp_minting_policy.ts rename to implementations/plu-ts/src/validators/lp_minting_policy.ts diff --git a/plu-ts/src/validators/nft_marketplace.ts b/implementations/plu-ts/src/validators/nft_marketplace.ts similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/src/validators/nft_marketplace.ts rename to implementations/plu-ts/src/validators/nft_marketplace.ts diff --git a/plu-ts/src/validators/nft_minting_policy.ts b/implementations/plu-ts/src/validators/nft_minting_policy.ts similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/src/validators/nft_minting_policy.ts rename to implementations/plu-ts/src/validators/nft_minting_policy.ts diff --git a/plu-ts/src/validators/pool_validator.ts b/implementations/plu-ts/src/validators/pool_validator.ts similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/src/validators/pool_validator.ts rename to implementations/plu-ts/src/validators/pool_validator.ts diff --git a/plu-ts/src/validators/utils/policyValueOf.ts b/implementations/plu-ts/src/validators/utils/policyValueOf.ts similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/src/validators/utils/policyValueOf.ts rename to implementations/plu-ts/src/validators/utils/policyValueOf.ts diff --git a/plu-ts/src/validators/utils/positiveOrZero.ts b/implementations/plu-ts/src/validators/utils/positiveOrZero.ts similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/src/validators/utils/positiveOrZero.ts rename to implementations/plu-ts/src/validators/utils/positiveOrZero.ts diff --git a/plu-ts/tsconfig.json b/implementations/plu-ts/tsconfig.json similarity index 100% rename from plu-ts/tsconfig.json rename to implementations/plu-ts/tsconfig.json From 54c13fa224fb8a1435923abd8c68f1b5d7b447d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: t4ccer Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 06:05:56 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 3/8] Add plu-ts dev shell --- flake.nix | 1 + implementations/plu-ts/default.nix | 10 ++++++++++ 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+) create mode 100644 implementations/plu-ts/default.nix diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix index 8da4a9c..57469b3 100644 --- a/flake.nix +++ b/flake.nix @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ ./implementations/opshin ./implementations/plutarch ./implementations/plutus-tx + ./implementations/plu-ts ./specifications ./website ./tests diff --git a/implementations/plu-ts/default.nix b/implementations/plu-ts/default.nix new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1f0a24 --- /dev/null +++ b/implementations/plu-ts/default.nix @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + perSystem = { pkgs, config, ... }: { + devShells.plu-ts-implementation = pkgs.mkShell { + shellHook = config.pre-commit.installationScript; + nativeBuildInputs = [ + pkgs.nodejs + ]; + }; + }; +} From 6655aa1b3ecb34dc54ea9d984e234fff6f58d010 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: t4ccer Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 06:06:37 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 4/8] Use consistent script serialization in plu-ts implementation --- implementations/plu-ts/src/index.ts | 16 ++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/implementations/plu-ts/src/index.ts b/implementations/plu-ts/src/index.ts index 07a869d..70b47eb 100644 --- a/implementations/plu-ts/src/index.ts +++ b/implementations/plu-ts/src/index.ts @@ -1,19 +1,23 @@ #!