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File metadata and controls

412 lines (310 loc) · 16.7 KB

Connection Methods

Connections can be made over two methods:

  • HTTP
  • WebSocket


Andesite metadata is exposed by all default connection methods.

The current values are

name type description
version string version of the node
version-major string major version of the node
version-minor string minor version of the node
version-revision string revision version of the node
version-commit string commit hash of the node
version-build integer build number provided by the CI
node-region string region defined in the config
node-id string id defined in the config
enabled-sources list of strings list of sources enabled in the config
loaded-plugins list of strings list of plugins loaded

Connection methods may choose to format these in a more idiomatic format.


All requests must have an Authorization header or password query param with the password* defined in the config. Furthermore, all routes related to players, including the WebSocket routes, must have an User-Id header or user-id query param with the bot's id. For both of them, the header takes priority.

If an error happens, an error object is returned. Since these objects can get quite big, it's possible to enable a shorter version, which does not send stack frames, by providing a header named Andesite-Short-Errors or a query param named shortErrors. Their values can be anything, as long as they are present shorter error messages are returned.

Node metadata is exposed in response headers as dash (-) separated Title Case identifiers, prepended with Andesite-, eg version-major becomes Andesite-Version-Major. Lists have their values joined by a string, eg [a, b] becomes a,b.

* If the password isn't defined or is null this header may be omitted.

Player routes

route description returns player
POST /player/voice-server-update provides a voice server update event
GET /player/:guild_id returns the state of the player for that guild x
POST /player/:guild_id/play plays a track on the guild. Body must be a valid play payload x
POST /player/:guild_id/stop stops playing audio on the guild. x
PATCH /player/:guild_id/mixer configures the mixer for the guild. Body must be a valid mixer update payload x
PATCH /player/:guild_id/filters configures the audio filters for the guild. Body must be a valid filter update payload x
PATCH /player/:guild_id/pause update pause state of the player. Body must be a valid pause payload x
PATCH /player/:guild_id/seek update the track position. Body must be a valid seek payload x
PATCH /player/:guild_id/volume update volume of the player. Body must be a valid volume payload x
PATCH /player/:guild_id update the player. Body must be a valid update payload x
DELETE /player/:guild_id destroys the player

Other routes

route description
GET /stats returns stats about the node
GET /stats/lavalink returns lavalink compatible stats about the node
GET /loadtracks loads tracks from the identifier query param. Returns a loaded tracks response
GET /decodetrack returns metadata for a track in the track query param. Returns a track info object
POST /decodetrack returns metadata for a track in the track body property. Returns a track info object
POST /decodetracks returns metadata for the tracks in the request body. Returns an array of track info objects


  • The regular websocket is available on the /websocket route.
  • A (mostly*) lavalink compatible websocket is available by default on the / route.

Websocket authorization is the same as HTTP.

The metadata payload sent on connection start provides the metadata, instead of providing it through HTTP headers. The values are sent with lowerCamelCase keys and the appropriate json types. Lists are converted into arrays, other values are sent as-is.

All payloads must be valid json objects. If parsing fails, the socket is closed with code 4001. Both text and binary frames are accepted, as long as the data is valid UTF 8.

All payloads must have an op key, which must be a string. This restriction does not apply to custom handling of payloads done by plugins.

Responses from the server will always contain an op

Payloads can override the User-Id header by providing an userId field. This override is valid only for that payload. All responses will have an userId field containing either the id provided in the override or the id provided in the headers during the websocket handshake.

Valid ops are:

op description
voice-server-update provides a voice server update. Payload must also be a valid voice server update object
play plays a track on the guild. Payload must also be a valid play object
mixer configures the mixer for the guild. Payload must also be a valid mixer update object
stop stops playing on the guild
pause updates the pause state on the guild. Payload must also be a valid pause object
seek updates the track position. Payload must also be a valid seek object
volume updates the volume on the guild. Payload must also be a valid volume object
filters updates the player audio filters. Payload must also be a valid filter update object
update updates the player. Payload must also be a valid update object
destroy destroys the player. Resulting player update event will have a destroyed key with value of true
get-player returns the player state
get-stats returns node stats
ping used to calculate the ping and/or get the user id used in the handshake header. sends the received payload back

Additionally, WebSockets offer a replay system, so events fired after a connection was closed can be replayed. During websocket connection, the server will send a header Andesite-Connection-Id. After the websocket connection is established, clients can send an event-buffer payload to enable buffering. When a connection is closed, events will be buffered for up to the timeout specified in the event-buffer payload. After that, all buffered events are discarded and buffering will stop. To get the missed events, clients must reconnect with a Andesite-Resume-Id header containing the value returned by the Andesite-Connection-Id received earlier. All IDs are single use and reconnects must save the new ID returned. To disable buffering, simply send an event-buffer payload with timeout of 0.

All commands that directly interact with players (updating it, changing it's state, etc) send a player update as a response.

Events that may be sent by the websocket are:

  • Connection ID (connection-id op, not sent on lavalink compat)
key type description
id string ID of the connection
  • Metadata (metadata op, not sent on lavalink compat)
key type description
data object map of metadata key to value. Values may be integers, strings or arrays of strings
  • Player Update (player-update op, playerUpdate on lavalink compat)
key type description
userId string ID of the user that owns the player
guildId string ID of the guild that owns the player
state player State of the player
  • Event (event op)
key type description
type string One of TrackStartEvent, TrackEndEvent, TrackExceptionEvent, TrackStuckEvent, WebSocketClosedEvent
userId string ID of the user affected by this event
guildId string ID of the guild affected by this event

Additional event-specific data is also included:

  • reason (string), code (integer), byRemote (boolean) for WebSocketClosedEvent

  • track (string) for TrackStartEvent

  • track (string), reason (string), mayStartNext (boolean) for TrackEndEvent

  • track (string), error (string), exception(short error) for TrackExceptionEvent

  • track (string), thresholdMs (integer) for TrackStuckEvent

  • Pong (pong op)

key type description
userId string default user ID for this connection, provided on the ws handshake
  • Stats (stats op)
key type description
userId string default user ID for this connection, provided on the ws handshake
stats object map containing the node stats

* Lavalink resumes are not supported.


The WebSocket endpoints can be accessed from a browser with a few small changes to how the connection is established.

The password must be provided as a websocket extension or query param.

The user id must be provided as a query param.

var ws = new WebSocket("ws://my.node/websocket?user-id=1234&password=youshallnotpass")


var ws = new WebSocket("ws://my.node/websocket?user-id=1234", "andesite-password:youshallnotpass")

After the connection is established, the API is identical to regular websockets.


Loaded Track(s)

key type description
loadType string type* of the response
tracks track info[]/null loaded tracks
playlistInfo playlist info/null metadata of the loaded playlist
cause error/null error that happened while loading tracks
severity string/null severity of the error

* Type may be one of

  • TRACK_LOADED - tracks will only have one track, playlistInfo, cause and severity will be null.
  • SEARCH_RESULT - cause and severity will be null.
  • PLAYLIST_LOADED - cause and severity will be null.
  • NO_MATCHES - all other fields will be null.
  • LOAD_FAILED - tracks and playlistInfo will be null.

Playlist Info

key type description
name string name of the playlist
selectedTrack integer/null index of the selected track in the tracks array, or null if no track is selected

Track Info

key type description
track string base64 encoded track
info track metadata metadata of the track

Track Metadata

key type description
class string class name of the lavaplayer track
title string title of the track
author string author of the track
length integer duration of the track, in milliseconds
identifier string identifier of the track
uri string uri of the track
isStream boolean whether or not the track is a livestream
isSeekable boolean whether or not the track supports seeking
position integer current position of the track


key type description
time string current unix timestamp on the node
position integer/null position of the current playing track, or null if nothing is playing
paused boolean whether or not the player is paused
volume integer the volume of the player
filters object map of filter name -> filter settings for each filter present
mixer object map of mixer player id -> mixer player
mixerEnabled boolean whether or not the mixer is the current source of audio

Mixer Player

key type description
time string current unix timestamp on the node
position integer/null position of the current playing track, or null if nothing is playing
paused boolean whether or not the player is paused
volume integer the volume of the player
filters object map of filter name -> filter settings for each filter present

Voice Server Update

key type description
sessionId string session ID for the current user in the event's guild
guildId string ID of the guild
event voice-server-update voice server update event sent by discord


key type description
track string base64 encoded lavaplayer track. If null, the player is stopped. Only use null for mixer players, for regular players use stop instead.
start integer/null timestamp, in milliseconds, to start the track
end integer/null timestamp, in milliseconds, to end the track
pause boolean/null whether or not to pause the player
volume integer/null volume to set on the player
noReplace boolean if true and a track is already playing/paused, this command is ignored


key type description
pause boolean whether or not to pause the player


key type description
position integer timestamp to set the current track to, in milliseconds


key type description
volume integer volume to set on the player

Filter update

key type description
equalizer equalizer/null configures the equalizer
karaoke karaoke/null configures the karaoke filter
timescale timescale/null configures the timescale filter
tremolo tremolo/null configures the tremolo filter
vibrato vibrato/null configures the vibrato filter
volume volume/null configures the volume filter


key type description
pause boolean/null whether or not to pause the player
position integer/null timestamp to set the current track to, in milliseconds
volume integer/null volume to set on the player
filters filter update/null configuration for the filters

Mixer Update

key type description
enable boolean/null if present, controls whether or not the mixer should be used
players object map of player id to play/update payloads for each mixer source

Event Buffer

key type description
timeout integer timeout for event buffering, in milliseconds


key type description
class string class of the error
message string/null message of the error
stack stack frame[] stacktrace of the error
cause error/null cause of the error
suppressed error[] suppressed errors

Stack Frame

key type description
classLoader string/null name of the classloader
moduleName string/null name of the module
moduleVersion string/null version of the module
className string name of the class
methodName string name of the method
fileName string/null name of the source file
lineNumber integer/null line in the source file
pretty string pretty printed version of this frame, as it would appear on Throwable#printStackTrace



key type description
bands band[] array of bands to configure


key type description default
band integer (0-14) band number to configure -
gain float ([-0.25, 1.0]) value to set for the band 0


key type default
level float 1
monoLevel float 1
filterBand float 220
filterWidth float 100


key type description default
speed float (> 0) speed to play music at 1
pitch float (> 0) pitch to set 1
rate float (> 0) rate to set 1


key type default
frequency (> 0) float 2
depth (0 < x <= 1) float 0.5


key type default
frequency (0 < x <= 14) float 2
depth (0 < x <= 1) float 0.5

Volume {#update}

key type default
volume float 1