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Wonjun Kim edited this page Feb 17, 2014 · 18 revisions


There are a number of ways to customize the way that PullToRefresh behaves and looks.

XML Attributes

There are a number of XML attributes you can use to change the functionality/appearance. The best way is to look at the attrs.xml file as it is documented and always up to date.


Friction and Smooth scroll duration

You can adjust the friction value or the smooth scroll duration by setting attributes. These affect movements when pulling or scrolling. The ptrFriction attribute is for the friction value( default value is 2.0 ). The ptrSmoothScrollDuration attribute is for the smooth scroll duration(default value is 200 ms). See below.


Also, you can set ptrSmoothScroll__Long__duration attribute, but this attribute is rarely used ( only by calling PullToRefreshBase.smoothScrollToLonger(...) ).

Method Calls

There are also a number of methods available, most of which accompany the XML attributes above. The easiest way to see these is by looking at the interface source file. This contains all of the PullToRefresh related methods, and their Javadoc:

Animation Style ( Loading layout )

The animation style controls how the Pull-to-Refresh functionality is presented to the user. The different options are:

Rotate (default)

Rotate Animation Screenshot

Rotate is the default as it allows you to make easy customizations to the look and feel by changing the Drawable used. The Drawable is rotated based on how far the user pulls, and is then continuously rotated while refreshing. Most of the samples use this option.

If you want to explicitly show that you are using this layout, set the ‘ptrAnimationStyle’ attribute as below.



Flip Animation Screenshot

Flip is the old style animation, and is what is commonly used by applications on iOS. The arrow flips and changes direction based on how far the user has pulled. When refreshing, a Progress Bar is displayed instead. You can see this in the ScrollView sample.

If you want to use this layout, set the ‘ptrAnimationStyle’ attribute as below.


Customizing labels

Set the ‘ptrPullLabel’, 'ptrRefreshLabel' and 'ptrReleaseLabel' attribute as below.

    ptr:ptrPullLabel="The custom label being displayed when pulling"
    ptr:ptrRefreshLabel="The custom label being displayed when resfreshing"
    ptr:ptrReleaseLabel="The custom label being displayed when release"

Customizing icon and custom labels ( another way )

Override FlipLoadingLayout or RotateLoadingLayout

package com.example.yourproject;

public final class CustomLoadingLayout extends FlipLoadingLayout {

 public FlipLoadingLayout(Context context, Mode mode,
         Orientation scrollDirection, TypedArray attrs) {
     super(context, mode, scrollDirection, attrs);

 protected String loadPullLabel(Context context, TypedArray attrs, Mode mode) {
     return "Custom pull label";

 protected String loadRefreshingLabel(Context context, TypedArray attrs, Mode mode) {
     return "Custom refreshing label";

 protected String loadReleaseLabel(Context context, TypedArray attrs, Mode mode) {
     return "Custom release label";
  * Custom icon of loading layout
 protected int getDefaultDrawableResId() {
     return R.drawable.my_arrow;

Create assets/pulltorefresh.xml file in your project as below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <layout name="custom”>com.example.yourproject.CustomLoadingLayout</layout> <!— Add here —>

Add the 'ptrAnimationStyle' attribute to use the new loading layout


Indicator Layout

Default Indicator Layout Screenshot

The indicator layout is only supported for AdapterView based Pull To Refresh views(such as Pull To Refresh ListView, Pull To Refresh GridView). This layout tells you "I'm ready to do refreshing, when you pull right now" by showing the indicator icon.

If you use the indicator layout , set ptrShowIndicator to true!

    ptr:ptrShowIndicator ="true"

Default indicator layout

Naturally, the default indicator layout is being used as default. When you set 'ptrShowIndicator' to true in Pull To Refresh View, this layout is shown as default.

If you want to explicitly show that you are using this layout, set the ‘ptrIndicatorStyle’ attribute to 'default' as below.

    ptr:ptrIndicatorStyle ="default"

Customizing indicator icon

Override DefaultIndicatorLayout

package com.example.yourproject;
public class CustomIndicatorLayout extends DefaultIndicatorLayout {

     public CustomIndicatorLayout(Context context, Mode mode) {
          super(context, mode);

     protected Drawable getIconDrawable(Context context, Mode mode) {
          return getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.my_indicator_arrow);

Create assets/pulltorefresh.xml file in your project as below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <layout name="custom”>com.example.yourproject.CustomIndicatorLayout</layout> <!— Add here —>

Set the 'ptrAnimationStyle' attribute in some PullToRefresh view to use new indicator layout


"google" mode ( >= v3.1.0 )

You may replicate the behavior of Gmail app by setting the ptrMode to google as shown below :


This results in the following animation :

[gif file]

However, setting this mode disables the following properties,

  • Orientation (the return value of getPullToRefreshScrollDirection() ) : VERTICAL
  • ptrListViewExtrasEnabled attribute : false
  • ptrShowIndicatorLayout attribute : false

Google Style View Layout

This is the layout shown at the top of the screen, covering the action bar.

You may customize the default layout by extending GoogleStyleViewLayout as shown below.

  1. Extend and override GoogleStyleViewLayout
public class CustomGoogleStyleViewLayout extends GoogleStyleViewLayout {

  public void pullToRefresh() {
    // do when pulling

  public void releaseToRefresh() {
   // do when releasing

  public void refreshing() {
    // do when refreshing

  public void reset() {
    // do when resetting

  public void onPull(float scale) {
    // do nothing
  1. Add the customized layout to assets/pulltorefresh.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <layout name="[Custom Layout Name]">com.example.abcd.Custom</layout> 
  1. Set the ptrGoogleViewStyle attribute to [Custom Layout Name]
    ptr:ptrGoogleViewStyle="[Custom Layout Name]"

Note: The height of the layout is set to the action bar height. If you want to modify its height, set the following attribute to "false" (Not recommended).

Google Style Progress Layout

GoogleStyleProgressLayout governs the progress bar and similar to the GoogleStyleViewLayout, it is shown over the action bar.

[gif file]

If you want to customize the layout, Create new Layout class with overriding GoogleStyleProgressLayout

public class CustomProgressLayout extends GoogleStyleProgressLayout {


Add the layout you created into assets/pulltorefresh.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <layout name="[layout name]">[The classpath of the layout here]</layout> 

Add an ptrGoogleProgressStyle attribute in view as below.

    ptr:ptrGoogleProgressStyle="[layout name you've set]" 

Anmation options

You may customize the durations of various animations, or even enable/disable them completely by changing the options below.

  • ptrShowGoogleStyleViewAnimationEnabled : Shows/hides the GoogleStyleViewLayout's fade-in/out animation when pulling
  • ptrShowGoogleStyleViewAnimationDuration : Fade-in/out duration of GoogleStyleViewLayout
  • ptrHideRefeshableViewWhileRefreshingEnabled : Shows/hides the RefreshableView while while the refresh animation is running
  • ptrHideRefeshableViewWhileRefreshingDuration : Fade-in/out duration of RefreshableView
  • ptrViewRefeshableViewProgressBarOnCenterWhileRefreshingEnabled : Shows/hides the progress bar while refreshing
  • ptrViewRefeshableViewProgressBarOnCenterWhileRefreshingDuration : Fade-in/out duration of the progress bar
  • ptrRefeshableViewProgressBarOnCenterWidth, ptrRefeshableViewProgressBarOnCenterHeight : Sets the dimensions of the progress bar
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