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Command line interface

SergiySW edited this page Feb 27, 2018 · 29 revisions

--account_create --wallet=<wallet>

Insert next deterministic key in to <wallet>

--account_get --key=<key>

Get account number for the <key>

--account_key --account=<account>

Get the public key for <account>


Start node daemon


Use the supplied <path> as the data directory


Display the number of block


Generate bootstrap sequence of blocks


List representatives and weights


Display the number of accounts


Generates fake debug activity


Profile work generation


Profile work verification


Profile kdf function


Profile signature verification


Profile signature generation


[Disabled] Profile xorshift algorithms

--debug_opencl --platform=<platform> --device=<device> --threads=<threads>

[Draft] Profile OpenCL work generation for <device> on <platform> using <threads> count. To retrieve available platforms & devices run --diagnostics


Run internal diagnostics


Print out options


Generates a adhoc random keypair and prints it to stdout

--key_expand --key=<key>

Derive public key and account number from <key>


Compact database. If data_path is missing, the database in data directory is compacted


Compact database and create snapshot, functions similar to vacuum but does not replace the existing database


Dump most recent votes from representatives

--wallet_add_adhoc --wallet=<wallet> --key=<key>

Insert <key> in to <wallet>


Creates a new wallet and prints the ID

--wallet_change_seed --wallet=<wallet> --key=<key>

Changes seed for <wallet> to <key>

--wallet_decrypt_unsafe --wallet=<wallet> --password=<password>

Decrypts <wallet> using <password>
If you didn't set password yet, use --wallet_decrypt_unsafe --wallet=<wallet>

--wallet_destroy --wallet=<wallet>

Destroys <wallet> and all keys it contains

--wallet_import --file=<filepath> --wallet=<wallet> --password=<password>

Imports keys in <filepath> using <password> in to <wallet>


Dumps wallet IDs and public keys

--wallet_remove --wallet=<wallet> --account=<account>

Remove <account> from <wallet>

--wallet_representative_get --wallet=<wallet>

Prints default representative for <wallet>

--wallet_representative_set --wallet=<wallet> --account=<account>

Set <account> as default representative for <wallet>