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Innova-2 RISC-V


The design currently has a functional RISC-V core and UART.

Currently Working Design

Block Diagram

Vivado RISC-V Block Diagram

AXI Addresses

RocketChip and XDMA AXI Addresses

JTAG Load of RISC-V Software

Refer to the innova2_flex_xcku15p_notes project's instructions to install XDMA Drivers and Load the RISC-V User Image into the FPGA's Configuration Memory. is available in releases.

unzip -d .
md5sum innova2-riscv_primary.bin innova2-riscv_secondary.bin
echo 01d74b05d4b5421fdcf21be70f2048af should be MD5 checksum of innova2-riscv_primary.bin
echo 1948edcbf584d456683f0bd1530fb65a should be MD5 checksum of innova2-riscv_secondary.bin

Innova2 RISC-V Testing Diagram

JTAG Load of RISC-V Software

Enable JTAG Access to the Innova-2

On the computer hosting the Innova-2, use innova2_flex_app to enable JTAG Access:

sudo mst start
cd ~/Innova_2_Flex_Open_18_12/driver/
sudo ./make_device
cd ~
sudo insmod /usr/lib/modules/`uname -r`/updates/dkms/mlx5_fpga_tools.ko
sudo ~/Innova_2_Flex_Open_18_12/app/innova2_flex_app -v

Enable Innova-2 JTAG Access

Upload RISC-V Firmware to the Innova-2 using JTAG

Modify bare-metal hello-world boot.elf to print a string of consecutive characters and then compile it.

bare-metal hello-world boot.elf

git clone --depth=1
cd innova2_experiments/riscv_rocket64b4l2w_xdma/
git submodule update --init riscv_rocket64b4l2w_xdma/vivado-risc-v
cd vivado-risc-v/bare-metal/hello-world/
cd ../../..

Connect a Xilinx-Compatible 1.8V JTAG Adapter to the Innova2. Run xsdb on the system hosting the JTAG Adapter. Note xsdb is included with Vivado or Vivado Lab Edition.

source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/

The connect command begins communication with the FPGA's internal JTAG module. targets lists available JTAG devices. targets 3 selects a specific device to communicate with. The stop command halts the current target RISC-V core. dow downloads the specified program to the current RISC-V core. con continues execution from the address specified within the loaded .elf file, 0x80000008. rr reads registers.

target 3
dow  vivado-risc-v/bare-metal/hello-world/boot.elf
rr pc

xsdb program load

rr pc is Read Register Program Counter which is currently at 0x8000046c. The .elf file can be disassembled to follow along with code execution.

cd vivado-risc-v/bare-metal/hello-world/
riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -S -l --inlines -D boot.elf  > dis.txt
cd ../..

objdump disassemble

bare-metal hello-world disassembled

The above can also be done using the Eclipse TCF Debugger.

Communicating with the RISC-V UART over XDMA

On the computer with the Innova2, the data that boot.elf is generating can be read over XDMA from an AXI UART connected to the RISC-V UART using xdma_tty_cuse.c.

Install the libfuse2 development library:

sudo apt install libfuse2 libfuse-dev

In one terminal, compile and run xdma_tty_cuse:

cd innova2_experiments/riscv_rocket64b4l2w_xdma
cp ../xdma_uart-to-uart/xdma_tty_cuse.c  .
gcc xdma_tty_cuse.c `pkg-config fuse --cflags --libs` --std=gnu17 -g -Wall -latomic -o xdma_tty_cuse
sudo ./xdma_tty_cuse  /dev/xdma0_c2h_0  /dev/xdma0_h2c_0  0x60100000 ttyCUSE0

In a second terminal, connect to the TTY CUSE UART Bridge using a Serial Terminal:

sudo gtkterm --port /dev/ttyCUSE0

xdma_cuse_tty RISC-V communication

When the RISC-V core starts, it prints RISC-V 64, Boot ROM: JTAG to its UART. The first 16 bytes (the UART FIFO depth) end up in the XDMA UART. When GTKTerm runs, it twice calls an ioctl in xdma_tty_cuse that resets the XDMA RX FIFO. M: JTAG are the characters that get through once the RISC-V core is able to send data again.

bare-metal hello-world output

Load Linux Using OpenSBI

The Linux system files can be recreated or downloaded from Releases. If recreating the system files, OpenSBI boot.elf ends up in vivado-risc-v/workspace/boot.elf. The Linux Image in vivado-risc-v/linux-stable/arch/riscv/boot/Image and the ramdisk in vivado-risc-v/debian-riscv64/ramdisk.

