Description of entity Sample: Samples used as input for the analysis
- identifier*: string - unique identifier
- alternativeIdentifier: string - alternative identifier used by sample provider
- ERN: string - ERN
- anatomicalLocation: xref(AnatomicalLocation)
- subject: xref(Subject) - reference to the subject from which samples was extracted
- Claimed sex: xref(Sex) - Claimed Sex / Sex at birth (can be different from observed sex, see sample)
- Observed sex: xref(Sex) - Computed sex (based on Y- chromosome)
- TissueTypes : xref(TissueTypes) -
- materialType: mref(MaterialType) - material type. E.g. DNA
- QC failed: bool - QC failed (True /False)
- Date available: date - Date that a file became visible to sandbox/RD3
- Sequencing Centre: string - Centre where sample was sequenced
- organisation: xref(Organisation) - Name of the organisation. E.g. University Medical Center Groningen
Attribute | Remarks | Changed |
identifier | EGA Accession Number: string - EGA Accession Number | Removed, ONLY for files |
identifier | persistent identifier (Elixer ID, via SURF) | Need to be discussed |
Not Present | Samples table requires an "Enrichment kit" | Can be found in Labinfo |
Not present | “Possible QC fail” and ”Confirmed QC fail” plus text field, need to be added, what about flag boggy samples field?? | Need to be discussed |