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Command line interface

Russel Waters edited this page Feb 18, 2019 · 29 revisions

--account_create --wallet=<wallet>

Insert next deterministic key in to <wallet>

--account_get --key=<key>

Get account number for the <key>

--account_key --account=<account>

Get the public key for <account>


Remove all send IDs from the database (dangerous: not intended for production use)


Start node daemon


Use the supplied <path> as the data directory


Display the number of block


Generate bootstrap sequence of blocks

--debug_dump_online_weight (V18+)

List online weights table and current online_weights value


List representatives and weights


Display the number of accounts


Generates fake debug activity


Profile work generation


Profile work verification


Profile kdf function


Profile signature verification


Profile signature generation


[Disabled] Profile xorshift algorithms

--debug_opencl --platform=<platform> --device=<device> --threads=<threads>

[Draft] Profile OpenCL work generation for <device> on <platform> using <threads> count. To retrieve available platforms & devices run --diagnostics


Delete the node ID in the database


Run internal diagnostics


Print out options


Generates a adhoc random keypair and prints it to stdout

--key_expand --key=<key>

Derive public key and account number from <key>


Compact database and create snapshot, functions similar to vacuum but does not replace the existing database. Optional --unchecked_clear, --delete_node_id, --clear_send_ids


Clear unchecked blocks


Compact database. If data_path is missing, the database in data directory is compacted. Optional --unchecked_clear, --delete_node_id, --clear_send_ids


Prints out version


Dump most recent votes from representatives

--wallet_add_adhoc --wallet=<wallet> --key=<key>

Insert <key> in to <wallet>


Creates a new wallet and prints the ID

--wallet_change_seed --wallet=<wallet> --key=<key>

Changes seed for <wallet> to <key>

--wallet_decrypt_unsafe --wallet=<wallet> --password=<password>

Decrypts <wallet> using <password>
If you didn't set password yet, use --wallet_decrypt_unsafe --wallet=<wallet>

--wallet_destroy --wallet=<wallet>

Destroys <wallet> and all keys it contains

--wallet_import --file=<filepath> --wallet=<wallet> --password=<password>

Imports keys in <filepath> using <password> in to <wallet>


Dumps wallet IDs and public keys

--wallet_remove --wallet=<wallet> --account=<account>

Remove <account> from <wallet>

--wallet_representative_get --wallet=<wallet>

Prints default representative for <wallet>

--wallet_representative_set --wallet=<wallet> --account=<account>

Set <account> as default representative for <wallet>