Welcome to my 30 Days of AI/ML Practice Challenge repository! This is a collection of 30 Python projects I completed as part of a self-imposed challenge to strengthen my skills in AI and Machine Learning. Each project is unique, focusing on practical implementation to tackle diverse problems while sharpening coding and problem-solving skills. Dive in and explore!
Car-Price-Prediction: 🚗 Predict car prices using regression models.
Character-Recognition: ✍️ Recognize handwritten characters using deep learning.
Crowd-Counting: 👥 Estimate crowd sizes in images or videos.
Diabetes-prediction: 🩺 Predict diabetes risk using patient data.
Drowsiness-detection: 😴 Detect driver drowsiness using real-time video.
Emotion-Recognition: 😊 Identify emotions from facial expressions.
Energy-Consumption-Forecasting: ⚡ Forecast energy usage with time-series data.
Face-Recognition: 🧑🦰 Recognize faces using biometric identification.
Face-detection: 👤 Detect human faces in images or videos.
Hand-Gesture-Recognition: 🖐️ Classify hand gestures for interactive systems.
Hand-Tracking: ✋ Track hand movements using computer vision.
Heart-Disease-Detection: ❤️ Predict heart disease risks with health data.
Image-denoising: 🖼️ Remove noise from images for clearer visuals.
Label-Reading: 🏷️ Extract text labels from images with OCR.
LicensePlate-Recognition: 🚘 Recognize license plates from vehicle images.
Moving-object-detection: 🎥 Identify moving objects in video streams.
Object-Recognition: 📦 Detect and classify objects in images.
Object-Tracking: 🎯 Track objects in video with real-time algorithms.
Real-Time-Color-Detection: 🎨 Identify colors in real-time video streams.
Road-Sign-detection: 🚦 Detect and classify road signs for smart systems.
Rock-vs-Mine-Prediction: 🪨 Classify sonar signals as rock or mine.
Sentiment-Analysis: 💬 Analyze sentiment in text data (positive/negative).
Snake-Game: 🐍 Classic snake game built with reinforcement learning.
Span-news-detection-system: 📰 Detect fake news using NLP models.
Stock-Market-Prediction: 📈 Predict stock trends with financial datasets.
Tag-Identification: 🔖 Identify relevant tags for given content.
Titanic-Survival-Prediction: 🚢 Predict Titanic survival based on passenger data.
Vehicle-Tracking: 🚓 Monitor and track vehicles in traffic videos.
Weather Prediction: 🌦️ Forecast weather conditions using historical data.
Leaf-disease-detection: 🌿 Detect diseases in plant leaves with image processing.