Agenda of the training
- Getting to know about JS Experience of candidates
- Getting to know what candidates expect from the training
- Software Requirements
- NodeJS (v4 or higher)
- Sublime Text code editor
- Proxy setup to ensure that npm install works
- Yarn
- JS History.
- History
- ECMA 262, W3C
- JS Basics
- Building blocks: Data types, literals and variables
- Operators and expressions
- Type checking and type conversion
- null vs undefined
- Exception Handling: try, catch, throw
- Functions: Defining and invoking named and anonymous functions
- Creating Objects
Javascript Core Objects
- Array, String, Date, Math
- JSON parse, stringify
- Creating User defined objects
Document Object Model
- getElementsByTagName
- getElementById
- createElement
- createTextNode
- setAttribute
- getAttribute
- Advanced JS Concepts
- Scope
- Function execution types
- apply, call and bind
- Prototypes
Advanced JS Concepts (...continued)
- Closures
- Promises
- Regular Expressions
- XMLHttpRequest
- each
- map
- filter
- find
Introducing jQuery
- Unobtrusive JavaScript
- jQuery fundamentals
- The jQuery wrapper
- Utility functions
- The document ready handler
Creating the wrapped element set
- Selecting elements for manipulation
- Using basic CSS selectors
- Using child, container, and attribute selectors
- Selecting by position
- Generating new HTML
- Managing the wrapped element set
- Determining the size of the wrapped set
Manipulating page contents with jQuery
- Manipulating element properties and attributes
- Manipulating element properties
- Fetching attribute values
- Setting attribute values
- Removing attributes
- Changing element styling
- Adding and removing class names
- Getting and setting styles
- Setting element content
- Replacing HTML or text content
- Moving and copying elements
- Wrapping elements
- Removing elements
- Dealing with form element values
- The jQuery Event Model
- Binding event handlers using jQuery
- Removing event handlers
Animations and Effects
- Showing and hiding elements
- Implementing a collapsible list
- Toggling the display state of elements
- Animating the display state of elements
- Showing and hiding elements gradually
- Fading elements into and out of existence
- Sliding elements up and down
- Custom Animations
Talk to the server with Ajax
- Introduction to Ajax
- Loading content into elements
- Making GET and POST requests
- Getting data with jQuery
- Making POST requests
- Setting request defaults
- JQuery UI
- Building rich UI using jQuery UI
- UI Widgets
- Accordion
- AutoComplete
- DatePicker
- Dialog
- ProgressBar
- Tabs
HTML5 Overview
- History of HTML5
- The HTML5 vision
- WHATWG and W3C specifications
- What is part of HTML5?
HTML5 Markup
- HTML5 page structure
- HTML5 markup
- Structural elements
- Semantic elements
- Deprecated elements
- HTML5 and CSS
HTML5 Forms
- HTML5 form elements
- Building and using HTML5 forms
HTML5 Audio and Video
- The audio and video elements
- Understanding audio and video
- Audio and video containers
- Audio and video codecs
Overview of the HTML5 APIs
- Overview of the HTML5 APIs
- Common building blocks
- Programming HTML5
- HTML5 Canvas and SVG
- Overview
- Canvas vs. SVG
- Canvas coordinates
- Context
- Pixel data
- New CSS3 selectors
- Borders
- Rounded corners
- Drop shadows
- Backgrounds
- Text effects
- Adding shadows to text
Colours and Opacity
- RGBA and HSL values and alpha channel opacity
- Setting opacity
- Transitions and transforms
- Using transitions
- Using transforms
- UI Properties
- Appearance
- Box-sizing
- Resize
- Outline-offset
- Generated Content Properties
- Content
- Counter-increment
- Media Queries