Confirm the files downloaded correctly:

unzip -d .
md5sum  Image  ramdisk  opensbi_boot.elf
echo fd156f7719b39f41e0fe0f04dca36214  should be MD5 Checksum of  Image
echo 868f767b0b6e838852c9075643a9fd1d  should be MD5 Checksum of  ramdisk
echo 0fef4ba92ff5d3014ab4787675458bfb  should be MD5 Checksum of  opensbi_boot.elf

On the computer hosting the Innova-2, confirm JTAG is Enabled.

sudo mst start
cd ~/Innova_2_Flex_Open_18_12/driver/
sudo ./make_device
cd ~
sudo insmod /usr/lib/modules/`uname -r`/updates/dkms/mlx5_fpga_tools.ko
sudo ~/Innova_2_Flex_Open_18_12/app/innova2_flex_app -v

Enable JTAG Access

On the computer hosting the 1.8V JTAG Adapter, run xsdb and stop the RISC-V core that will be used for system boot.

Stop RISC-V Boot Core

source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/
target 3
target 2

On the computer hosting the Innova-2, upload the Linux Image and ramdisk using dma_ip_driver's dma_to_device software. Note Image needs to be uploaded to 0x81000000 and ramdisk needs to be uploaded to 0x85000000. dma_to_device also requires the exact size in bytes that will be uploaded. Using XDMA instead of JTAG is significantly faster. Once all firmware is uploaded, you can use dma_from_device to capture all memory for later upload. For now, JTAG is still required to set registers.

sudo ./dma_to_device --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 --address 0x81000000 --size 19723012 -f Image
sudo ./dma_to_device --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 --address 0x85000000 --size  4630347 -f ramdisk

Load Linux Image and ramdisk

Back on the computer hosting the 1.8V JTAG Adapter, upload OpenSBI and set the RISC-V core's registers to the start condition.

target 3
dow -clear opensbi_boot.elf
rwr a0 0
rwr a1 0x10080
rwr s0 0x80000000
rwr pc 0x80000000

Upload OpenSBI boot.elf

continue execution.

xsdb continue

On the computer hosting the Innova-2, xdma_tty_cuse + gtkterm should allow viewing the boot log and communicating with the RISC-V core's TTY.

xdma_tty_cuse and gtkterm OpenSBI Boot

For some reason, ^@ gets added to every character typed into gtkterm. initramfs correctly parses the input and commands work.

initramfs communication fault

The complete boot log is available.

Boot Log

RISC-V Status Signals

The de#cludes an AXI GPIO block for reading various status signals within the design.

AXI GPIO 2 Address 0x60730000

sudo ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools/dma_from_device -d /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 -a 0x60730000 -s 1 -f READ ; xxd -b READ

RISC-V Status Signals Map

RISC-V Reset

axi_gpio_1 is a single output AXI GPIO block that can reset the RocketChip RISC-V cores.

AXI GPIO 1 RocketChip Reset

AXI GPIO 1 Address 0x60720000

echo -n -e "\xFF" >ff.bin   ;   xxd -b  ff.bin
echo -n -e "\x00" >00.bin   ;   xxd -b  00.bin
sudo ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools/dma_from_device -d /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 -a 0x60730000 -s 1 -f READ ; xxd -b READ
sudo ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools/dma_to_device   -d /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 -a 0x60720000 -s 1 -f ff.bin
sudo ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools/dma_from_device -d /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 -a 0x60730000 -s 1 -f READ ; xxd -b READ
sudo ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools/dma_to_device   -d /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 -a 0x60720000 -s 1 -f 00.bin
sudo ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools/dma_from_device -d /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 -a 0x60730000 -s 1 -f READ ; xxd -b READ

Opening this Project for Editing

Clone this repository and update the two required submodules.

cd ~
git clone --depth=1
cd innova2_experiments/
git submodule update --init riscv_rocket64b4l2w_xdma/vivado-risc-v
cd riscv_rocket64b4l2w_xdma/vivado-risc-v
git submodule update --init ethernet/verilog-ethernet

Open Vivado and source innova2_experiments/riscv_rocket64b4l2w_xdma/innova2-riscv.tcl in the Tcl Console.

