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Neorv32 on Sipeed Tang Primer 20k

This repo contains example project for Neorv32 CPU. More info about CPU: Neorv32 github

As a Bonus, I have added DDR External memory support.

Used IP Cores:

  • Neorv32 core, taken default bootloader and default ROM/RAM files.
  • Gowin PLL,
  • Gowin DDR3 Interface

My implementation

  • Wishbone adapter for CPU<>DDR3. I'm FPGA/VDHL learner - code might be not 100% perfect.


  • UART Pins : TX - R8, RX - T7
  • UART Speed: 19200
  • CPU Clock at 27 MHZ
  • DDR Clock at 200 MHz

Howto build

For flashing I'm using openFPGALoader.
I'm not using GOWIN EDA GUI. Makefile is used. You need to setup proper path

For build type make
For flash type make flash

Uart Output

<< NEORV32 Bootloader >>

BLDV: Oct 31 2023
HWV:  0x01090100
CLK:  0x019bfcc0
MISA: 0x40901103
XISA: 0x00000ebb
SOC:  0x8003800f
IMEM: 0x00004000
DMEM: 0x00002000

Autoboot in 8s. Press any key to abort.

Available CMDs:
 h: Help
 r: Restart
 u: Upload
 s: Store to flash
 l: Load from flash
 x: Boot from flash (XIP)
 e: Execute

Example app

This is simple app for printing NEORV32 Logo and performs DDR Test - read and write.

Go to sw directory, modify makefile NEORV32_HOME and make all.
You will need to use GCC Toolchain for it.
Next, using bootloader, we can upload our app.
All you need to do is to stop bootloader, press u key, next upload your app and press e key.

I'm using picocom for UART communication
sudo picocom /dev/ttyUSB2 -b 19200 --send-cmd="ascii-xfr -s -n"
For sendinf files you need to press Ctrl A and Ctrl S

You will get:

CMD:> u
Awaiting neorv32_exe.bin... 
*** file: ./neorv32_exe.bin
$ ascii-xfr -s -n ./neorv32_exe.bin
ASCII upload of "./neorv32_exe.bin"

*** exit status: 0 ***
CMD:> e
Booting from 0x00000000...

                                                                                      ##        ##   ##                                                                                         ##        ##   ##   ##    
 ##     ##   #########   ########    ########   ##      ##   ########    ########     ##      ################  
####    ##  ##          ##      ##  ##      ##  ##      ##  ##      ##  ##      ##    ##    ####            ####
## ##   ##  ##          ##      ##  ##      ##  ##      ##          ##         ##     ##      ##   ######   ##  
##  ##  ##  #########   ##      ##  #########   ##      ##      #####        ##       ##    ####   ######   ####
##   ## ##  ##          ##      ##  ##    ##     ##    ##           ##     ##         ##      ##   ######   ##  
##    ####  ##          ##      ##  ##     ##     ##  ##    ##      ##   ##           ##    ####            ####
##     ##    #########   ########   ##      ##      ##       ########   ##########    ##      ################  
                                                                                      ##        ##   ##   ##    
Hello world! :)
ffffffff 00000001 fffffffd 00000003 fffffffb 00000005 fffffff9 00000007 fffffff7 00000009 fffffff5 0000000b fffffff3 0000000d fffffff1 0000000f ffffffef 00000011 ffffffed 00000013 
ffffffff 00000001 fffffffd 00000003 fffffffb 00000005 fffffff9 00000007 fffffff7 00000009 fffffff5 0000000b fffffff3 0000000d fffffff1 0000000f ffffffef 00000011 ffffffed 00000013 
fffffffe 00000002 fffffffc 00000004 fffffffa 00000006 fffffff8 00000008 fffffff6 0000000a fffffff4 0000000c fffffff2 0000000e fffffff0 00000010 ffffffee 00000012 ffffffec 00000014 
fffffffe 00000002 fffffffc 00000004 fffffffa 00000006 fffffff8 00000008 fffffff6 0000000a fffffff4 0000000c fffffff2 0000000e fffffff0 00000010 ffffffee 00000012 ffffffec 00000014 

Todo list:

  • Faster DDR. Currently clocked at 200, I have brought up 400 MHz in different project.
  • Try to start U-Boot


Issues, ideas => feel free and issue a ticket or contribute

Resource usage

Note: this is resource usage NEORV32 + default DMEM & IMEM + DDR Controller

  Resources                   | Usage
  Logic                       | 9940/20736  48%
    --LUT,ALU,ROM16           | 9142(8279 LUT, 863 ALU, 0 ROM16)
    --SSRAM(RAM16)            | 133
  Register                    | 6089/16173  38%
    --Logic Register as Latch | 0/15552  0%
    --Logic Register as FF    | 6082/15552  40%
    --I/O Register as Latch   | 0/621  0%
    --I/O Register as FF      | 7/621  2%
  CLS                         | 6852/10368  67%
  I/O Port                    | 59
  I/O Buf                     | 56
    --Input Buf               | 7
    --Output Buf              | 31
    --Inout Buf               | 18
  IOLOGIC                     | 58%
    --IDES8_MEM               | 16
    --OSER8                   | 24
    --OSER8_MEM               | 20
    --IODELAY                 | 16
  BSRAM                       | 61%
    --SP                      | 12
    --SDPB                    | 7
    --SDPX9B                  | 4
    --pROMX9                  | 5
  DSP                         | 17%
    --MULT36X36               | 2
  PLL                         | 1/4  25%
  DCS                         | 0/8  0%
  DQCE                        | 0/24  0%
  OSC                         | 0/1  0%
  CLKDIV                      | 1/8  13%
  DLLDLY                      | 0/8  0%
  DQS                         | 2/9  23%
  DHCEN                       | 1/16  7%