/bin/env node -import { compile } from "@harmoniclabs/plu-ts" +import { Cbor, CborBytes } from "@harmoniclabs/cbor"; +import { compile, Term, PType } from "@harmoniclabs/plu-ts" import { mkdir, writeFile } from "fs/promises" import { lpMintingPolicy } from "./validators/lp_minting_policy" import { nftMintingPolicyValidator } from "./validators/nft_minting_policy" import { nftMarketplaceValidator } from "./validators/nft_marketplace" import { poolValidator } from "./validators/pool_validator" +function compileScript(term: Term) { + return Cbor.encode(new CborBytes(compile(term))).toBuffer(); +} void async function main() { await mkdir("./out", { recursive: true }) await Promise.all([ - writeFile("./out/lp-minting-policy.bin", compile( lpMintingPolicy ) ), - writeFile("./out/nft-minting-policy.bin", compile( nftMintingPolicyValidator ) ), - writeFile("./out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin", compile( nftMarketplaceValidator ) ), - writeFile("./out/pool-validator.bin", compile( poolValidator ) ), + writeFile("./out/lp-minting-policy.bin", compileScript( lpMintingPolicy ) ), + writeFile("./out/nft-minting-policy.bin", compileScript( nftMintingPolicyValidator ) ), + writeFile("./out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin", compileScript( nftMarketplaceValidator ) ), + writeFile("./out/pool-validator.bin", compileScript( poolValidator ) ), ]) -}() \ No newline at end of file +}() From e75e30ae3ffdcfb520e4a0a1dd8affb28b722ecc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: t4ccer Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 06:15:32 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 5/8] Nixify plu-ts build --- implementations/plu-ts/.gitignore | 1 + implementations/plu-ts/default.nix | 21 +++++++++++++++++- .../plu-ts/out/lp-minting-policy.bin | Bin 485 -> 0 bytes .../plu-ts/out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin | Bin 617 -> 0 bytes .../plu-ts/out/nft-minting-policy.bin | Bin 540 -> 0 bytes implementations/plu-ts/out/pool-validator.bin | Bin 3222 -> 0 bytes 6 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) delete mode 100644 implementations/plu-ts/out/lp-minting-policy.bin delete mode 100644 implementations/plu-ts/out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin delete mode 100644 implementations/plu-ts/out/nft-minting-policy.bin delete mode 100644 implementations/plu-ts/out/pool-validator.bin diff --git a/implementations/plu-ts/.gitignore b/implementations/plu-ts/.gitignore index 4879013..5bde07e 100644 --- a/implementations/plu-ts/.gitignore +++ b/implementations/plu-ts/.gitignore @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ coverage/ # output of build dist +out *.cpupfile *.heapprofile diff --git a/implementations/plu-ts/default.nix b/implementations/plu-ts/default.nix index b1f0a24..f3cc57b 100644 --- a/implementations/plu-ts/default.nix +++ b/implementations/plu-ts/default.nix @@ -1,10 +1,29 @@ { - perSystem = { pkgs, config, ... }: { + perSystem = { pkgs, lib, config, ... }: { devShells.plu-ts-implementation = pkgs.mkShell { shellHook = config.pre-commit.installationScript; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.nodejs ]; }; + + packages.plu-ts-implementation-compiled = pkgs.buildNpmPackage { + name = "plu-ts-compiled"; + src = builtins.filterSource (path: _: !