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Omnibus GitLab Logs

Tail logs in a console on the server

If you want to 'tail', i.e. view live log updates of GitLab logs you can use gitlab-ctl tail.

# Tail all logs; press Ctrl-C to exit
sudo gitlab-ctl tail

# Drill down to a sub-directory of /var/log/gitlab
sudo gitlab-ctl tail gitlab-rails

# Drill down to an individual file
sudo gitlab-ctl tail nginx/gitlab_error.log

Configure default log directories

In your /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file, there are many log_directory keys for the various types of logs. Uncomment and update the values for all the logs you want to place elsewhere:

# For example:
gitlab_rails['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails"
unicorn['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/unicorn"
registry['log_directory'] = "/var/log/gitlab/registry"

Run sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure to configure your instance with these settings.

Runit logs

The Runit-managed services in omnibus-gitlab generate log data using [svlogd][svlogd]. See the [svlogd documentation][svlogd] for more information about the files it generates.

You can modify svlogd settings via /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb with the following settings:

# Below are the default values
logging['svlogd_size'] = 200 * 1024 * 1024 # rotate after 200 MB of log data
logging['svlogd_num'] = 30 # keep 30 rotated log files
logging['svlogd_timeout'] = 24 * 60 * 60 # rotate after 24 hours
logging['svlogd_filter'] = "gzip" # compress logs with gzip
logging['svlogd_udp'] = nil # transmit log messages via UDP
logging['svlogd_prefix'] = nil # custom prefix for log messages

# Optionally, you can override the prefix for e.g. Nginx
nginx['svlogd_prefix'] = "nginx"


Starting with omnibus-gitlab 7.4 there is a built-in logrotate service in omnibus-gitlab. This service will rotate, compress and eventually delete the log data that is not captured by Runit, such as gitlab-rails/production.log and nginx/gitlab_access.log. You can configure logrotate via /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb.

# Below are some of the default settings
logging['logrotate_frequency'] = "daily" # rotate logs daily
logging['logrotate_size'] = nil # do not rotate by size by default
logging['logrotate_rotate'] = 30 # keep 30 rotated logs
logging['logrotate_compress'] = "compress" # see 'man logrotate'
logging['logrotate_method'] = "copytruncate" # see 'man logrotate'
logging['logrotate_postrotate'] = nil # no postrotate command by default
logging['logrotate_dateformat'] = nil # use date extensions for rotated files rather than numbers e.g. a value of "-%Y-%m-%d" would give rotated files like production.log-2016-03-09.gz

# You can add overrides per service
nginx['logrotate_frequency'] = nil
nginx['logrotate_size'] = "200M"

# You can also disable the built-in logrotate service if you want
logrotate['enable'] = false

UDP log forwarding

In case you have a central server where all your infra logs are gathered, you can configure Omnibus GitLab to send syslog-ish log messages via UDP:

logging['udp_log_shipping_host'] = '' # Your syslog server
logging['udp_log_shipping_port'] = 1514 # Optional, defaults to 514 (syslog)

Example log messages:

Jun 26 06:33:46 ubuntu1204-test production.log: Started GET "/root/my-project/import" for at 2014-06-26 06:33:46 -0700
Jun 26 06:33:46 ubuntu1204-test production.log: Processing by ProjectsController#import as HTML
Jun 26 06:33:46 ubuntu1204-test production.log: Parameters: {"id"=>"root/my-project"}
Jun 26 06:33:46 ubuntu1204-test production.log: Completed 200 OK in 122ms (Views: 71.9ms | ActiveRecord: 12.2ms)
Jun 26 06:33:46 ubuntu1204-test gitlab_access.log: - - [26/Jun/2014:06:33:46 -0700] "GET /root/my-project/import HTTP/1.1" 200 5775 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36"
2014-06-26_13:33:46.49866 ubuntu1204-test sidekiq: 2014-06-26T13:33:46Z 18107 TID-7nbj0 Sidekiq::Extensions::DelayedMailer JID-bbfb118dd1db20f6c39f5b50 INFO: start
2014-06-26_13:33:46.52608 ubuntu1204-test sidekiq: 2014-06-26T13:33:46Z 18107 TID-7muoc RepositoryImportWorker JID-57ee926c3655fcfa062338ae INFO: start

Using a custom NGINX log format

By default the NGINX access logs will use a version of the 'combined' NGINX format, designed to hide potentially sensitive information embedded in query strings. If you want to use a custom log format string you can specify it in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb - see the NGINX documentation for format details.

nginx['log_format'] = 'my format string $foo $bar'
mattermost_nginx['log_format'] = 'my format string $foo $bar'

JSON logging

Structured logs can be exported via JSON to be parsed by Elasticsearch, Splunk, or another log management system. Some components already write JSON logs by default (e.g. see GitLab CE logging documentation), but until GitLab 12.0 other GitLab components may be using an unstructured format. To enable JSON logging for all GitLab components, add these lines to /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb:

gitaly['logging_format'] = 'json'
gitlab_shell['log_format'] = 'json'
gitlab_workhorse['log_format'] = 'json'
registry['log_formatter'] = 'json'
sidekiq['log_format'] = 'json'