20190328, V0.2.1
- Added colorized output, PR #30 (thanks @erogleva - Elena Rogleva)
20190316, V0.2.0
- Notable changes: Now, npm-license-crawler will always terminate if an invalid
path is provided. This is to provide a more consistent error behavior - Revised error handling of the directory reader, issue #28
- Revised example given in README, issue #28
- Fixed option '--onlyDirectDependencies' always took the
, even if the option--development
was provided (thanks @Sly321 - Sven Liebig) - Added support for separation of production/development dependencies (thanks @elgohr - Lars Gohr)
- Notable changes: Now, npm-license-crawler will always terminate if an invalid
20180531, V0.1.9
- Fixed splitting dependency package names on last
-sign rather than matching first one (thanks @jamiemjennings)
- Fixed splitting dependency package names on last
20180308, V0.1.8
- Fixed type error in filter for '--onlyDirectDependencies' which occurred with invalid
package file without a proper
entry (thanks @dzablo - Adam Jabłoński)
- Fixed type error in filter for '--onlyDirectDependencies' which occurred with invalid
package file without a proper
20180220, V0.1.7
- Fixed missing command line option handlers for --omitVersion and --onlyDirectDependencies
- Revised README
20180219, V0.1.6
- Added option '--onlyDirectDependencies': show only direct dependencies (thanks @elenabratanova)
- Added '--omitVersion' option: don't display version number in result (thanks @elenabratanova)
- Updated dependencies
20161206, V0.1.5
- Added feature to output the relative license file path, Issue #8
- Updated dependencies
- Externalized change history
20160419, V0.1.4
- Fixed CSV header line missing quotes for "license URL" column header, Issue #4
20160311, V0.1.3
- Updated dependencies
20160116, V0.1.2
- Changed line endings to LF for command wrapper on published files to resolve issue #2 for OS X users, thanks @swashcap and @uglow
- Added travis build descriptor
20160106, V0.1.1
- Added hidden option for gulp integration
- Added example file
- Corrected license info as part of package descriptor
20150810, V0.1.0
- Reset variables to allow for multiple calls of dumpLicenses function (thanks @Kienz)
- Revised license information to provide a SPDX 2.0 license identifier in-line with npm v2.1 guidelines on license metadata - see also https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v2.10.0
20150423, V0.0.9
- Updated dependencies
- Added version badge
- Added usage example
20150414, V0.0.8
- Changed API of dumpLicenses() callback to improve programmatic use
- Sorting and file output are now done as part of dumpLicenses()
20150309, V0.0.7
- Extended package description
- Corrected link syntax in README
20150307, V0.0.6
- Renamed to npm-license-crawler
- Updated README
- Renamed binary
- npm publish
20150115, V0.0.5
- Clarified use of --unknown option. See also license-checker issue #29 davglass/license-checker#29
- Patched license-checker branch to fix --unknown error
- Added feature to output the parent path of dependencies for each module
- Fixed and extended normalization of the repository URL. See also license-checker issue #30 davglass/license-checker#30
- Add output of license URL where applicable
20141215, V0.0.4
- Added test skeleton and the basic mechanic to run tests and a coverage analysis
- Added travis build and info on build status as part of README
- Added TODO section
20141215, V0.0.3
- Implemented DirectoryReader replacing FileWalker to speed up the directory traversal and to add new functionality
- Accepts a list of directory paths by using --start option multiple times
- Added --exclude option to add one or multiple directory path to exclude from the search
20141121, V0.0.2
- Synced & merged license-checker fork with upstream
- Result is now sorted
- Fixed --dependencies option which only returned partial results
20141120, V0.0.1
- Initial Version