Vivado source innova2-riscv.tcl

Run Generate Bitstream to compile the design. Refer to the innova2_flex_xcku15p_notes project's instructions on Loading a User Image to load the bitstream.

Vivado Generate Bitstream

The design takes around 2 hours to synthesize and implement.

Design Runs Overview

About half the XCKU15P FPGA is used.


Recreating the RISC-V Design

To change the RISC-V core configuration, run frequency, or initial boot firmware, the RISC-V subsystem will need to be regenerated using a full RocketChip install which requires about 8GB of downloads. Vivado 2021.2 is currently supported.

Run all the vivado-risc-v setup commands (apt-install, update-submodules) if this is the first use. 8GB of files will be downloaded. Then source Vivado environment settings and run make for the jtag-boot target to generate a Vivado project, bitstream, binary configuration files, and all the Linux system boot files.

cd vivado-risc-v
sudo make apt-install
make update-submodules
source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/
make  CONFIG=rocket64b4l2w  BOARD=innova2  jtag-boot

make bitstream

Refer to the innova2_flex_xcku15p_notes project's instructions on Loading a User Image to load the generated innova2-riscv_primary.bin, innova2-riscv_secondary.bin files. The generated vivado-risc-v/workspace/rocket64b4l2w/vivado-innova2-riscv/innova2-riscv.xpr project can also be opened in Vivado to make additional changes.

Changing the RISC-V Run Frequency

Make any run frequency changes in vivado-risc-v/board/rocket-freq.

rocket-freq Frequency Defines

Run make for the vivado-tcl target.

cd vivado-risc-v
source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/
make  CONFIG=rocket64b4l2w  BOARD=innova2  vivado-tcl

source the generated vivado-risc-v/workspace/rocket64b4l2w/system-innova2.tcl in Vivado.

Vivado source system-innova2.tcl

Edit clk_out1 frequency of clk_wiz_0 to the run frequency of the RISC-V cores.

Check clk_wiz_0 Output1

After making changes to the Block De# Vivado, run Generate Bitstream to synthesize and implement the design.

Vivado Generate Bitstream

Creating a New Block Design TCL Script

After confirming your design compiles and works, generate a new Block Design script for your current version of Vivado using the write_bd_tcl command in the Vivado Tcl Console. Copy it to the vivado-risc-v/board/innova2 directory.

write_bd_tcl  riscv-2021.2.tcl

Add the following Vivado commands to the start of the Block Design script that is generated to ignore unconnected pin errors. The Innova2 XCKU15P FPGA has no physical connection for networking or UART RxD. The Ethernet modules cannot have external signals.

# Change the following two ERRORs to WARNINGs as they are related to unused signals
set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1]
set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks UCIO-1]

list_check_mods needs to have Rocket64b4l2w or similar replaced with $rocket_module_name.

if { $bCheckModules == 1 } {
   set list_check_mods "\ 

The RocketChip Create instance code:

  # Create instance: RocketChip, and set properties
  set block_name Rocket64b4l2w
  set block_cell_name RocketChip
  if { [catch {set RocketChip [create_bd_cell -type module -reference $block_name $block_cell_name] } errmsg] } {
     catch {common::send_gid_msg -ssname BD::TCL -id 2095 -severity "ERROR" "Unable to add referenced block <$block_name>. Please add the files for ${block_name}'s definition into the project."}
     return 1
   } elseif { $RocketChip eq "" } {
     catch {common::send_gid_msg -ssname BD::TCL -id 2096 -severity "ERROR" "Unable to referenced block <$block_name>. Please add the files for ${block_name}'s definition into the project."}
     return 1

Needs to be replaced with the following:

  # Create instance: RocketChip, and set properties
  global rocket_module_name
  set RocketChip [create_bd_cell -type module -reference $rocket_module_name RocketChip]

Run make for your intended Rocket RISC-V configuration to check if the updated Block Design script works. You may need to move any currently existing workspace/rocket64___ folder.

cd vivado-risc-v
source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/
make  CONFIG=rocket64b4l2w  BOARD=innova2  bitstream