A website that allow user to stream a big collection of movies, tv shows, documentaries and anime in exchange for a subscription.
Video tour of the website- Front-end
- c# (Asp.net core)
- MySql
- you have to have .net 6 installed in your machine
- after cloning the project got to the project directoary and open terminal
- you have to initeiate asp.net secret to be able to use email system and 0autj Link to documentation
- to et up project 0auth set the secrets as described in the docoumentationLink
- i used mailtrab to get to work you have to set up those two secrets after you make account on mailtrab, "smtp:userName","smtp:password"
- in the terminal type the command "dotnet run"
- After you set up the project, go to login page.
- Enter the default superadmin email:"Admin@admin.com"
- Enter the default superadmin password:"KKr%@cTU2b#TtKDz"
- After you log in in the user menu in the right corener of the header click on settings there you can change the default username, email, profile img and password
- Also inside the user menue you will find Admin panel wheb clicked it will take you to the admin panel page
- In the Admin pannel page you can add new admin, delete excisting admin, add new media and delete existing media
- only the super admin can add new admin
- after signing up either by copleating the # form or using social media account you will land in the main page
- In the main page you will find the latest media in the website you can either view it page first to read other users review of it and to put your review after watching it
- you can navigate media by genera ftom the nav bar
- you can bookmark media from the view page and view from bookmark option form user menue
- you can change your user name of password from the setting oprion in user menue
- you can search form media by typing the title of the media in the search bar
- press watch button to go direct to the viedeo player.
Intellect book service website is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT licence.