- provide interface for communication via nRF24L01 modules from devices that don't have SPI/GPIO - typically a PC, linux boxes/development boards
- keep (almost) the same interface as RF24 library so applications can be reused
- libraries utilizing RF24 (RF24Network, RF24Mesh) can also use RF24Frontend
- primary developed and tested on Linux, but should be possible to adapt for other OSes
Supported communication interfaces:
##Installation for now no shared libraries, no installation.
- switch do RF24Frontend/examples
- make
- precondition for running examples: prepared VUsb or serial RF24 device, proper firmware uploaded, connected in appropriate way
##Usage Full RF24 library interface is available via RF24Frontend class. See RF24Frontend/examples/*.cpp
- instantiate an interface driver:
RF24ComSerial rf24_serialdev("/dev/ttyACM0");
RF24ComVUsb rf24_vusbdev;
- instantiate RF24Frontend, give the driver as a param:
RF24Frontend radio(rf24_serialdev);
RF24Frontend radio(rf24_vusbdev);
- use the RF24Frontend instance the same way as RF24: