this docker create the iotmonitor image, for x64 platefoms note that if you run the iotmonitor as a container, processes must be also hosted in the container.
The VERSION variable mention the master version Optional, The COMMIT variable may be specified for the ZIG commit to use (zig dev repository), if not set, official RELEASE zig version IS used (check for the current value)
for officiel release zig version:
docker build --build-arg VERSION=0.9.1 -t iotmonitor .
docker build --build-arg COMMIT=45212e3b3 --build-arg VERSION=0.9.0-dev.103 -t iotmonitor .
The current folder must have the config.toml configuration file, and write access to the executing USER, to create the leveldb database associated to device states
docker run --rm -d -u $(id --user) -v `pwd`:/config iotmonitor
docker run -it -v $HOME/.dockerpi:/sdcard lukechilds/dockerpi