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SVG icon management for React


Iconito lets you store your SVG icons in a single definition file as symbols so you can use them with references.

Getting started


npm i iconito


Icon definitions are stored as symbols in a single SVG file. You have two options to pass the desired path of the definitions to the configuration.
Add either .iconitorc file in the root of your project

  "definitions": "src/assets/icons/icon-definitions.svg"

Or add a field in your package.json

"iconito": {
  "definitions": "src/assets/icons/icon-definitions.svg"


Adding icons

Add icons to the definitions with

npx iconito add ~/path/to/icon.svg icon-name

Or directly calling the script

./node_modules/.bin/iconito add ~/path/to/icon.svg icon-name

It will optimize the svg file with SVGO, strip the colors by default and add an id to the symbol so it can be referenced later with
<use href={`#${icon}`} />

The definitions file will end up with something like this

<svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="">
  <symbol viewBox="0 0 24 24" id="icon-name"><path stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5" d="M12 22c5.523 0 10-4.477 10-10S17.523 2 12 2 2 6.477 2 12s4.477 10 10 10Z"/></symbol>

By default Iconito will replace the colors of the icon with currentColor, so you can apply a color with CSS. It will take the nearest color (text color). If you want to preserve original colors, pass --keepColors while adding the icon.


For the icon symbols to be available in DOM, you should pass the contents of the file to the initIcons function. Getting the contents of the definition file depends on your build system/bundler.
If you are using Parcel, you can import the file with bundle-text.

import iconDefinitions from 'bundle-text:./assets/icons/icon-definitions.svg';

And for webpack

import iconDefinitions from 'raw-loader!./assets/icons/icon-definitions.svg';

And then

import { initIcons } from 'iconito';


Using icons in React

You can use the provdided Icon component

import { Icon } from 'iconito';

  className="mr-1" />

Or if you prefer:

  <use href={`#${iconName}`} />