- Introduction.
- Getting to know each other.
- Understanding what each one likes/hates about programming
- WHY is more important that HOW or WHAT
- Some useful quotes
- "I do not carry such information in my mind since it is readily available in books. The value of a college education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think. - AE"
- Kano Jigoro, the father of modern Judo, once told his students, “When I die, bury me in my white belt.” His wish was to be remembered as a student, not as a black belt master.
- "Take the approach that you are always wrong, and your goal is to be less wrong". - Elon Musk
- On Programming
- Everything software in the world is basically electronic circuitry + a bunch of 1s and 0s. Circuitry is easy, creating the 1s and 0s are infinitely more difficult.
- Software is infintely more malleable when compared to hardware.
- Programming Vs Technology. Programming can be simplified as an art of developing designs, paradigms, algorithms, languages, what not... All targeted towards controlling complexity.
- Books, Videos and References