- Basic Setup and Deployment
- DEPLOY to Vercel
- Draft UI with MUI
- Generate five things insertion window ui
- Plug in mock Data to the ui
- Set up VercelPostgres DB
- Configure postgresDB function to use real data
- Set up Parallel routes
- Crud functions: -- [x] Add 5 things -- [x] Edit 5 things -- [x] Delete 5 things -- [x] Add 5 things -- [x] Edit 5 things -- [x] Delete 5 things
- Attach DB to UI
- Add authentication
- show other user's 5 things
- toast confirmation on server actions
- Get Delete Button Working properly
- Implement Analytics
- Deletion - get routing working properly (not routing to defunct page, not refreshing on delete.)
- Refactor Toast modals
- Test longer inputs
- Clean up DB for finalisation, screenshots.
fix background
fix up modal
Fix top button clipping thru header
- [] rig up up/downvotes - complex, will need to refactor user history
- [] Check modals for viewing still working? fix as needed
- About Page
- [] Post Filters - similar to twitter