Before starting to work on a feature or a bug fix, please open an issue to discuss the use case or bug with us, or post a comment in the relevant issue.
A new issue does not imply any commitment by the developers of Ontrack. But at least, the discussion can start.
Do not report security vulnerabilities publicly. Please contact
Contributors must follow the Code of Conduct.
There a Community Slack for Ontrack. Please contact
to get access to it.
See the development guide to get started with your development environment for Ontrack.
All code contributions should contain the following:
- unit tests
- integration tests
- documentation (under ontrack-docs) when applicable
This repository includes the Ontrack documentation under ontrack-docs as Asciidoc documents.
You can generate the documentation by running
./gradlew -Pdocumentation :ontrack-docs:build
The commit messages that accompany your code changes are an important piece of documentation. Please follow these guidelines when creating commits:
- write good commit messages
- sign off your commits to indicate that you agree to the terms of Developer Certificate of Origin. We can only accept PRs that have all commits signed off.
The Ontrack developers reserve their right to accept or deny commits based on their quality.
This helps protect you and us. The CLA ensures that the community is free to use your contributions under the terms of the project’s license.