Global Objects in Node is similar to the Global Window Object in the browser.
Broswer: Window -> returns all accessible methos within the object
node: Gloable return all the accessible methods
Accessing Files
__dirname -> returns the absolute path of file
__filname - > return the absolute path of file with the ile name
exporting file name: resources.js
importing files name: app.js
const values = [23,"hey","johne", true]
const values2 = [...values]
// export multiple rescources
modules.export = {values, values2}
const {values, values2} = require("./resources.js") //import destructuring
const fs = require('fs')
// reading file
fs.readFile(<dir>, (err, data) => { //async fxn
// writing files
fs.writeFile(<dirToWriteTo>, data, (err) =>{
// making Directories
check if dir exists
fs.mkdir(<dir name>, (err)=>{ // rmdir removes a directories
... log message
// deletings files
if(fs.existsSync(<path to file>)){
fs.unlink("path to file", (err)=>{
.. log err if found
Read Streams
Write Streams
Using Streams data can be used while it's loading
const readStream = fs.createReadStream(<path>, {encoding: "utf8})
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(<path>, {encoding: "utf8})
readStream.on('data', (chunck)=>{
writeStream.write('\n Chunk \n')
// piping
reading data from read stream into the write stream
// much easier
setHeader - > redirect to a particular screen.
it's simply functions or peac of code that run between the request coming in and the response going out of the server.
- As a logger for looing details of every request
- Authentication check middleware for protected Routes
- Middleware to parse json data from request
- Return 404 pages
for example:
the use((res, req)) // we use for displaying th e 404 pages.
// the use fxn runs for every request sent the Browser