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165 lines (142 loc) · 4.88 KB

Smart Pointers with Reference Counting

When using auto_ptr, scoped_ptr and unique_ptr, there can only be one pointer that manages the object at the same time. But with reference counting, multiple smart pointers can manage a same object at the same time. The general idea is to assign a reference count to each object. When a pointer to this object is created, the count is added by 1. When a pointer is destroyed, the count minuses one. When the count becomes 0 which means no pointers are pointing to the object, the memory is released.

Here we defined a RefCount class which refers to the reference count.

template <typename T>
class RefCount {
  RefCount(T *ptr = nullptr) : _ptr(ptr) {
    if (_ptr != nullptr) _count = 1;
  void addRef() { _count++; }
  int delRef() { return --_count; }

  T *_ptr;
  int _count;

In out SmartPtr, we modify its member functions to deal with the reference count properly. Please pay attention to the implementation of the destructor. The object is only destroyed when the count becomes 0.

template <typename T>
class SmartPtr {
  SmartPtr(T *ptr = nullptr) : _ptr(ptr) { _refCount = new RefCount<T>(ptr); }
  ~SmartPtr() {
    if (0 == _refCount->delRef()) {
      delete _ptr;
      _ptr = nullptr;
  T &operator*() { return *_ptr; }
  T *operator->() { return _ptr; }
  SmartPtr(const SmartPtr<T> &other) {
    _ptr = other._ptr;
    _refCount = other._refCount;
    if (_ptr != nullptr) _refCount->addRef();
  SmartPtr<T> &operator=(const SmartPtr<T> &other) {
    if (this == &other) return *this;
    if (0 == _refCount->delRef()) {
      delete _ptr;
    _ptr = other._ptr;
    _refCount = other._refCount;
    return *this;

  T *_ptr;
  RefCount<T> *_refCount;

Our self-defined smart pointer has the problem of thread safety. The count may not be modified correctly with multithread. The C++ memory library use atomic operations for reference counting.


shared_ptr is the smart pointer with reference counting in memory library. However, there is a problem with shared_ptr which is known as the cross-reference problem. Let's look at the following example. We have two classes A and B. In class A we have a shared_ptr of type B, while in class B we have a shared_ptr of type A.

class B;
class A {
    A() {
        cout << "A()" << endl;
    ~A() {
        cout << "~A()" << endl;
    shared_ptr<B> _pb;
class B {
    B() {
        cout << "B()" << endl;
    ~B() {
        cout << "~B()" << endl;
    shared_ptr<A> _pa;

Now in the main function we created two objects of A and B respectively. Then we let the pointer in pa point to pb, and let the pointer in pb point to pa. Then if we print out the reference count of these two objects, we find that the counts are both 2. However, we only have one pointer pointing to each object in main(). Therefore, the memory is not deallocated properly, which will cause a memory leak.

int main() {
    shared_ptr<A> pa = new A();
    shared_ptr<B> pb = new B();
    pa->_pb = pb;
    pb->_pa = pa;
    cout << pa.use_count() << endl;	// 2
    cout << pb.use_count() << endl;	// 2
    return 0;



To fix this problem, we can use weak_ptr instead. As you can see from the name, a weak_ptr is weak because it does not have the ownership of the object. A weak_ptr acts like a observer, which will not change the reference count of the recourse, but can only examine if the object exists or not.

Here we can change the member variables of A and B into weak_ptr.

class B;
class A {
    A() {
        cout << "A()" << endl;
    ~A() {
        cout << "~A()" << endl;
    weak_ptr<B> _pb;
class B {
    B() {
        cout << "B()" << endl;
    ~B() {
        cout << "~B()" << endl;
    weak_ptr<A> _pa;

However, since weak_ptr doesn't have the ownership of an object, obviously it cannot access any methods of the object as well. Therefore, if we have a function foo() inside A, and a function bar() inside B which calls A::foo() with the weak_ptr, there will be an error.

class A {
    void foo() {
        // Do something here
class B {
    void bar() {
        _pa->foo();	// ERROR

In order to access the object methods with a weak_ptr, we need to use an upgrade function lock(). This function try to upgrade a weak_ptr into a shared_ptr. If the object exists, a shared_ptr to the object will be returned and corresponding methods can be called through it. If the object doesn't exist, a nullptr is returned instead.

class B {
    void bar() {
        shared_ptr<A> p = _pa.lock();
        if (p != nullptr)