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Bayesian Preference Estimation with Inconsistent Feedback

This repository contains code and results for the paper "Bayesian Preference Estimation with Inconsistent Feedback," submitted to the journal of Mathematical Psychology. More information can be found on our website: Website Link


There are three datasets used in this paper with the following statistics:

Dataset Number of Users Number of Items Number of Interactions Number of Categories % Sparsity
Yelp 6,651 8,267 264,174 265 99.55%
MovieLens1M 6,040 3,260 998,538 18 94.93%
MovieLensSmall 610 8,974 100,010 19 98.17%

Sample data snapshot (from MovieLens1M dataset):

userID movieID Like Status Primary Genre Secondary Genre
54462 288 0 Adventure Comedy
20948 247 0 Action Adventure
25386 401 0 Action Adventure
48678 491 1 Comedy Drama
42717 322 1 Crime Drama
52687 143 0 Adventure Drama
66403 218 0 Action Adventure
41867 130 1 Drama Thriller
10548 69 0 Action Drama
58166 33 0 Action Comedy

Models Evaluated

In this research, we evaluate the performance of our proposed model by comparing it against several well-known baseline models. These models include advanced machine learning techniques and established Bayesian methods. Unlike our proposed model, these baselines do not explicitly account for user inconsistency.

1. Bayesian Updating Model

This model employs Bayesian inference to update the parameters of a Beta distribution for each user-attribute pair based on binary feedback (e.g., like/dislike).

2. Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR)

BPR is designed for optimizing ranking tasks with implicit feedback, such as clicks or purchases, rather than explicit ratings.

3. Collaborative Filtering Model

This model predicts user ratings by leveraging ratings from similar users and items, combining information from multiple sources.

4. Multi-Attribute Utility Model

This model estimates user preferences by calculating the utility of items based on multiple attributes.

5. Most Popular Model (MostPop)

The MostPop model recommends items based on their overall popularity, serving as a baseline for comparison.


For simplicity and reproduciblitiy, three easy-to-run notebooks are provided:

1. Model_implementation.ipynb

This notebook demonstrates the implementation of all baseline models. It creates simulated data and runs all baseline and proposed models on this simulated data. Additionally, it includes ablation studies on item scarcities, user scarcities, and users with varying degrees of inconsistencies.

2. Results.ipynb

This notebook utilizes the saved and uploaded results from all simulated datasets as well as the three real-world datasets. It analyzes the results by plotting different statistics and outcomes of the proposed model and baseline models.

3. Main.ipynb

This notebook combines the entire process, including model implementation, running the model on both simulated and real-world datasets, and performing evaluations.


Results on real-data can be seen below:

Yelp Dataset Results MovieLens 1M Dataset Results MovieLens Small Dataset Results