(lib.strings.hasSuffix ".nix" path)) ./.; + + npmDepsHash = "sha256-/v/zP6jhKmBjpXIJ9yW1gFFYik89zONAs6CDAHg0c68="; + + npmBuildScript = "start"; + + installPhase = '' + runHook preInstall + + cp -r out $out + + runHook postInstall + ''; + + passthru.versions.plu-ts = (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./package-lock.json)).packages."node_modules/@harmoniclabs/plu-ts".version; + }; }; } diff --git a/implementations/plu-ts/out/lp-minting-policy.bin b/implementations/plu-ts/out/lp-minting-policy.bin deleted file mode 100644 index 1606f3baa1847b891c44f2ce4746359dc60c00fb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 485 zcmZXQze^lJ6vw|ayRNfxF{`I=i_P8bDF#xEcY=+@BIhB=6y}VCgcJ)o4$=gUAjED2 zg}tyL5iM4&1hMc$gfziwz{X-o2qB#TLyACB<{!wM8k@YwE8Y*@`+OfENFn0n%Jwl< zLlZTGH0mQ>ubd_qx3TQ|{+%ru;K^j8II45SFr) z2LWXx(F7h8Gu%`$%#M$A%Dk65S8f(=;2GX!$^o|ubLfs)ne*k7A2_CXP~pzMqP{F% zP_(9=M8!+=v0vR+bgx($>jtBAjlm)4e;DrKr@d;m+GyT4BFP+zXf0Im1w)dB-b157 z_2g}@XSl*|nKoG^YlcUlj+L9i@i6}wpFh0BG2#8lE`|M%sz+;!A3NIt0`r!GpY7P_ IeolA)0@de?6951J diff --git a/implementations/plu-ts/out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin b/implementations/plu-ts/out/nft-marketplace-validator.bin deleted file mode 100644 index 0ae3a190ce6a20785e7968e2aafee658058d6ba7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 617 zcmY*XJ7^R^0DUt%+3a1exXT@~Ne)>zCZMKRvqfSzhGPk`!Vx2;h%(}_Whw(|HG+gS zY#;%Ji8e9Fkp#h3qs0&;oU($ApTdBZqLyN3;T)2}Hw-f{!<+XRLZA?*o!1FGtM*__ zmOBP-1Z@dhFu^byVd;lt19 zNtES6-X4%=pZ!|gM;lQ@+GOAG={n6id6wpSE=@am=Wd+$aE4boG8;_KBPM1kfjhY_ z6O@p0C(U#X88pji49PI_JN>!xVZgPO?fy65kTu0BYX*uA$YT$m29=Xv!iK7ZN8@>T28Es5$#7z_psmGJsDh;m#i3omLaHfoGUN6%s!({Dej zf=gsUt~x_c3_I;ka&6*@p-&h;lZm% zbkyY0(fptZS*ff`MNn)`%!wje!tH8AZ2a=cjIO*#!DX(cELq&8fgSXqKMeYOe>@!b zFND}2I2~db??_NW6`TYX$}}`yxCOtq(TG~-5>dz0J Re7isYef;@mKrqO+$X|k%uu=d3 diff --git a/implementations/plu-ts/out/nft-minting-policy.bin b/implementations/plu-ts/out/nft-minting-policy.bin deleted file mode 100644 index 9993d8dc90cda9c623ac243667dfac18756bc62a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 540 zcmX|8&ubG=5dP-vOWCZeq$Y<%MAk%?O^L8HLavLfOD%gygCLY1-XSb_3H2a&d_~kP zEZ9JijRAjv6g1+&qo)Ngt0Z8R-dYe373$G{z!wE)n8PsN%zX0=5mJP4uIy6;ORGF> zNhi-g3)UBBgegqe0rpNLXI23Yc?NpR%k4%RU+axVyMDRtous^{Jn^QH+_TzJw(Qne0Q2%h2*`h@#D^hFkt^mm@I`!lIaKgX+ai;!(qxs zvN?X#Sr_MU8;gID6+{E)=#IQcwOXw?lB4nV3Sfrt%aZ4U!G#N( zeP=?)ybnPHsYCE^BSgs5Rjq_(2QVhjSK>I%r%wbEYzIDmC`lL4L`hn& zM{-LVo^BaSk>byGG+i@Bsb0k^V*i0%>Ah##<}q1JRAHaU^KX9MND?yDJMv7QQ(Brl QyXC)ou(4l-JZ;^iKl1IGn*aa+ diff --git a/implementations/plu-ts/out/pool-validator.bin b/implementations/plu-ts/out/pool-validator.bin deleted file mode 100644 index 36c96beace3f67b13dede311abdff58e09d536c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 3222 zcmbVPQA`}y6}@lfu{*P@VV1>o)&@MVbYm#0#;lcXTvr)8+cAp9EwSCkjoj!Z*^ca= z705=aqkg=_ltMIa*@jlLrm9eFAvXD7GV*{m|#BQl&m(w zNx^F~|Gy6#wCTjQ9}j(h(s6tkJO)Dd@hp8Q*I6hoRO4VsWZd_ZpKH+l^{jp*JF>pv zBn(NQD`&zk7`?8RxLqyL*5)2Yd5VAT2Lxi;W z?x+nJFoVa8+R+T|$*(!e;EZ3T-lvdn%HOtp#UVhgl|BP-2FwXj!3M0t&%lg&0*u=m zev=O#B|AP*J5-`}ki9#}0fX8P{ifx6s;H7wO6^oTcE1P7Y&T-VeWk_siEQFNqcSiz8Wv>TU;a4{n_F54U2-ia)$G^RHd9q zrG8y;yIi;e0=zkIOEzXuxOS~Fmf|r((qjF^_9}qYY|xb{NExEXo?6 zdYfoM@Hbtq_Ut07-?LX8YCVvWd>SeX$sCgBJ zBxOSI6xi?CrQ%hv{K@Kx0D+a{^w53_nRn7tAiww+`?Ewq?77MET{d&fr28x)b7w9la)8iqu0(00q>>bo!