RF24VUsb: library/firmware for an arduino-based device with nRF24l01 for connection with RF24Frontend using V-USB
- ATmega controller/Arduino with this firmware can be connected to a box with RF24Frontend application via USB port.
- firmware written as an Arduino library
- called from a simple sketch:
#include <SPI.h>
#include <RF24VUsb.h>
#include <RF24Remote.h>
#include <RF24.h>
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
- it's possible to extend the sketch with additional functionality so it can do something more than proxying RF24 calls (but be aware - no blocking calls, no dealys, and also no millis - timer0 interrupt is disabled)
- USB port connected to an ATmega/Arduino as described in V-Usb project (you can also use one of V-Usb prototyping boards available)
- nRF24l01 module connected with ATmega/Arduino as usual for RF24
- download complete RF24 repository
- move/link RF24 directory to Arduino library directory (for now it's a must to use FR24 from this repository, not any different)
- move/link RF24VUsb and RF24Remote directories to Arduino library directory so they're on the same level as RF24 library
- enter RF24VUsb directory
- edit Makefile.config and insert right values for MCU, V-Usb connection, CE and CS pins used for nRF24l01
- make
- in Arduino environment, load RF24VUsb/examples/VUsbDevice/VUsbDevice.ino sketch, compile, upload to the controller
- Follow instructions for RF24Frontend installation
- once correctly set up, RF24Frontend/examples can be run
- you can re-use your RF24 sketches to run with RF24Frontend