This is the first official Neo4j java driver for connecting to Neo4j-the-database via the newly designed remoting protocol BOLT.
For detailed information such as manual, driver API documentations, changelogs, please refer to wiki.
Starting from 1.5 driver requires Java 8 for building and at runtime. Please use 1.4 series when Java 7 is required.
Add the driver to your project:
*Please check the Releases for the newest driver version available.
Connect to a Neo4j 3.0.0+ database:
Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt://localhost:7687", AuthTokens.basic( "neo4j", "neo4j" ) );
try ( Session session = driver.session() )
StatementResult rs = "CREATE (n) RETURN n" );
The source code here reflects the current development status of a new driver version. If you want to use the driver in your products, please use the released driver via maven central or check out the code with git tags instead.
The driver unit tests relies on latest boltkit
installed on your local machine.
If boltkit
is not installed, then all tests that requires boltkit
will be ignored and not be executed.
Then execute the following Maven command:
mvn clean install
If you are building on windows, you need to run install as admin, so that Neo4j-the-database could be installed and started for integration tests.