#*~(%3DjS$s#aU!kmM-K zcxs8V3)5GC=I3pBqIhs+WNe6lUU3CwGq@fGPZKa^|E#|p8bET?mR4y7aAPz1e8Dc@ zVrdR3Zi6Y$3CzWGT)>)Y)J9eD2pWKiG1HW6DX;*KHrJ|BmBOI+)yfc*Q4h0|(8`Gh zC}DVabSdgZiVL0uesi#KJOq3y>K?aqwl4DT1|mN$t`g-tfym9LBJXrjjy!LAlk$AV3mf!7eSMfqw`T7)~EO7S` z-|^y2@p?vrJ0mclXY~Q(yPi9N2bVD;nMfo8$n^qylf53$+=*LpppApxLU4kq6qjQL z^P;e(Wetu9Q`^+*>J4m4;xlbqaktr3xTb7Ef^SV-_)JjAGM?dkf$+a*9NG@B&Yi zURk^WS?qFyaPgB=Jt4^0PF~^a*HZP2VwkbOjNU^~+> zekSfT?6?O~yrRm152nd+k`1TzvAv*mqeD|qs(C}6Gp)vHcPUt3o zDa_l#Iu<2U{Ede5)&RTJ-7M&$jvX2IuaR`F32mYioi~o&dJNK|6EFcbSqGM}u~|V+ zFOWoUg?~8vD+Jbuddb)@z8Sn526Zr$%!buqgclL?%<1q3?8bsCT_sq|fvXjs;2yY* zTt-L5ej||-c4&?81UBMT8rr}(YiGOA2HKFTgP!j7d;M4_%MpCR5qM|^{a#O~#Rj(l zB(cm7Va0xMcKz|OpPZ9R;@{uq@ahr3yAUcI|6R!76_OfFeKzZ4C`n0(RorNB!yJP@ z%m=&d1)b~HD*QZ;8H% Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 06:16:14 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 6/8] Run plu-ts tests --- tests/default.nix | 1 + tests/src/UplcBenchmark.hs | 1 + 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/tests/default.nix b/tests/default.nix index d41f90c..308049a 100644 --- a/tests/default.nix +++ b/tests/default.nix @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ UPLC_BENCHMARK_BIN_AIKEN = self'.packages.aiken-implementation-compiled.outPath; UPLC_BENCHMARK_BIN_PLUTUS_TX = self'.packages.plutus-tx-implementation-compiled.outPath; UPLC_BENCHMARK_BIN_OPSHIN = self'.packages.opshin-implementation-compiled.outPath; + UPLC_BENCHMARK_BIN_PLU_TS = self'.packages.plu-ts-implementation-compiled.outPath; }; uplc-benchmark-data = uplc-benchmark-tests.packages."uplc-benchmark:exe:uplc-benchmark-data"; diff --git a/tests/src/UplcBenchmark.hs b/tests/src/UplcBenchmark.hs index 961e79d..b87951a 100644 --- a/tests/src/UplcBenchmark.hs +++ b/tests/src/UplcBenchmark.hs @@ -82,4 +82,5 @@ implementations = , Implementation "Aiken" "UPLC_BENCHMARK_BIN_AIKEN" , Implementation "PlutusTx" "UPLC_BENCHMARK_BIN_PLUTUS_TX" , Implementation "Opshin" "UPLC_BENCHMARK_BIN_OPSHIN" + , Implementation "Plu-Ts" "UPLC_BENCHMARK_BIN_PLU_TS" ] From 870cb44d27f34ddb9f856d9445734bc5136687c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: t4ccer Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 15:38:37 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 7/8] Fail gracefully if env var with compiled files is not set --- tests/src/UplcBenchmark.hs | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/tests/src/UplcBenchmark.hs b/tests/src/UplcBenchmark.hs index b87951a..ea4429f 100644 --- a/tests/src/UplcBenchmark.hs +++ b/tests/src/UplcBenchmark.hs @@ -36,40 +36,42 @@ getEnv env = do type Implementation :: Type data Implementation = Implementation String FilePath -type MissingValidatorFile :: Type -data MissingValidatorFile = MissingValidatorFile +type TestFail :: Type +newtype TestFail = TestFail String -instance IsTest MissingValidatorFile where - run _ _ _ = pure $ Result (Failure TestFailed) "File does not exist" "" 0.0 (ResultDetailsPrinter $ \_ _ -> pure ()) +instance IsTest TestFail where + run _ (TestFail message) _ = pure $ Result (Failure TestFailed) message "" 0.0 (ResultDetailsPrinter $ \_ _ -> pure ()) testOptions = Tagged [] mkTestForImplementation :: Implementation -> IO TestTree mkTestForImplementation (Implementation testName baseFilePathEnv) = do - baseFilePath <- getEnv baseFilePathEnv - let mkTestTreeForScript mkTest scriptPath = do - scriptExists <- doesFileExist (baseFilePath scriptPath) - if scriptExists - then do - script <- loadScriptFromFile (baseFilePath scriptPath) - pure $ mkTest script - else pure $ SingleTest scriptPath MissingValidatorFile + lookupEnv baseFilePathEnv >>= \case + Nothing -> pure $ SingleTest testName $ TestFail ("Variable `" <> baseFilePathEnv <> "` not set") + Just baseFilePath -> do + let mkTestTreeForScript mkTest scriptPath = do + scriptExists <- doesFileExist (baseFilePath scriptPath) + if scriptExists + then do + script <- loadScriptFromFile (baseFilePath scriptPath) + pure $ mkTest script + else pure $ SingleTest scriptPath (TestFail ("File `" <> (baseFilePath scriptPath) <> "` does not exist")) - nftMarketplaceTests <- mkTestTreeForScript NftMarketplace.specForScript "nft-marketplace-validator.bin" - lpMintingPolicyTests <- mkTestTreeForScript LpPolicy.specForScript "lp-minting-policy.bin" - nftMintingPolicyTests <- mkTestTreeForScript PoolNftPolicy.specForScript "nft-minting-policy.bin" - poolValidatorTests <- mkTestTreeForScript PoolValidator.specForScript "pool-validator.bin" + nftMarketplaceTests <- mkTestTreeForScript NftMarketplace.specForScript "nft-marketplace-validator.bin" + lpMintingPolicyTests <- mkTestTreeForScript LpPolicy.specForScript "lp-minting-policy.bin" + nftMintingPolicyTests <- mkTestTreeForScript PoolNftPolicy.specForScript "nft-minting-policy.bin" + poolValidatorTests <- mkTestTreeForScript PoolValidator.specForScript "pool-validator.bin" - pure $ - testGroup - testName - [ nftMarketplaceTests - , testGroup - "DEX" - [ lpMintingPolicyTests - , nftMintingPolicyTests - , poolValidatorTests + pure $ + testGroup + testName + [ nftMarketplaceTests + , testGroup + "DEX" + [ lpMintingPolicyTests + , nftMintingPolicyTests + , poolValidatorTests + ] ] - ] getBinPath :: Implementation -> IO BinPath getBinPath (Implementation testName baseFilePathEnv) = do From 256a8eef5b2a5585ff36496cfa68c6837e75e297 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: t4ccer Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 06:22:04 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 8/8] Fix pre-commit hook checks --- flake.nix | 2 +- implementations/plu-ts/.gitignore | 4 ++-- 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix index 57469b3..f86d26e 100644 --- a/flake.nix +++ b/flake.nix @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ logfile = "/dev/null"; }; deadnix.edit = true; - typos.ignored-words = [ "wheres" ]; + typos.ignored-words = [ "wheres" "buidl" ]; }; excludes = [ diff --git a/implementations/plu-ts/.gitignore b/implementations/plu-ts/.gitignore index 5bde07e..9776742 100644 --- a/implementations/plu-ts/.gitignore +++ b/implementations/plu-ts/.gitignore @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -# dependecies can be retreived via ```npm install``` as long ```package.json``` is present +# dependencies can be retrieved via ```npm install``` as long ```package.json``` is present node_modules/ -# can be retreived by running tests +# can be retrieved by running tests coverage/ .vscode*