git commit -m "🎉 Initialize Commit"
emoji |
emoji |
commit |
➕ |
:heavy_plus_sign: |
Adding code or files |
📝 |
:pencil: |
Changes/Fixing the code or language |
🔥 |
:fire: |
Removing code or files |
♻️ |
:recycle: |
Recycle code or files |
💩 |
:poop: |
Writing bad code that needs to be improved. |
emoji |
emoji |
commit |
✨ |
:sparkles: |
New Feature |
🎨 |
:art: |
Format/structure of the code |
💄 |
:lipstick: |
UI/Cosmetic |
🐎 |
:racehorse: |
Performance |
⚡️ |
:zap: |
Performance (super) |
🚨 |
:rotating_light: |
Adding tests |
🍱 |
:bento: |
Adding or updating assets. |
emoji |
emoji |
commit |
💚 |
:green_heart: |
Fixing the CI build |
🐳 |
:whale: |
Docker |
🍃 |
:leaves: |
MongoDB |
🚀 |
:rocket: |
Deploying stuff now, heroku |
emoji |
emoji |
commit |
🐛 |
:bug: |
Reporting a bug, with @FIXME Comment Tag |
🚑 |
:ambulance: |
Fixing a bug |
emoji |
emoji |
commit |
🎉 |
:tada: |
Initial Commit |
📚 |
:books: |
Documentation |
❄️ |
:snowflake: |
Changing server configuration |
🔖 |
:bookmark: |
Version Tag |
📇 |
:card_index: |
Metadata |
📦 |
:package: |
New package |
💩 |
:poop: |
Deprecation |
🚧 |
:construction: |
Work In Progress (WIP) |
: Bug Report, should be corrected, Marked with 🐛 :bug:
: A New Idea or Proof-of-Concept, Marked with 💡 :bulb:
: Add attention to something Important
: Needs to be Audited/Reviewed Immediately
git commit -m "✨ Add datebar and interval fetch function"