OpenEMIS Core is a sector wide Open Source Education Management Information System (EMIS) that facilitates the collection, processing and management of education information. OpenEMIS Core is a customizable web application that supports the day-to-day activities involved in managing a sector wide education system.
The following instructions will get you a copy of OpenEMIS Core, install, and setup the application accordingly.
- Clone the application's repository
New -> Clone from URL
- Fill in the details
Source URL : [username]
Destination Path : /your/working/path/here/
Name : pocor-openemis-core (this is an example)
- Press Clone
- Clone the application's respository
git clone
- Go to the application's config directory
cd config/
- Create a datasource.php from the default file
cp datasource.default.php datasource.php
- Update datasource.php with the database connection details
vi datasource.php
- Create app_extra.php from the default file
cp app_extra.default.php app_extra.php
- Generate a private key
openssl genrsa -out private.key 1024
- Generate a public key
openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.key