2024 Solutions
- Day 1: Historian Hysteria
- Day 2: Red-Nosed Reports
- Day 3: Mull It Over
- Day 4: Ceres Search
- Day 5: Print Queue
- Day 6: Guard Gallivant
- Day 7: Bridge Repair
- Day 8: Resonant Collinearity
- Day 9: Disk Fragmenter
- Day 10: Hoof It
- Day 11: Plutonian Pebbles
- Day 12: Garden Groups
- Day 13: Claw Contraption
- Day 14: Restroom Redoubt
- Day 15: Warehouse Woes
- Day 16: Reindeer Maze
- Day 17: Chronospatial Computer
- Day 18: RAM Run
- Day 19: Linen Layout
- Day 20: Race Condition
- Day 21: Keypad Conundrum
- Day 22: Monkey Market
- Day 23: LAN Party
- Day 24: Crossed Wires
- Day 25: Code Chronicle
2023 Solutions
- Day 1: Trebuchet?!
- Day 2: Cube Conundrum
- Day 3: Gear Ratios
- Day 4: Scratchcards
- Day 5: If You Give A Seed A Fertilizer
- Day 6: Wait For It
- Day 7: Camel Cards
- Day 8: Haunted Wasteland
- Day 9: Mirage Maintenance
- Day 10: Pipe Maze
- Day 11: Cosmic Expansion
- Day 12: Hot Springs
- Day 13: Point of Incidence
- Day 14: Parabolic Reflector Dish
- Day 15: Lens Library
- Day 16: The Floor Will Be Lava
2022 Solutions
These solutions are merged in from old repos when I was learning Rust, view at your own caution. I plan on rewriting them all.
Usage: aoc [OPTIONS] --year <YEAR> --day <DAY>
-y, --year <YEAR> Year of the puzzle to select
-d, --day <DAY> Day of the puzzle to select
-p, --part <PART> Part of the puzzle to select (omit to run all parts)
-r, --run Run the selected puzzle (default if no other options are provided)
--release Run in release mode
-t, --test Run tests for the selected puzzle
-i, --input Print the selected puzzle input
-n, --new Start new puzzle from template
--no-cache Force redownloading the input and overwrite the cached file
-o, --open Open the selected puzzle page in browser
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
The runner expects the environment variable AOC_SESSION
to be set in order to download your input. See wimglenn/advent-of-code-wim#1 for more information.
All automated functionality impacting the Advent of Code servers follows the automation guidelines, see lib.rs
in aoc_core
for implementation details.
- Input files are cached to a local directory and ignored by source control
- The request user agent is set to
- Outbound calls are limited to 5 requests per 15 minutes